Back At The Trial Room

Night Two Hundred And Seventy Five

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trail...

A Few Moments Earlier...

The man sighed pinching his nose. "And lastly but not least. Row Storm. Former Master of the Enforcers. You are here by found Guilty of all charges. However. Due to your many years of service and bringing forth great fortune to our Nation I have elected to go easy on you. You will not be sentenced to death. Instead I sentence you to life In prison. You shall be sent to Nightshade the Prison Nation where you will live out the rest of your days forced to know that in the end you just weren't clever enough."

Master Storm let out a small hum. "I see. I am not to shocked if I am being honest. I figured that was my fate the moment the trial began."

Over in the Squad Two Table Brave, Fate, Thorn, Hella, and Curro all rested.

"So... In the end Hero gets off with no charges." Brave hummed. "Neat."

"Neat isn't the first word I'd have used..." Fate said frowning.


"Think about it Brave. Why would he?"

"Indeed." Thorn nodded blankly. "Hero Law did many things wrong. He even helped create that other Anima." She stated eyeing the rabbit girl known as Usagi, or Sagi, as Hero called her, up. The bunny girl seemed to be talking to someone.

Fate sighed. "This is a false trial. I doubt anyone would buy it."

"Then... Why even have it?" Curro asked frowning.

"I'm just as lost." Brave announced.

"Because. In the end it doesn't matter that its false or not." Fate hummed. "With only a few words that woman was able to place the lives of so many people in her hands and could crush them. Only by her will were they spared. Worse yet they can't do anything because they know she is honestly the best fit for this place. The Empresses sure is a scary woman when you think about it... What do you think Hella..."

"Hmm..." Hella blinked looking up. Her eyes had been focused only on Hero. For a moment Hero looked back his eyes meeting hers but his head soon changed to look over at Ava making her frown. "I could care less-" Hella stopped suddenly her eyes going wide.

The man folded his arms. "That will be all for today." He said. "We can pick up-"

"Oh Good. You're finally done. Honestly I was getting really bored watching all this political stuff play out." A voice said echoing through out the room.

Hero's eyes went wide when he heard it. "But thats-"

Before he could even finish what he was about to say she dropped down. She must have been high above as seconds later she came down landing on the table with ease crouched down standing in front of Ken, Daughter, Storm, and Hero, her back to them as she faced the judge. Hero Law, also known as the Jester, also known as the leader of the Organization, was here.

"What the hell?" Ken asked with wide eyes.

"Hello." Jester said in a pretty blank tone turning around. "I need to borrow somethings."

Hero jumped up to his feet slicing out with his cane but in a flash of black light, him, Snow, Vow, and Leo, as well as the Jester, vanished, leaving everyone else standing there with wide eyes.

"W... What the hell just happened?" Ken asked.

Hella stood there with wide eyes much like her counterpart, this worlds Ken, before she suddenly turned to look at the wall. "Wait... This energy is... I can sense them..."

Before anyone else could react the room lit up with hundreds of black circles which spilled out a black sludge. From the sludge many Bestia Macht began to rise out of the ground as all the Enforcers jumped up and the people began to scream the room filling with ice.

"So." Master Storm hummed running his hands through his grey beard. "I was correct then. Good. It was a gamble letting myself be caught but the pieces are at play. Now I just have to put my trust in that boy. I'll recreate my old world. The one I couldn't save."

Everyone stared at the many Bestia Macht that began to drop down. Ken let out a sigh.

"Seriously?" Ken folded her arms letting out a small sigh. "This would happen the moment Hero is gone."

"F... Father..." Daughter said with wide eyes staring at where her father had been before he suddenly vanished.

Kitsune, Irene, and Light, all jumped up, as did ever other Enforcer as the Bestia Macht seemed to suddenly come crashing in from out of nowhere. There were so many of them that seemed to just drop down. They all came in many forms most being nothing more then weak Barons.

The Captains got to work instantly.

It couldn't even really be called a battle as they all blasted through the horde before any other Enforcer could even react. In mere moments the army of beasts was reduced to a small spec. Despite that though the fighting didn't stop as more of them came out.

"S... Snow." Irene said biting her lip.

"What?" Kitsune asked turning to look at Irene.

"Snow is gone. So are those two boys."

"She's right. I don't sense anything." Light hissed biting his lip.

"Damn it seriously? Wait so that girl... Jester is what her name is? She snatched Hero and the three recruits? But why?" Kitsune asked frowning.

"I... I don't know but we need to get them back."

Shelly ignored the three whipping her hand around and slicing through the horde of creatures in an attempt to reach Ken and Daughter. "Damn it Hero..." She sighed breaking through the crowd. "Now I have to keep your child safe again. You owe me so much." She sighed.

"Shelly?" Ken asked keeping Daughter close to her as even more Bestia Macht appeared.

Shelly finally reached them but didn't look at Ken, or Daughter instead staring past her, her eyes going wide for a moment.

Behind Ken, Ward, Alpha, Angel, and Zane, all appeared all four of them giving a bow to Master Storm. "Master Storm. We've come to bust you out during all this chaos." Ward stated. "We should leave quickly while everyone is distracted with this horde."

"I don't know why this is happening but this is the perfect chance for us to run off with you." Angel announced.

"Oh my?" Master Storm gave a small smile. "Even though Alpha turned me in, and got me caught, he's still here."

"I wasn't in my right mind..." Alpha said his eyes turning away from the old man. "Or rather... I'm not in the right mind right now... I... I loved her... Hero. She was my everything. And because of you she's that masked Jester. I don't forgive you and I never will. But I'm also not an idiot. This has been all part of your plan. I'm smart enough to know that I should play along with this game. But know old man when I get the chance, I'll make damn sure I'm the one who causes your down fall."

"Noted. And you Zane?" Master Storm hummed.

"Honestly I don't give a s##t." Zane smirked. "I just wanna kill and have fun. That Mary girl might have been handed the title by the Empresses but she's nothing more than a coward in my eyes. Out of everyone I've ever met only you've been able to beat me Master."

"We need to hurry." Ward stated standing up and creating a barrier around him, Master Storm, Alpha, and Zane. Angel stood outside of it and wrapped her arms around it as a pair of holy blade like metal wings formed out of her back and she took flight rising into the air and busting through the roof taking the ball of people with her.

"...That... Can't be good..." Ken noted standing down at the bottom as her and Shelly stared up at the massive hole in the roof.

"No kidding... Sadly I doubt we can stop them... All four of those guys are stronger then any Captain, and Master Storm, is stronger then any of them." Shelly sighed. "I think they just left. Not because this was the best time, but because they finally decided to. Even without the horde of monsters I doubt we could get out."

"Hmm." Ken cocked her head to the side noticing something. At the very back she saw Hella moving towards the exit on her floating ball. "Whats she doing?"

"What?" Shelly asked only to blink as Ken handed Daughter to her.

"Hold this. I need to go check something out."

"Ken-" Shelly wasn't able to finish as Ken took off running towards the exit killing anything that got in her way... "God... Damn it..."

Hella ignored everyone in the building simply floating past them all and not bothering to stop for her team, other Enforcers, or people that truly needed help. She floated out of the trial building and rounded the corner stopping on the edge of the road as she stared out ahead.

"Oh... Good. You sensed us Ken." A voice announced as a ripple in space appeared followed by large cracks and Cloud and Kitsune stepped out. In Kitsunes arm she held the upper half of Irene who had been only able to regrow part of her body, her legs and lower half still slowly regrowing.

"W... Who are you..." Hella frowned.

"You don't know us?" Irene asked.

"I... I do but this is..." Hella frowned. "Your energy is that of Irenes. And his is of Clouds... And hers is of Kitsune... But... None of this makes sense... Cloud is scarred up... Irene you're missing half your body but alive and Kitsune that body you have is..."

"Long story." Kitsune sighed shaking her head. "Basically my body was wiped down to less than nothing. My soul cracked but held together long enough for me to body hop into this form. Cloud here managed to live despite most of his body being wiped out. All his important organs and much of his brain was reduced to ash so we replaced his organs with Bestia Macht parts and machines turning him into a... Well I guess the closest thing to a Seraphin, without involving Dark Matter. And Irene here exposed herself to the Corruption giving her healing so grand she might as well be unkillable."

Hella frowned. "I see... So you all lost so much..."

"As did you." Kitsune noted looking her up and down.

Hella nodded her head. "Many of my organs and limbs were blasted away when our planet and universe ceased to exist. I lived only because Nightmare replaced my broken parts with her own. That said Nightmare herself wasn't doing to well. It was like fixing a shattered glass jar by replacing it with a cracked glass jar. My body is barley holding together. That said... Let me ask you three something."

"What?" Irene asked slowly frowning.

"You're here... Right as this attack is happening right..."

"That we are." Kitsune smirked. "Your guessing is spot on just so you know. We're behind it."

"I see... So all three of you are..."

"Yep! We're evil." Kitsune announced cheerfully. "We used the void to get here. Got that Row brat to let us through."

"But why. Why the hell did you guys do this." Hella hissed. "Irene and Cloud I can kind of get. They've broke their minds and body with that dark stuff... But... But Kitsune you're still sane of mind right? Even in a new body. Why the hell are you doing this."

Kitsune frowned for a moment before resting Irene down. She stepped forward staring at Hella. Then slowly wrapped her arms around the girl in a hug. "Because. We wanted to come get you. All three of us. We all decided we'd come save you Ken. You're our friend. We care about you deeply. And... And I will never, ever, forgive Hero for hurting you."

"None of us will." Irene stated her body fully healing. Cloud grunted shaking his head.

Hella rested her head on Kitsune's chest for a moment before tears began to roll down her face as she wrapped her arms around the girl and began to sob into Kitsune. "I... It was so hard. After everything he did. I... I wanted to... I didn't know what to do. When I ended up here I did what I thought was right. I joined the Enforcers... And... And I saw him again. Not Hero but someone with the same name who looked almost like him. I... I couldn't take it. I didn't know how to feel. Rather I loved him or hated him. But the more we talked to more I knew... He's the same God damn person. All of them. I hate him so much."

"Shh..." Kitsune ran her hands through Ken's mixed hair shushing the sobbing girl. "It's okay. We all hate Hero's... All of them are... Truly evil."

"I'm so glad you're alive." Hella sobbed out. "I thought I was all alone."

Kitsune didn't say anything her eyes staring blankly at the ground as her mind raced picturing Hero Otoko over and over again. 'I'll kill him...' She thought blankly her lips quivering. Her mind shifted to Hero Law next. 'I'll kill both of them. How dare they do this. How dare they cause her so much pain.'

"We came to get you Ken." Irene sighed throwing her arms behind her head as her ice dress reformed. "We want you to join us. We're working with this group. We're trying to find Otoko."

"H... Hero..." Hella sniffled finally pulling away from Kitsune.

"Thats right." Kitsune smiled petting Hella's head. "We're going to find Hero no matter what. And when we do we'll harm the bastard so much he'll view death as a blessing and thank the Devil himself for dragging his soul to hell for that won't amount to even a fraction of what we'll do with him."

"Sorry." A voice stated making the four of them jump. They all turned to find Ken Red standing on the stairway of the courtroom. "I can't allow any of you to leave."

"Another Ken..." Irene hummed. "This one is a Seraphin right."

"Yeah... And shes a pain." Kitsune sighed. "Her power is weird and can grow. She's even made Row stop fighting before. God I hate her over powered loli ass. Thankfully I brought our trumpcard."

"Trumpcard?" Ken frowned.

"Yep. After all I was told to watch after him." Kitsune smirked.

Ken's eyes went wide as she whipped around but it was to late, Vil appearing out of nowhere and stabbing his blade into her heart, her eyes meeting his wooden mask...