You Already Won

Night Two Hundred And Seventy Six

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trail...

"We might have a situation..."

"What Shelly?" Kitsune and Irene were back to back fighting off the many Bestia Macht. It was pure and utter chaos so many crashing in. Despite the swarm though they were rendered basically useless thanks to the sheer number of Enforcers.

Next to them Shelly stood holding Daughter a frown on her face. "Ken sort of ran outside chasing after something."


"And Ken's an idiot! What do you mean and? She's going to get herself hurt by herself."



"Right, right, I was kidding." Kitsune sighed rolling his eyes. "Help clear a path and I'll go check on her. Currently though the way seems to be blocked by a-"


The entire building shook as a large Bestia Macht pulled itself out of the black portal and crashed into the ground. The beast was massive standing at nearly twenty feet tall its head breaking most of the roof above it. It was like a massive monkey but covered in blood red fur and had eight arms in total which all began pounding on its chest as red hot flames began to come off of it.

"That... The way is blocked by a that." Kitsune nodded frowning.

Irene also gave a frown. "Wait a second. That thing is... On fire."

"So?" Kitsune, and Shelly asked raising eyebrows.

Light jumped into the conversation coming out of nowhere and swinging his new gun which he still hadn't figured out fully. "So." Light hummed. "That means its not a normal Bestia Macht. A person was turned into that. Those guys are back to turning people into Bestia Macht..." He hissed.

"Seriously..." Shelly muttered as her and Irene had flashes of North go through them for a moment. "These guys are also a real pain. Just wiping their brain out isn't enough."

"Leave it to me then." Kitsune closed his eyes as his body began to change and his fox form reactivated. A white mantra aura soon covered him. "I'll take this thing down in a flash. Then Irene, Light, and I, can head out and help Ken."

"What about me?" Shelly frowned.

"You're on baby sitter duty..." The three chimed in blankly making Shelly look down and remember that she was holding Daughter.

"I... I can fight to..." Daughter pouted.

Light, Irene, and Kitsune, all three eyed up the massive red Bestia Macht. "Okay..." Light hummed nodding his head as he used his energy as a beacon to sense everything in the room due to him being blind. "We'll need to be careful as these things are strong and-"

"Combo attack!" Irene and Kitsune ignored their blind team member jumping into the air as they fired out a wave of ice and fire which swirled together slamming towards the Bestia Macht. The Beast let out a loud roar punching through the attack and slamming a fist into Kitsune and Irene sending them flying back as they crashed into a wall.

"God damn it guys this is the exact reason Hero is always getting called better than us." Shelly sighed.


"We came to get you Ken." Irene sighed throwing her arms behind her head as her ice dress reformed. "We want you to join us. We're working with this group. We're trying to find Otoko."

"H... Hero..." Hella sniffled finally pulling away from Kitsune.

"Thats right." Kitsune smiled petting Hella's head. "We're going to find Hero no matter what. And when we do we'll harm the bastard so much he'll view death as a blessing and thank the Devil himself for dragging his soul to hell for that won't amount to even a fraction of what we'll do with him."

"Sorry." A voice stated making the four of them jump. They all turned to find Ken Red standing on the stairway of the courtroom. "I can't allow any of you to leave."

"Another Ken..." Irene hummed. "This one is a Seraphin right."

"Yeah... And shes a pain." Kitsune sighed. "Her power is weird and can grow. She's even made Row stop fighting before. God I hate her over powered loli ass. Thankfully I brought our trumpcard."

"Trumpcard?" Ken frowned.

"Yep. After all I was told to watch after him." Kitsune smirked.

Ken's eyes went wide as she whipped around but it was to late, Vil appearing out of nowhere and stabbing his blade into her heart, her eyes meeting his wooden mask...

Blood sprayed out of Ken's mouth as well as her wound as her and Eins stared at each other.


"Wait aren't you that Seraphin?"

"Aren't you Hero's little brother?"

The two spoke at the same time each staring at each other awkwardly.

Then in a flash Eins ripped his sword out of her chest and raised it up but with a simple back hand Ken sent the boy flying across the street as he tumbled and slammed into a nearby car.

"That was your secret weapon?" Ken and Hella both said at the same time turning to look at Kitsune.

Kitsune eyed the two Kens up for a moment. 'Oh God theirs two of them now...' She shook her head for a moment before letting out a sigh. "He does better. I swear."

"You sure about that." Irene frowned crossing her arms. "He seems like some brat who you got put in charge of." Cloud let out a loud grunt nodding his head.

Eins slowly picked himself up off the ground hissing in pain as he took his mask off. "Oww... Damn that stung."

"Trust me." Kitsune hummed. "That boy is very powerful. In some ways stronger then us. Even if he can be a little bit... Much... I can assure you that out of everyone on this planet. Only he can match our hatred for Hero."

Ken was silent as she eyed them all up. "I get it. That girl in the ice dress looks exactly but Irene save for the creepy eyes. And that other guy almost looks like Light. And you're that gender bent Kitsune trapped in another body I saw that one time right. Let me guess. You three are all from another world. The same as Hero Otoko right..." Ken frowned. "Hella... How do you know them..."

Hella was silent and looked away from Ken. "Oh? You mean you don't know." Kitsune hummed. "Well Ken. Allow me to put it bluntly. The Enforcer you know as Hella is actually you from another world."

"W... What? Hella is me?" Ken said with wide eyes. "We look nothing alike?"

"Oh yeah because we all look like our other world selfs." Kitsune said bluntly.

"That... Is a good point." Ken frowned shaking her head as she sighed. "So then Hella... From what I know about those three, it's not a lot, just what Hero let slip, they're from other worlds right... And they're also part of the Organization. So tell me here and now. Are you a traitor." She asked bluntly a red aura slowly forming around her.

Hella once again was silent before her crystal ball spun around allowing her to meet Ken in the eyes. "We lived on another world... In our world there also was an Enforcers. And we had someone we all trusted... Hero Otoko... And he killed our world."

"O... Otoko killed your world..."

"He allowed the Squid to come to our world. He foolish believed he could beat it. So he allowed it to arrive. And then... And then when he saw even a fraction of its true self he... He ran away! He left us all to die. He came to this world to save his own skin! Like a coward he ran and ran, leaving his friends, family, and loved ones behind." Hella snarled small tears rolling down her face. "I... I told him I loved him the day before everything went wrong... And he... Rejected me. Then... Then he goes and causes our world itself to end. And at the very end of it all. Right before our world broke apart... Right before our world was about to shatter. He was given a choice. He could save one person. And he picked himself. He saved himself." Hella snarled. "You want to know how I lived... By sheer dumb luck! Thats how all of us lived. I used to look like you. I used to be so pretty. So lovely. I used to have so much. And then it was all wasted away. All because of him. Now look at me. I'm parts held together with other broken parts. Literal trash. And you... You go around flaunting yourself. You're always so rude to your friends and loved ones. You don't even realized how good you have it. Well I do. Because I used to have that! Do you know what its like to see you. You're a walking embodiment of my old self. And you hang out with him... That damn white haired bastard. I can't get my feelings for him. Is it love or pure hatred. I can't tell. What I do know is I hate you. I hate you more than I hate myself. You have everything I did and more. Even after being turned down you were able to find love. And your powers... Being a Seraphin. I wonder if I could have saved everyone if I was a Seraphin as well... Would I have been able to stop him... And yet even with all your powers you've hurt yours more than I'll ever be able to hurt mine. And yet no one blames you for all the wrong you do. Least of all yourself. You're just one big screw up... When I first arrived in this world I went to the Enforcers instantly. All because I knew if he was in this world he'd be here. But he wasn't. All I found was you, and that white haired boy. And... More memories from my past. I... Absolutely hate myself and you."

Kitsune reached out slowly placing a hand on Hella's shoulder and gave it a few taps. "You've been through a lot I'm sure."

Ken didn't say anything at first frowning as she processed the speech. Then... "No offense but I think you're an idiot."

Her words instantly broke the tension as silence passed onto all of them.

Ken let out a bored yawn throwing her arms above her as she stretched out her body. "Let me get this straight... You're mad at your worlds Hero for getting his world broken and then leaving. And you're mad at me for not knowing what I have? You really are an idiot."

"How dare you-"

"I don't know much about your worlds Hero." Ken said flatly plopping down on the stairs as she propped her arms up on her knees and rested her head on her hands staring at the group of four other worlders plus Eins. "But if he's anything like my Hero, then I don't think he meant to get the world destroyed. And... I don't think he'd leave his world behind. See... Hero's are... Kind of idiots. They have a self sacrificing complex and a hero complex that isn't healthy. I'm sure there is more to the story then even you know. But... Still. Should someone be punished for an accident they caused."

"His little accident ended in the death of an entire world." Eins frowned crossing his arms. "Lets say he really didn't know what would happen, and he really didn't want to leave his world. Does it matter? At the end of the day he still got his world destroyed and still left everyone behind."

"And now he's doing the best he can to save this world." Ken hummed. "So let me ask you. Your Hero Otoko. Made the biggest mistake of his life, something that is still haunting him, and he threw himself to trying to protect this world, even making an enemy out of the Hero of this world, all for the sake of fixing which he broke. Can you do anything even close to that? You want to cause him harm and pain for what he did wrong? Well congrats. He's doing that to himself. Honestly I'd say just kill him to save him. But thats not what you guys are doing is it? He got lucky and so you're taking it out on him. Does he need to be punished? Of course. But he's already causing more pain and misery to himself then any of you will ever cause, and he's trying to do good. And you say I don't know what I have? Well Other Ken do you even know what you have? You were able to rejoin the Enforcers of this world, you were able to save more people, and you were able to make new bonds and team members, in the form of your team members. Even better your old team cared enough to come try and save you. I suppose the same goes for you guys to. You guys have made new teammates in the form of the Organization. Meanwhile Hero Otoko has remained alone going after a single goal." Ken said tilting her head. "This isn't even a battle. You guys beat Hero. In the end you guys got your happy ending, and were able to find each other again, make new friends, and unite under a goal. He didn't get that option though. You've four already won and you don't even relies it yet. And that really pisses me off you know."

Hella recoiled back for a moment those words going through her mind. "Thats... I mean its..."

"This girl really is pissing me off." Kitsune snarled stepping forward as flames began to form off of her. "She's dead." She announced as her, Irene, and Cloud, all three jumped at Ken.

"Wait!" Hella yelled as the three of them dropped down to Ken.

Ken gave a small smile as her aura came back. "Finally. All this talking was making me real bored. Now. Lets get back to killing each other."