
Night Two Hundred And Seventy Four

Age 1992

The Void...

"What exactly are you three doing..."

Kitsune, Cloud, and Irene, all jumped when they heard the voice. The three Organization members, from another world, all stood in the void, an area made up of that strange red lake. They had been going through it for some reason when they heard the voice.

Standing in front of them with his arms crossed was a young ten year old boy with snow white hair, and a single ruby red eye that was open. His other one was still closed the sleep not yet having left him. He stood with his arms cross in front of them, still in his pajamas, Yume standing next to him.

"Oh hi Row!" Kitsune said shaking a little as Irene and Cloud just frowned. They didn't know how scary this ten year old could be. "Don't mind us sweetie."

"S... Sweetie?" Row asked his eye twitching.

"Well... You are a cute kid right now? Bad choice of words?" Kitsune asked.

Row looked down staring at himself. "I'm ten... I could have sworn I was in my adult form... Something must be blocking out some of my power... Great... That means something is going to try and talk to the dumbass. I should just kill you all now before you can do whatever dumbass plan you want to follow through."

"Listen brat." Irene said stepping forward and cracking her whip. "I don't like your tone-" Hundreds of spikes stabbed out of the ground ripping her body apart. Her head rolled forward as Kitsune bent down and picked it up. The head blinked a few times. "What the f##k just happened?" Irene asked, still alive, despite being a head.

"A Seraphin?" Row asked blankly. "No... Wait... You look like Irene. And that other one looks like Light..."

"We're from another world." Kitsune explain still holding Irene's head. "And she's not a Seraphin. Its something from our world that she used to become immortal."

"Master." A voice yelled out as the ground rumbled and Labby, the Lab coat rose up. "I know these fools. They are Irene Glacious, Cloud Licht, and Kitsune Nine. Each of them seemed to have changed forms drastically though." He hummed. Cloud growled when he saw the Lab Coat and grabbed his cane but was stopped by Kitsune.

"Don't... Believe it or not that damn kid is honestly one of the strongest people on this world save for maybe Hero Otoko, God, or the Master of the Enforcers. Even in this child like form he could kill us a hundred- No a billion times over before we even know why we're dead. And unlike Irene, you and I can't brush being blown to bits off."

Cloud frowned but lowered his cane cocking his head to the side.

Row looked up at Labby. "Ah... So they're from Otoko's world aren't they..."

"Yes Master."

"I see... Well I don't want Otoko as an enemy and I promised I would do my best to restore their world..." He turned to look at the trio. "In that case tell me why you're here... If I get a good enough answer I can over look this and not kill you all."

Kitsune gulped a bit as she dropped Irene's head which began to reform its body. "Well. I have a tiny fragment of the Dream Crest you see... And I used it so we could enter the void. We were wanting to travel the void and emerge into a new area. Almost like teleporting."

"I'm aware of people who do that. Hero seems to have picked that trick up as well."

"Y... Yes. We were in the White Nation and thought we'd use its power to go to Oleander here in the Red Nation."

"I see... What for?" Row asked making Kitsune frown. "...What for?"

"We wanted to capture Ken."


The City Of Chrysanthemum...

The Bestia Macht raised its head up as its glow got louder, and louder, blood began to flow down its face as the flesh on it began to rip apart as the thing grew a mouth ripping its jaws open as jagged teeth formed out of its gums and a pitch black tongue formed.

"I... It grew a mouth?" Hero said with wide eyes. Even Jester seemed shocked.

The beasts mouth then began to glow as a pitch black energy began to seep out of it and it got ready to fire its attack...

A blue beam ripped forward ripping the ground in front of Hero apart as he jumped to the side avoiding the Bestia Machts laser attack as his eyes went wide. The beam reached up splitting the sky line apart.

"H... Hahaha... You're kidding me right?" Hero asked with wide eyes. "Is this how people feel when I rip off their attack moves-"

The vines of the beast ripped down nearly slamming into Hero who barley had time to shift into his shield form and block the strike. The force of the blow was still far stronger then anything he had blocked before dragging him across the ground as he gritted his teeth. Despite that though, he somehow remained standing on his own two feet and stopped the attack leaving it next to him his shield holding it back.

"It's getting heavier to block each time..."

"Don't think you have to worry about just him."

Hero ducked down just in time as Jester appeared behind him actually teleporting with her Crest, not like his, her arm going over him. He jumped into the air landing on the tendril and sliced out with his sword but she easily ducked under the swords slash the blade slicing clean above her and only nicking her mask.

With his next step Hero jumped off of the vine and landed on the ground holding his sword out in one hand and his shield reverted back to its clawed form. His ruby red eyes stared at the Bestia Macht, which was still stuck on the ground, and over at Jester who stared at him now.

"Two on one... Feels a bit unfair isn't it." Hero hummed. 'Shit... I honestly doubt I could beat either one even if I fought them at my best, and one on one. In the state I'm in, and fighting them both... Hero still has her level two form, or her Dragons form. And that Bestia Macht. Every strike is getting faster and its changing. Hide is what she called it... How the hell am I going to even beat it? On its own I'd say its a Marquess... I'm allowed to stay in the Enforcers because the Empresses wants me to slay the Beast of Hunger, a Duke level Bestia Macht I made... If I can't even beat a Marquess how the hell am I going to even hold off a Duke...'

"Something the matter." Jester asked slyly.

"You'll really kill me wont you... Even if such an action would kill your son..." Hero mused.

"As I said. If Row can't break out to save you, then he was never getting out."

"Fair point I guess... Speaking of which." Hero closed his eyes. 'Row. You there... I could use some help.'




'Damn it... Don't tell me he's fallen asleep or something... Row come on. Your ass is on the line.' Hero thought biting his lip. 'This is what happened last time. Row vanished and stopped responding for a while as he was dealing with something... If thats the case and he's dealing with something it must be in the Void... So... Who the hell is in the Void that would have gotten his attention... Damn it I'm screwed-'

'Not exactly...' A sly feminine voice whispered in Hero's ear catching him off guard as he stumbled.

"You seem distracted." Jester announced firing forward and slamming her clawed arm forward. Hero jumped into the air dodging the attack and landing on her arm. Before he could even move though the tendrils of the creature slammed into his stomach making him spit out a glob of blood as he was slammed into the ground. "Bad move." Jester mused spinning around and slamming her leg forward in a kick that slammed into Hero's head sending him tumbling down the street.

'D... Damn it. That voice distracted me. Who the hell was that-'

The Bestia Macht, or Hide, as it was actually called, let out a loud roar as its body began to bubble up and its thorns began to snap off of it. Before it could hit the ground though a pair of long slender legs formed out of it allowing it to catch itself and stand. Its hands then moved to its face and clawed as it as it sliced its face open yellow golden like blood pouring out as a pair of silver eyes formed as well as a nose and ears. The Bestia Macht let out more loud cawing and roaring sounds grabbing its stomach.

"W... What the hell?" Hero asked.

Jester stared at it as well a frown on her face. "My... It seems to have really changed hasn't it. I think I get it. Evolving to fast are you."

'She's wrong.' The female voice said again catching Hero off guard once more. 'Its mastered its evolution. Its not doing it at random. It has one wish. It wants to be the thing it was made to kill. The Bestia Macht is becoming more human like with every change.'

"Who the hell are you-"



Hero slammed into by the Bestia Macht which blasted forward grabbing his metal arm with its teeth and pulling back as it ripped his entire arm clean off making Hero's eyes go wide as he gritted his teeth. Hero ignored the loss of his arm even as a fountain of blood gushed out, as he jumped into the air spinning around and slicing out with his sword. The Bestia Macht grabbed his severed arm and swung out with it shattering his sword.

"Damn it really-" In a second motion it slammed the arm into Hero sending him flying across the street as he slammed into some rubble blood gushing out of Hero. "D... Damn it... My was ripped clean off and my bones feel like they've shattered... I don't feel so good."

"You're doing better than I thought." Jester mused as she stood next to her monster. "Thats enough though we don't have to kill him-" She ducked down as the beast swiped at her, making the woman frown. "Did you just attempt to attack me?"

Hide stared at her with a pair of glowing yellow eyes as a low growl came out of it making the womans frown grow larger. Then it turned back to Hero and began to walk forward.

'Looks like we're out of options.' The voice sighed.

"I'm kind of lost weird voice."

'Don't be. Just know I'm taking over now.'

"What-" Hero's body was suddenly wrapped up in a blanket of darkness which seemed to form into the outline of a large squid for a brief moment catching Jester and Hide off guard.

"What is this..." Jester frowned. "This isn't Row... Who the hell is coming out-"

In a large crack the egg began to hatch and break as a form began to slowly crawl out of it. It wasn't Hero. This wasn't like a possession either. It was almost impossible to guess what happened in that darkness. Standing out of it though was a young sixteen year old girl with snow white hair and ruby red eyes. She was missing an arm much like Hero was, and she was in his torn up clothing and injured just as much as he had been. It was like Hero's gender just reversed and yet...

It was clear this wasn't Hero...

"Hmm..." The girl hummed staring at herself in the mirror. "The change didn't get rid of all his features. How odd."

"Who the hell are you."

"Me." The girl turned giving a sly smile as the darkness began to form into many black tendrils. "Oh. I'm Eve. Hello."


Oleander City...

The Trail...

"W... What the hell just happened?" Ken asked.

Before anyone else could react the room lit up with hundreds of black circles which spilled out a black sludge. From the sludge many Bestia Macht began to rise out of the ground as all the Enforcers jumped up and the people began to scream the room filling with ice.

"So." Master Storm hummed running his hands through his grey beard. "I was correct then. Good. It was a gamble letting myself be caught but the pieces are at play. Now I just have to put my trust in that boy. I'll recreate my old world. The one I couldn't save."

Everyone stared at the many Bestia Macht that began to drop down. Ken let out a sigh.
