Ganging Up

Night Two Hundred And Seventy Seven

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trial Room...

"Trickstar Fox Flare!"

"Norse Hell!"

"Heroic Canon!"

Irene, Kitsune, and Light, all fired off their strongest attacks, a mix of ice, flame, and light, twirling around each other and piercing through the stomach of the massive gorilla like Bestia Macht.

It let out a roar of pain but the beam began to expand.

The creature didn't even have time to heal as it was simply wiped down to ash in mere seconds, that ash being frozen, and then that ice being blasted apart by the laser.

"Oh thank God..." A beat up Kitsune sighed collapsing down to his knees and breathing heavily. Him, Irene, and Light, had been in the fight for a while now, all of them doing their best to try and beat that monster, before they had finally managed to fuse their attacks together.

"W... We did it..." Light said cracking many of his bones back into place.

"I'm not sure how but yeah..." Irene nodded freezing her many burn marks over with her ice in order to cool down. They all looked to be in pretty bad shape.

"Great!" Shelly announced still unharmed and still holding Daughter. "Now if you three wouldn't mind. One of you hold this child so I can go and help Ken-"

"Nope." Kitsune announced stumbling to his feet. "I'm gonna beat whoever this final boss thing is thats here and get all the credit. You stay on baby sitter duty." He announced running for the doors.

"Wait for us!" Irene and Light quickly followed leaving a dumbfounded Shelly behind.

"S... Seriously none of them want to hold Daughter?"

Daughter pouted for a bit. "Where's father..."

"I... I'll take her." A voice said making Shelly turn.


Meanwhile Outside...

A Few Moments Earlier...

"You know! I can't help but feel like I might be getting put into a bad position. This kind of seems unfair." Ken yelled out dodging a wave of wind, flames, and ice.

"Nonsense my dear." Kitsune announced appearing behind Ken and slamming her hand into the girls back. "This is totally a fair fight." A wave of flames blasted through Ken's back blasting out her stomach and sending the young Seraphin into the stone floor sending her tumbling across it as she slammed into a metal car.

"O... Ow..." Ken groaned.

The battle had just begun.

Ken Red was outside of the Trial Room where all the Bestia Macht had been. By now all the normal humans had gotten out of their being escorted by Enforcers. Ken thought someone would come and help her but every Enforcer was either busy escorting the normal humans to safety, busy with their own fight, or simple despised the Seraphin enough to let her die, as no one bothered to come to her rescue.

She was being attacked from all sides by that other Irene, Kitsune, and Cloud. Irene would send out powerful waves of bone shattering ice, freezing everything around her and fought like a wild beast breaking anything and everything in front of her. Cloud was much different from Light as well. He sent out gusts of wind that would slice into her flesh sometimes ripping limbs off. He was also more annoying blinding her with mist, or melting her flesh with acid like gas. And Kitsune. She too was something entirely different from the Kitsune Ken knew. This Kitsune seemed to have no need for a sword or anything silly. She was instead able to form weapons from her blood, or send out gust of flames that turned Irene's ice into boiling water, or simply exploded Clouds mist.

The attacks just didn't seem to let up, with Ken being blasted back and forth between them all.

Any normal human would have died instantly.

Even a powerful Enforcer likely wouldn't be able to stand up to the barrage of all three attacks.


She was never a normal Enforcer or Human.

She was a Seraphin. Something designed for combat. A weapon of the Gods meant to be wielded for war. Something designed to love combat itself.

Needless to say Ken was having a bit of fun with the many attacks that slammed into her.

Off to the side Hella, and Vil rested.

"So. You're a Ken." Vil hummed.

"Is that an issue?"

"No." Vil shook his head. "There are many people who share names from the other worlds. Such as Kens. Kitsunes. Irenes. Sometimes you'll have similar people but their names will be something else like Light and Cloud."

"What about..."


"Yeah..." Hella, or Rather Ken, nodded her head.

"Hero is a bit different." Vil hummed as he took a seat next to her.

"What do you mean..."

"Well the other names are... Purely a coincidence. But a Hero... In every universe I've seen there is always a Hero."

"You've seen Universes?"

"Yes... Thanks to my Mothers Crest the Clown. Lets just say it isn't just teleportation that she does. Anyone can mimic that. There are even some Equations that can teleport. Her power... Its much more than that."

"...I see... So about those Hero's..."

"Right... There are three things that exist within every universe. These three things will always exist in those universe no matter what course of action it takes. The first. In every universe the Human known as Orion Vil will discover the Equation of Life which will lead to the Humans going to war with each other and wiping themselves out leaving Orion as the sole human left alive. He then takes up the mantle of God in order to keep his world safe from the Squid, all the while seeking a wake to reverse the death of his people. This happens in every universe though with mild changes such as him being a girl, or him having an army of Dragons or the like. The second thing is a man whos last name is Storm will always start the Equations. No matter what someone from the Storm family creates the Enforcers. And lastly... The Hero Force."

"The... Hero Force."

"This is created as a by product. Think of it as... A way for a Universe to either end or live."

"What do you mean?"

"The Hero Force is in every universe. And it basically binds all Hero's together. They're all linked through some form or another. And they can call on this force to boost themselves more and more by borrowing from other Hero's. It also allows a Hero with the Balance Crest to hijack it to an extent and give his death to another Hero from another universe. This force is what will lead to a Hero either saving their universe or foolishly ending it. From what I know only one Hero, Hero Vil from Earth One, has managed to save his world from the Squid managing to get the Squid to leave his world alone."

"S... So it is possible to get the Squid to leave a world alone somehow... I see... So this Hero force... All Hero's are connected to it."

"No. Just true Hero's like my mother, or Otoko. My... My brother Row is going by Hero but he isn't technically a Hero. He's a Row. Typically there can only ever be one Hero in a universe. And thats whats so dangerous about God right now."

"What do you mean?"

"He brought in a second Hero... And then gifted it something that can kill other worlds. That why God has to die and Otoko must go as well. Its far to risky to keep two Hero's around."

Hella bit her lip for a moment. "S... So you're telling me that man being in here is putting this world in danger... I guess ending our world wasn't good enough for him... He... He wants to end this one as well..." For a moment flashes of Brave, Fate, Thorn, and Mary went through her mind. Even Curro and their Captain. "I... Really hate him..."

"So... Knowing that. Will you join us Ken?"

Meanwhile over with the Ken of this world.

"This... Is so unfair. They just keep spamming their attacks at me over and over again... Oh well. At least I'm having fun." She closed her eyes as a faint red aura seemed to seep out of her body swirling around her and forming the image of a cat for a moment. It seemed to crackle almost like a form of red lightning as she twitched her fingers. "Okay. Lets see what we're working with right now." She announced. "Crimson Blade."

Ken jumped forward swinging her left arm out as the red aura seemed to explode out of her forming a large red great sword that swung out. Irene was in front of her but the girl created a wall of ice to block the attack. Or at least that had been the plan but seconds later Ken's sword proved to be to strong slicing through the ice wall and splitting the corrupted girl right in half sending Irene's upper half flying. Ken didn't have a second to spare spinning around and raising her right arm up facing Kitsune as she fired a red beam. Kitsune slammed her hands out sending a beam of fire back the two beams clashing together and exploding creating a wave of steam. Cloud jumped through the steam using it to bend and twirl around him but seconds later Ken jumped through it slamming her knee into his stomach making him spit up a glob of blood and sending him flying back.

"Geez. Girl hits hard." Kitsune hummed before a smirk came onto her face. "Still... I think I can win with this." Blood seeped out of her finger tips forming a set of large blood red gauntlets forged from the iron in her blood. Seconds later they ignited with pure flames as her tails crashed out. She was on Ken in mere seconds throwing out a powerful right hook. Ken countered with a punch of her own but it wasn't even a question of power Kitsune's arm shattering Ken's arm entirely and snapping it.

"D... Damn it..." Ken jumped away grabbing her broken arm and snapping it in place. "T... That really hurt you know."

"That was the point." Kitsune yelled slamming her hands down as the blood flowed out like a whip catching on fire. Ken stepped out of the way at the last second the flaming blood whip moving so fast it ripped the very fabric of space apart leaving a large black gash in the air that began to slowly seal shut.

"Holy s##t how strong are you!" Ken said with wide eyes.

"Strong enough." Kitsune smiled. "And sadly I'm nowhere near my power level."

"What do you mean..."

"I was far stronger in my actual body. This one works well enough though."

"I see... So... What if I told you I could fix you guys." Ken announced with a smirk when she saw the shocked looks on Kitsune, Irene, and Cloud. "Even you to Hella, or I guess other me."

"W... What are you talking about." Kitsune frowned.

Hella sighed. "Oh I get it. You're talking about He- Law right. You're talking about Law's healing Crest."

"Thats right." Ken announced smugly. "He can heal people. He could likely fix yourselves upback to who you used to be."

"Is... Is that true..." Kitsune frowned.

"Yeah." Ken said nodding her head. She could tell Kitsune was thinking about her words. "He could easily fix you guys-"

"Even so." Kitsune folded her arms. "If all of us got our old power back we'd be able to crush Otoko for sure... I think... What would it take for that to happen."

"Oh..." Ken gave a lazy shrug. "You'd have to talk to Hero. But if you all stop being evil I could put in a good word with him I guess. It'd be better to have you guys on our side after all. So why not just stop this-"

"She's lying." Hella said shaking her head. "Or at least... She is lying now. Ken's right. Hero's Crest could easily fix the damage done to us Kitsune. Unlike me or you he has the real deal. That said. He himself has no control over it. Ken was just stalling for time so she could gather more energy."

"Damn... Sold out by myself..."

"Dirty girl." Kitsune hissed firing forward.

Ken gave a smile. "Thankfully. I stalled for long enough." She sliced her hand up into the air like a claw as all her fingers glowed and sent out five slashes. Kitsune would have been sliced into five pieces if not for Irene jumping in front of her. Irene was simply reduced to a bloody mess in a single slash. "Crap-"

Kitsune jumped past Irene's gore and slammed her hand into Ken's face sending Ken flying across the ground. Ken rolled over the stone floor and landed back on her feet bringing her hands up as a red beam of energy began to form.

"Take this-"

"Eventful Impact."

From out of nowhere a man with black messy hair, and a silver strand in it, and bright silver eyes, slammed into Ken slamming his foot into her stomach sending Ken flying.

"H... Hero Otoko?" Kitsune, Cloud, and Irene all said with wide eyes as the man folded his arms.

Ken slowly tried to pull her body up finding Hero Otoko had joined the battle now standing in front of her his arms crossed.

"D... Double crap..."