Evolve And Teleportation

Night Two Hundred And Seventy Three

Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

"Heres my chance..." Hero spun his body as soon as the tendril touched the ground. His black aura grew even larger as the aura of a squid appeared around him and eight shadowy tentacles seeped out wrapping around the one building Jester was on making her eyes go wide when she saw it. The tentacles used the building to sling shot Hero high into the air then fired down and slammed him into the ground. As Hero dropped he held his sword right his transformed clawed hand and used its power to smash the blade into the Bestia Machts tendril and impale it to the floor making it howl in pain. "Here we go." Hero announced running forward and up the tendril.

Jester frowned staring at Hero. "He got stronger but... Not by much... No... Actually I think he's weaker then when he didn't have that aura? Is he holding back or..."

The Bestia Machts limb was stuck meaning it had no way to block or protect itself from an attack leaving it wide open!

Hero jumped into the air spinning around and raised his right leg up as the pants leg burned away showing his right leg which was now covered in black flames as the veins pumped out more aura. "Eventful!" He dropped down towards the beast kicking down and creating a wave of shadowy darkness. "Im..." The flames grew even brighter. "Pact!"

The Bestia Machts tendril ripped out of the ground and threw the sword in the air and towards Hero right before he could reach it!

The sword spun and sliced Hero in half from the middle as his eyes went wide.

As his upperhalf fell it managed a smirk as he glowed and exploded in a hail of black flames!

"It was a clone!" Jester said with wide eyes. "Thats why I thought he was weaker! When he was swinging around he created a clone and had it use that black aura move! Because the clone is weaker than him it was still weaker with its aura! Damn! Then! Where the hell is the real one-"

"Up Here!" Jester and the Bestia Macht looked up finding Hero was high in the air. He fell his arm morphing into its gun form as he slammed it down and it began to glow with a pitch black light. "This is it. My strongest attack!"

"Kill him before he fires it!" Jester yelled in a panic.

The Bestia Macht stabbed up towards the falling brat its tendril stabbing towards him! It would reach him before he could fire for sure-

Its tendril hit empty air as Hero vanished.

"W... What?" Jester asked with wide eyes. "I... I don't sense him anywhere. Where the hell did he go? He's gone-" Hero reappeared out of thin air landing on the shoulders of the beast his eyes wide and his face a grin as he slammed the gun into its head. "H... He teleported?"

And with that Hero fired a beam of energy exploding out of his gun and slamming into the beast point blank range...

Or at least...

He would have.

The sky had a small hole blasted into it as Hero's massive beam fired high into the sky not hitting the Bestia Macht as at the last second the creatures arm grabbed Hero's own arm and pointed it up causing his attack to miss the large target at the last second.

"W... What! It has an Arm?" Hero asked with wide eyes as his beam faded out.

Before the Bestia Macht had no legs or arms. It had just been a torso with roots coming out of it like a tree and a head with nothing on it. Now though. Sticking out of the Bestia Macht was a single pale arm. It was long and had five fingers on it squeezing down on Hero's arm.

"Why the hell does it have an arm now?" Hero yelled trying to yank his arm out of the beasts.

The creature seemed to let out a laugh despite not having a mouth as its tendril ripped around wrapping around Hero's waist and in a single motion smashed him into the near by building.

Said building just so happened to be the only building left standing making Jester sigh as she jumped off of it the building breaking apart and shattering around Hero as he rolled through it. His back hit a metal door that led to a cellar area under the building but the door stayed strong not breaking as he let out a groan.

Jester landed down next to the Bestia Macht and let out a small giggle as she reached out and began to pet it. "I'm really impressed." She hummed. The Bestia Macht let out another weird growl as its other torsos arm bubbled up and a new arm grew out of it giving the beast two arms now. "So... Its just as I thought."

"W... What the hell is with this thing." Hero groaned as he set up. His legs wobbled and he spat up some blood his organs having taken a serious hit from that last strike. "I... I know Bestia Macht evolve but never like this... Usually they'll just transform into a new form but this thing... It needed arms so it just grew arms?"

"Hmm. There's something you're forgetting." Jester chuckled. "A Bestia Macht is made out of Dark Matter a form of energy God made. He then shaped that energy into that of the Beasts, and thus the Bestia Macht were born. However Hide isn't like that. Technically he isn't even a Bestia Macht. I made him out of Equation energy. The thing that powers the heart of the universe, and the thing Gods Heart is made out of. All Equations have this inside of them. An Equations marble is made out of about 15% Equation energy, 50% energy based Matter, and 35% solid Matter. A Bestia Macht is made out of 90% dark Matter, and 10% solid Matter. The Heart, the first Equation and the one all Equations were made out of is something else though. It is something that defies physics. Mapping it out is hard as it would come out as 100% Equation Energy, 100% Dark Matter, 100% Solid Matter, and 100% Energy Based Matter. You would think that would mean it is made up of 25% each of those things but its simply not. Even a tiny portion is far higher then any Equation. Hide here. He to is weird. I made him out of 80% Equation energy, 10% Dark Mater, 5% Energy Based Matter, and 5% Solid Matter. They say that should someone have the Heart they can control the Bestia Macht. Likewise this was my attempt at controlling something else..."

"W... What do you mean..."

"Think about it. If the Heart Equation is something that can control all Bestia Macht, what would a Bestia Macht built like the Heart be able to control?"


"Not quiet but not a bad guess. In all honesty I doubt he'll actually be able to control 'that' thing but thats why I built him." Jester shook her head for a moment. "But enough of that. I've noticed your powers have changed..."

"Oh really?"

"You're using that Crest huh... It would seem healing is out of your reach as doing so could unleash my son but the other powers you can still do huh?"

"Thats right." Hero nodded. "I've already showed the Creation aspect of the Crest. Using it I can make dolls and other small things."

"I could care less about those weak powers. What I want to know is that teleportation. What do dreams have to do with teleportation."

"I don't what the f##k do clowns have to do with it miss Clown Crest."

The Jester stared at him for a moment. Then in a flash she ripped out a sharp piece of metal and threw it at Hero as fast as she could. It stabbed forward but in a flash Hero just vanished the piece of metal stabbing into what was left of the wall behind where he had been.

Jesters eyes darted around. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five..." Hero appeared above her raising his arm up and slamming it down only for her to reach up with her own catching his fist. A shock wave blasted off of them as she gripped down and spun slamming him into the ground as his back shattered the stone underneath him making him hiss out. She let go of him and raised her arm up slamming it down only for Hero to vanish once more. She jumped high into the air so she could look down below. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten-"

Hero suddenly reappeared a few feet where she had been when she was on the ground stabbing out with his drill arm but hitting empty air as she was now in the air. His eyes were wide not expecting her to be gone. Up in the air Jesters arm shifted into her gun form as she blasted down towards him. Hero threw his arm up blocking the attack for a few moments before once again vanishing.

"One..." Jester landed back on the ground her arm changing back to its normal human form. "Two. Three."

Hero reappeared a few feet away back on his feet breathing heavily as he rubbed at his back with his left arm. "Ouch, ouch, ouch... You're way stronger then me still huh." He muttered walking over to where his sword had stabbed into the ground. He ripped it and held it with his left arm.

"For teleportation it sure is slow..." Jester hummed. "Not only that but your position keeps changing. I think I pretty much cracked it."

"What?" Hero asked frowning.

"You aren't teleporting are you?"

"No. I'm not." Hero said shaking his head. "I wish it worked like yours, able to move through space but mine isn't like that."

"How about you come clean and confirm it then. I've already figured most of it out. You can't do it when someone is holding onto you, secondly it takes a moment to activate meaning if you're surprise you can still be hit, thirdly it seems to take quiet a bit of energy. Between the clones, and that thing you're doing you seem to be reaching your limit quickly. Lastly you aren't actually teleporting. Its more like invisibility isn't it..."

"Yeah... You pretty much nailed it." Hero sighed. He gave a half hearted shrug. "It was something God did."

"Something God did..."

"Yeah. He said he had the Alpha Crest. Something that can use any power a Crest had. He used it to drag me and Otoko into the Void. The Void if you didn't know is a place where dreams themselves rest. So I figured he used the Dream Crest to get us all there."

"Ah... I get it now. So thats what you're doing..."

"When I battled Otoko we eventually left the Void. And... I wasn't back where I had been. Instead I was out in an icy field. I didn't think much about it at the time but now that I had time to think it made me wonder how I ended up there. When in the Void we moved around."

"So you haven't been teleporting. You've been using your Crest to move yourself into the Void. And then while in the Void you've been moving to exact spots and reappearing." Jester hummed. "However as stated you can't do it when someone is holding onto you, and you get tired easily... Not only that but while in the void you have no idea whats around you do you. If you're five feet away from me when you enter you have to move five feet towards me then exit back to the real world. During that time though I could move spots. You can't see or hear anything in the outside world. Honestly between that, and the weak power up you got, I'm not quiet impressed. False teleportation, clones so weak they just blow themselves up to deal damage, and a power up that causes you more harm then it does good. Is there anything good you can do?"

Hero's mind flashed back to the attack that blasted a massive hole in the sky. The attack that killed Four. The attack that screwed up the nerves in his arms and legs.

"Uh... Yeah no... I don't have anything else."

"All you do is further my proof that I must free my son."

"If you really cared about Row so badly shouldn't you call off your monster."

"If Row is able to come back he'll do so when his life is on the line. If he can't come back then you dying would put him out of his misery." Jester held her arm up. "Speaking of which... Hide... You were in the middle of evolving weren't you. Lets see just how far I can push you."

The Bestia Macht raised its head up as its glow got louder, and louder, blood began to flow down its face as the flesh on it began to rip apart as the thing grew a mouth ripping its jaws open as jagged teeth formed out of its gums and a pitch black tongue formed.

"I... It grew a mouth?" Hero said with wide eyes. Even Jester seemed shocked.

The beasts mouth then began to glow as a pitch black energy began to seep out of it and it got ready to fire its attack...


Oleander City...

The Trail...

"W... What the hell just happened?" Ken asked.

Before anyone else could react the room lit up with hundreds of black circles which spilled out a black sludge. From the sludge many Bestia Macht began to rise out of the ground as all the Enforcers jumped up and the people began to scream the room filling with ice.

"So." Master Storm hummed running his hands through his grey beard. "I was correct then. Good. It was a gamble letting myself be caught but the pieces are at play. Now I just have to put my trust in that boy. I'll recreate my old world. The one I couldn't save."

Everyone stared at the many Bestia Macht that began to drop down. Ken let out a sigh.
