Unlikely Savior

Night Two Hundred And Eighty Two

Age 1992

Oleander City...

Outside The Trial Room...

In Box Three Lights back hit the edge of the wall of ice as his weapon glowed and reverted back to its normal form his power having run out. Cloud stood over him holding his cane up ready to stab it down on the blind boy.

"D... Damn it... I might still have the power to enter level two and two point five, but this body isn't mature or strong enough to handle the power of my old body." Light gasped out as Cloud began to lower the cane and everything began to move in slow motion. 'Am I... About to die...' Those words went through Lights mind.

And then it happened...

A single thought went through his head.

Or rather a memory...

For a moment Light saw his old self.

A form of himself when he was an adult.

He had promised Okami that he'd take care of those two kids.

Two kids...

Row, and Hannah Law...

For a moment his mind went to the now adult Hannah Law, and Hero Law.

'Huh...' Light thought as the cane neared him everything moving in slow motion. 'I guess... They've changed more than I have haven't they... They've really grown also.' Light gave a small smile.

Cloud slammed the cane down but just before it could reach him a powerful force seemed to slam into him throwing him back. He flipped his body stabbing the cane into the ground and catching himself as he let out a hiss of pain spitting up some blood several thorns now stabbed all along his body.

"Sorry..." A Female voice said. "But I was told Mr. Light No Last Name can not die."


In the second cage...

Irene collapsed down to her knees her ice armor shattering around her as the corrupted version of herself gave a smirk.

"It would seem like you couldn't keep up with me after all." Evil Irene said her face forming a sneer.

"D... Damn..." Irene hissed out. "My body aches... Who knew that you'd have so much power you could outclass me by that much."

"It's to be expected." Evil Irene said her sneer growing. "After all unlike you I've faced pain-"

A wall of ice exploded from Irene stabbing her darker half and running the woman through. "I've faced darkness to." Irene hissed out.

"Hmm." The darker half of her ripped herself off of the shard letting her body be torn to shreds as it began to heal and mend. "Even so... Its nowhere near the pain I feel." She hissed out forming a bladed ice whip. "I'll start with your pretty little legs and work my way up to your head. Lets see how long it'll take before the blood loss kills you-"

"Roar... Raging Ram." A Voice said in a bored tone.


The evil Irene was enveloped by a shadow as a massive ten foot tall sheep built like a truck appeared behind her. "BAHHH!" It slammed its paw down stomping the girl into the ground and shattering the area around them.

"Are you okay?" The same voice from before asked.

"W... What just happened?" Irene asked looking up at her savior.


In the first cage...

Kitsune slammed his hands forward a wave of flames blasting him back as he dodged a powerful strike from the him from another world.

The other Kitsune meanwhile kicked her leg out a powerful force covering it as the flames seemed to sputter out forming a wave of flames that blasted out.

"Her use of flames are just as good as mine." Kitsune growled slamming his fist into the ground as a fox made of flames exploded out slamming into the wave and blocking it.

"Don't insult me by comparing me to your level." The female Kitsune snorted slicing her hands out as a sword made out of flames formed out which she used to twirl around. The blades were once again forged out of blood and then caught aflame with her own fire based powers. Kitsune created a flaming katana of his own as the two once again clashed. Their blades met the girl using her two swords to strike faster and faster while the boy used his skill to try and keep up.

In terms of sheer raw power it really wasn't a question. The female Kitsune was simply faster and stronger. Her flames were superior burning brighter, forming faster, and flowing far easier. In this case the phase meeting fire with fire proved to be true as her flames were easily pushing him back. On top of that she had a second Cursed Ability, in the form of her blood control, that pushed her even further ahead. That said... Like the way they were. Clashing with blades...

Without a question of a doubt the male Kitsune was passing her, his skill with the blade unmatched.

Several cuts appeared all along the females body as she winced. "Okay... So I guess you really aren't that bad with a sword are you." She hissed pushing herself back and jumping away.

"Sorry but the moment you tried to beat me in a battle of swords was when you lost this fight." Kitsune announced raising his blade up.

The other Kitsune snorted. "You know... I pity you."


"You're just like me, if a little more of a weeb... You still think that boy is your friend don't you. I feel sorry for you when Mr. Law falls down the same path my Hero did and dooms you all. Maybe then you'll come to understand a fraction of what I felt when my hero broke me."

"...You really did care for Hero Otoko didn't you."

"Of course I did. After all he was my only friend."

For a moment Kitsune was reminded of something...

A Memory crossed through his mind...

Age 1988

Rose City...

Kitsune breathed heavily clutching his side which was slowly dripping with blood. The ground around him was salt, having been turned to dust by a pretty song. Smoke littered the mini battlefield they were at.

Hero Law was a few feet away from him also breathing heavily. His body was slashed and his right arm had reverted back to normal after he used his Full Iron, the giant metal arm attack of his.

"Y... You're not half bad." Hero gasped.

"Th... That's to be expected." Kitsune smirked. He raised his katana up pointing it at Hero. "I'm Kitsune Nine after all. Heir to the Noble family of Nine. No way I would lose to some loser."

"Loser huh. I guess that isn't far off." Hero stared down at his right palm. "I lost this fight after all. I'm out of energy. My song finished, and my steam ran out. My heat couldn't out last your flames. But still. I wouldn't say I'm a loser. After all. I'm a hero."

Present day...

Kitsune shook his head raising his sword up again. "I'll admit. Hero can be a bit... Much sometimes. That said don't think I'm anywhere near as weak as you."


"I'll admit that in terms of sheer power you got me beat. In a straight up match like this I doubt I'd ever be able to beat you." Kitsune sighed. "That said... I would never, ever let Hero fall down a dark path like yours did. If he was ever going to follow the same path yours did-"

"What? You'd kill him and stop him."

"No. I'd save him."

The female Kitsune stared at him her teeth slowly grinded together as she let out a tiny growl. "Seriously... Man you really know how to piss me off. I never thought I'd grow to hate someone who is myself so much. Why is everyone from this world just a bunch of idiots. I hate you all. I just can't seem to stop feeling this wrath for everything single one of you God damn idiots. Worse then that. When I see the looks of happiness and hopes on your faces... My entire stomach feels sick and my heart feels like it'll fall apart. Just knowing how that happiness will be twisted and turned into a hated look of white hot anger."

"You've... Really suffered huh." Kitsune said frowning. He raised his sword up as it began to glow. "In that case... Here and now... I'll just have to save you as well."

"You're even starting to speak like him. You're the kind of person I hate more than any other you know." She hissed out firing forward. "I'll rip you to pieces!"

Their clash began head on again this time the female ditching the sword and instead forming jagged blood thirsty claws that were ironically forged from her own blood and then once again lit aflame. They couldn't be called a weapon as they were more like the things a wolf would have.

To call this a battle would be to nice.

It was a slaughter...

Kitsune swung out with his blade as hard as he could as his female counterpart slammed her hand forward fingers first and stabbed through his sword impaling her hand into his lower stomach. She ripped it out as he tried to stumble back recreating his sword but she slammed her claws down splitting his chest open and ripping his jacket apart. Her leg then came out slamming into his side as she shattered every single one of his ribs on his left side in one kick, blood flowing up his throat and down his chin. Her fist then came out smashing into his face causing several of his teeth to shatter out and his nose to break. And lastly to finish it off she grabbed his arm which attempt to throw a punch at her and she twisted it snapping it in half and forcing the bone to jut out of the flesh.

This was never a battle once she got serious.

And yet...

At that moment she knew she was the one that was losing...

Because Kitsune did not once let out a pained yell, and the entire time the fire in his eyes never left the look of determination only getting brighter and brighter. A determination and pain tolerance that could put Hero Law, or Hero Otoko to shame.

"Damn it just give up!" She yelled out her eyes filled with white hot anger as she grabbed the back of his head roughly and slammed his face into her fist again, and again. Each punch was followed by a phase and each phase was followed by a punch. "Give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up!" She slammed her fist into his face one more time unleashing a powerful single strike. "Just give up!"

Kitsune went to fly back but slammed his leg down forcing him to stay in place as he slammed his hand up a sword of flames stabbing out and impaling the female Kitsune in the stomach as she yelled out in pain her eyes going wide.

"D... Damn you!" She got ready to throw out one last punch and rip his head off before the strike could land her hand was suddenly caught by something. "What?" She stared at her wrist and her eyes went wide when she saw string had wrapped around her arm. "What the hell-" A powerful force suddenly slammed into her side making her eyes go wide as she was sent flying and slammed into the back of the ice wall.

Both Kitsunes looked up to find Brave Larison had somehow entered the ice arena her arms folded and a smirk on her face. "Looks like. I'm getting involved in this battle now." She announced loudly pointing at the female Kitsune.

"Y... You?" Kitsune looked up his face stinging and his wounds aching.

"Sit tight." Brave said punching her hand into an open fist as electric wires wrapped around her arms suddenly. "I'm gonna take this girl down!"