Strings Versus Flames

Night Two Hundred And Eighty Three

Age 1992

Oleander City...

Outside The Trial Room...

The First Cage...

"Damn it just give up!" She yelled out her eyes filled with white hot anger as she grabbed the back of his head roughly and slammed his face into her fist again, and again. Each punch was followed by a phase and each phase was followed by a punch. "Give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up!" She slammed her fist into his face one more time unleashing a powerful single strike. "Just give up!"

Kitsune went to fly back but slammed his leg down forcing him to stay in place as he slammed his hand up a sword of flames stabbing out and impaling the female Kitsune in the stomach as she yelled out in pain her eyes going wide.

"D... Damn you!" She got ready to throw out one last punch and rip his head off before the strike could land her hand was suddenly caught by something. "What?" She stared at her wrist and her eyes went wide when she saw string had wrapped around her arm. "What the hell-" A powerful force suddenly slammed into her side making her eyes go wide as she was sent flying and slammed into the back of the ice wall.

Both Kitsunes looked up to find Brave Larison had somehow entered the ice arena her arms folded and a smirk on her face. "Looks like. I'm getting involved in this battle now." She announced loudly pointing at the female Kitsune.

"Y... You?" Kitsune looked up his face stinging and his wounds aching.

"Sit tight." Brave said punching her hand into an open fist as electric wires wrapped around her arms suddenly. "I'm gonna take this girl down!"

"Y... You're... Brave..." Kitsune gasped out his eyes staring at her.

"Don't worry Kitsune! I am here to save the day!" Brave announced entering a battle pose and pointing to the icy sky above her.

"Who the hell are you?" Kitsune frowned when she saw Brave Larison.

"What? You seriously don't know who I am?" Brave asked with wide eyes. "Well... I mean I guess I'm not a main character and I'm not usually in the main plot points but still. I'm a runner up for Best Girl at least! How could you not have at least heard of me?"

"I'm so dead..." Kitsune gasped out falling back onto the ground.

The female Kitsune eyed Brave up slowly. "We've never met... I don't know you... A you doesn't exist in 'my' world."

"Your world?"

"S... She's from another world. Long story." Kitsune spat out.


"Well..." Kitsune crouched her body down getting ready to launch at Brave if she needed to. "What the hell do you want."

"Thats pretty obvious right. I just came to get Kitsune back."

"I see... So you're here to fight me then." The female Kitsune smirked her flames getting brighter.

"No." Brave shook her head. "If at all possible I'd like to avoid fighting you if you'll allow it. I'm just saving Kitsune and his pals cause they're friends of Hero."

Kitsune snorted folding her arms as she stood back up. She seemed calmer now but her flames didn't seem to go out. "I see... So you're another girl whos fallen head over hills for him."

"What? No. Of course not. I'm already seeing someone." Brave said giving Kitsune a look as if the fox girl was crazy.

"W... What?"

"Yeah. I'm not in love with Hero. Don't get me wrong he's a bit handsome but he's also just... Not a good fit for anyone I think. I feel like thats what most people would come to the conclusion of. He just has to much baggage to get through."

"If you're not in love with him then why the hell are you helping him?"

"Wow thats shallow. I'm helping him because he's a good person and he saved me. I owe him one. And if he's a good person I'd figure his friends would have to be good as well. This is my choice. Same for all my friends. We're doing this because its right and because that pink haired girl asked us to."

Kitsune stared at Brave for a moment a scowl forming back onto her face. Her flaming fox ears, and fire fox tails, seemed to get hotter and brighter as the flames began to pool over her arms covering her fingers and forming flaming claws. Her scowl turned to a growl as she took a step forward. "I... I think I'm glad that I never met a you from my world because... Because I really, and I mean really, don't like you." She hissed the flames getting brighter and brighter.

"I'll give you a chance." Brave said her joking nature vanishing as she seemed to enter a serious stance for a moment. "Right here and now I'll let you go. We don't have to fight. But... If you don't listen to my words of warning. I won't hold back against you." She warned.

"Oh... You think your words actually scare me?"

Brave let out a sigh her eye twitching. She slowly walked forward. "Hey." Was all she said. She was a few feet away from Kitsune now.

Kitsune eyed her up feeling a bit of nervousness all of a sudden. "...Hey-" Brave's leg slammed into Kitsune's side making the girls eyes go wide as blood spat down her chin and she was slammed into the ice wall. It began to melt as soon as her back touched it due to the flames that came off of her. Kitsune gasped out spitting up more of the blood her eyes wide. She hadn't even seen the kick coming. It happened so fast it might as well have been instantaneous. "D... Damn you! What the hell was that!" She roared out flames exploding out of her mouth as her blood began to flow and mold over her body. She slammed a punch out but Brave just gave a smirk blue string wrapping around her own arm as she met the punch head on.

The two fists slammed together a powerful shock wave exploding out of them both and cracking the stone floor as wall as ice walls around them as energy was sent out wildly in all directions.

Slowly though...

Kitsune's own fist began to be pushed back as her flames suddenly went out making her eyes go wide.

Kitsune was slammed back by a powerful force once more the ice wall cracking under the pressure. Her flames spluttered for a moment before exploding out full force as her eyes filled with red hot anger. She blasted back towards Brave slashing out wildly with her arms sending out powerful flaming cuts that burned through the stone and ice around them melting it in mere seconds. A single swipe would be the only thing needed to kill a human being in mere seconds and yet Brave easily danced around the many attacks dodging them over and over again.

Brave didn't just dodge though. She struck out with her own attacks each hitting sending out a wave of strings that flowed like water slamming down onto Kitsune like a tidal wave. It was like fighting the ocean. The strings were like how water would behave and even put out Kitsune's flames causing steam to rise off of her. The fox girl had figured she'd be able to burn them with ease yet every strike weakened her own fire based powers. Worse yet Braves strings would cover her body so even when she was getting hit the flames were mostly put out. It was hopeless for her. Her blood was to slow and her flame was rendered pointless.

"D... Damn you!" Kitsune screamed in utter rage slamming her hands down only for Brave to punch out sending Kitsune's arms into the air and snapping them out of the girls sockets making her scream in pain.

"I think it's about time I finish this don't you?" Brave asked holding her right arm out as more blue strings covered it. Seconds later green strings began to also form the two dancing around each other forming a sleeve on her arm, that was now white rather then green or blue. "Wind and Water makes ice. Full woven strike." Brave announced slamming her hand out as hard as she could and smashing her fist into Kitsune's face so hard the fox girl was slammed into the ground shattering the stone floor.

Kitsune didn't even have a moment to scream as ice grew around her entire body and in mere seconds she was frozen solid the ice spreading around her and covering the floor...

"W... Whoa." The male Kitsune said with wide eyes. "W... What the hell happened?" He asked.

"I lucked out." Brave grinned.


"See... My specialty is dealing with elemental based powers." Brave said stepping away from the ice statue. "My Cursed Power allows me to create elemental strings."

"Elemental... Strings?" Kitsune asked frowning.

"Thats right. I can create up to five kinds of strings." Brave explained. "I can control the strings as if they were apart of me and wove them into forms. The strings have the power of whatever element they are. Blue Strings are water there for they have water based abilities. Orange are fire, green is wind, brown is earth, and yellow is lightning. On top of that I can merge up to at least two strings to make a new element. Like water and wind which when merged make ice giving the ice string. I'm basically a hard counter to anyone with an elemental based power such as you or her. In terms of raw power I'm honestly not that strong. I'd be weaker than Hero, but against her I could simply put out her flames with my water negating her powers. On top of that I got her all mad making it hard for her to focus and use her powers. She wasn't able to fight me once she got angry like that. Maybe if she used her blood based power more she could have won but she uses that more to boost her flames so even that was easy to counter."

"I... I see... You're pretty good then... That power is a hard counter to me, Irene, and Shelly... It even negates most of Hero's powers to." Kitsune shuddered. "Man I wish you were on our Squad. That ability sounds like it would combo super well with most of us."

"Don't worry about your friends by the way. Fate and Thorn are taking them on." Brave said turning away.

"R... Right." Kitsune tried to stand up but his body gave out once more as he collapsed onto the ground stomach first grabbing the hole in his gut. "H... How did you get in here anyways?"

"...Hella... She let us in." Brave said looking away. "Your other friend. Ken. She's out there to. She's fighting Hella. We had to get through them to get here."

"...So... You know about Hella and how she's-"


Brave and Kitsune went silent as they stared at the block of ice that Kitsune was in. A large crack appeared on it. Then another... And another.

"Uh oh-"

The entire block shattered as Kitsune ripped her way out of it her eyes filled with utter rage as she glared at Brave. She was badly injured part of her face gone from having it frozen off and flakes of her skin was being peeled off. She no longer looked cute. What part of her skin wasn't missing was covered in bruises and cuts. It was a miracle she could even still stand.

"So you're still kicking." Brave said sounding a bit shocked. "Honestly I thought that last attack would have killed-"

"Shut up."

Brave felt a chill go up her spine suddenly as she jumped back. Kitsune's face was darker now as she let out a growl.

"I'm going to kill you." Kitsune promised.

"I... I 100% believe you."

Kitsune too a deep intake of air as her flames began to go out and her blood flowed. "Level... Two."