300 Chapter Special (A What If Side Story)

'I would just like to thank everyone who helped get us to 300 chapters. This is a What If Side Story and as such should be treated as non canon or taking place in another universe. Please enjoy everybody, I worked real hard on this.'


In the very first Volume of Equation Zero Battle/Line our hero, Hero Law, was forced to make a choice. Join Squad One or join Squad Six... Thus far we've seen both sides to that coin of what would happen. But... He wasn't the only one who had to make a choice.

In Volume Two Row first appeared and decided to go back to sleep not knowing his Hero had already failed.

What would happen though if Row stayed awake and Hero vanished...


Age 1991

City Of Chrysanthemum...

"Would you shut the hell up you bitch!" Row hissed out slamming his fist into Hero's face sending the woman flying back across the stone floor. Row closed his eyes about to go to sleep once more. About to let Hero back out but stopped. "Wait..."

He opened his eyes for a moment and looked around raising an eyebrow. He took in the city around him for a moment as Hero and Vil stared at him in terror for a moment.

"Where am I... I'm awake once more but... I'm not on the moon?" The sleep in him began to slowly fade. "Oh... He failed?" There was a slightly numbness to him as the dream finally ended and Hero Law broke apart no longer existing. Row was... Awake. For good. His hands twisted for a moment as the frown on his face grew. "What-" Blood began to slowly drip down Row's nose as memories began to course through him as he grabbed his head. Memories of Hero Law. In an instant he saw everything. Every miserable moment Hero suffered. Every failure. Every pain that was inflected onto him. Everything. "H... Hero!" Row stumbled back his fingers digging into his skull. "O... Oh God... What did they do to you... What the hell did these people..."

Over and over...

Hero was...

Again and again.




Row saw the hell Hero went through. The loss of more people, the fact Hero had his memories, the pain he went through protecting people, and the amount of times he failed, Row saw the entire life of Hero Law.

And it was utter Hell.

His mind burned and his heart ached as he looked around taking in the grey sky and feeling all the hate in the air.

Hero Law had been made a symbol of justice. A Superhero who could save the world but he failed. No...

Hero Law didn't fail.

Row refused to accept that. He made Hero Law perfectly. Someone full of Justice that would save the world.


Hero didn't fail.

And if Hero didn't fail that only meant one thing.

This world couldn't be saved with Justice.

"Looks like..." His eyes settled on Hero and Vil. "I have to do everything myself. You two are evil right? In that case..." His body twitched for a moment as blood began to drip down his back and he gave a large grin. "I guess I'll just get rid of you both!"

Black blood began to drip down Row's face and eyes as he let out a crazy laugh Hero's death having broken a part of him since it had been the host of the body for so long and neither was meant to exist without the other.

A part of Row's mind literally died when Hero vanished leaving only a broken shell of hate and anger at the world.

Sometime later...

"Hero!" Ken, Kitsune, Irene, and Light, all landed down in the city block Hero had been at. "Hero." Ken said again stepping forward. "We beat our- Oh my God! You're covered in blood."

"Huh?" Row turned back to look at them. The clearing he was at was covered in a thick red paste of blood, and from head to toe he was covered in it as well. "Oh. Don't mind that. My mind is a bit all over the place." Row said giving an almost crazed laugh. "That damn idiot really went and messed me up being in this body for so long. How useless was he." Row asked giving a large grin.

"H... Hero?" Irene asked slowly. "W... Whats wrong-"

"Don't call me that name." Row hissed out suddenly glaring at them.


"My name... Is Row Law."

"Hero you're starting to scare us-" Irene was slammed into by a flash of something as she smashed into the ground.

"I said... My name is Row Law." Row hissed out in anger. "I really am mad right now. My hero is dead. I worked so hard on him. He must have suffered so much trying to save a cursed world like this. Poor Hero... Oh how I wish I never made you... This world... This world didn't deserve you. Its nothing but filth... I'll get rid of it myself and create a world just for you Hero."

"Irene!" Kitsune screamed running over to the girl. He grabbed her and his eyes were wide as he held onto her. Her head was snapped at the neck and she was dead having died on impact from the force of the strike. "Irene..." Kitsune asked stunned.

Ken and Light stood there horrified realizing what happened.

"Whoops." Row said flatly. "I didn't mean to kill her honestly. I just got a little mad." He laughed. "Still. She was one of the ones who hurt my Hero didn't she. I made my Hero for you people and yet all of you hurt him and made his job impossible. He shouldn't have even bothered saving people like you. It's impossible to save this world with how evil and dark it is. His light was too bright. I'll just do it all myself and remake him when I'm done. My Hero won't ever fail."

"Shut the hell up!" Kitsune roared flames exploding off of him as he grabbed his katana. "I'll kill you!" He screamed firing forward at Row and swinging his sword out as hard as he could. "You're dead Hero-" Kitsune's sword snapped as Row used his arm to block the strike. The blade flew off into the air and stabbed into the ground. Row's hand flew out stabbing through the stomach of Kitsune making the fox boys eyes go wide as pain filled them.

Row didn't have much time to react though as Ken finally got out of her zone and jumped at him ripping her spikes out. "What the hell did you do to Hero-"

"Don't pretend like you care about him!" Row screamed grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into the ground. "If you actually cared about him he would have never suffered! I created him! I loved him. He was my child. The one who would save this damn world. I failed and my last gift to you damn humans was him. But you all went and made him suffer more and more and more! I hate each and everyone of you!" He yelled. "I'll never forgive you for-"

Light slammed his gun forward firing out with everything he had. The beam slammed into Row nearly knocking him over as he hissed in pain.

Row glared at Light. "Light... You were the one who took care of me and Hannah... And... And you weren't there for Hero!" He yelled raising his hand up as a beam of energy exploded out and in a burst of power Light was incinerated.

"No!" Kitsune screamed jumping at Row. "You bastard!"

"Light!" Ken cried out getting out from under Row.

Kitsune no longer had any powers due to his sword being broken but that didn't stop him as he sliced out with the broken blade leaving a gash on Row's chest. "I'll fucking kill you-"

Row's back split open as a massive golden mass of chains spilled out and wrapped around Kitsune. The poor boy didn't even have time to scream as the chains ripped him to pieces in a single squeeze killing him instantly. Row breathed heavily glaring at the bloody mess that was Kitsune. "I hate you most of all." He spat out at the pile.

Ken slowly stood up as a black aura began too seep out of her. "You said your name was Row..." She asked as the black energy began to get bigger and her clothing began to rip as she started to change into a massive cat like Bestia Macht so much power exploding out of her. "Well Row I'll devour you!" She roared out fully giving into the power and turning into a massive Prince Level Beast!


Age 1994

The Moon...

"Looks like all the other Dragons are dead..." Hero Otoko mused walking through the temple that rested on the moon. Behind him was a massive throne room that held God. "Sit back old man. I'll deal with this beast."

It had been nearly four years since Row's wrath of carnage began. Bestia Macht, Humans, Enforcers, Organization, or Dragons... It didn't matter who you were. If you got in his way he killed you.

In under four years the Enforcers were all dead. 98% of the Bestia Macht population was wiped out. The Organization was defeated and crushed like the bugs they were. Every leader of every Nation was slain. And all the Dragons of God, were one by one taking down their Crests crushed.

And the people of Earth...

They cheered.

They cheered for their savior Row Law who was saving this world.

What their God failed to do in over 2000 Ages he had done in just four.

And he had only two targets left...

Hero finally reached the room of the main palace as he set down and waited letting out a heavy sigh his mind racing. "Guess... We failed huh." He hummed. The room he was in was massive and filled with a large open space for the battle that would be happening. He didn't have to wait long as the door exploded and 'he' came in. "Looks like you finally made it." Hero mused standing back up. "Well... Are you ready?"

Across from him Row stood. His body was covered in scars and his hair was long going down to his back and a pure snow white. His skin was pale and his ruby red eyes glowed. His outfit was what took Hero's attention though. He wore a mix of armor and pelt. His armor was formed from the metal badges of every Enforcer he ever killed. And around it was the pelt of Ken's Bestia Macht form. The Lion head resting on his head like some kind of head gear. She was turned into his clothing after their battle.

What really made Hero sick though was the thought of that.

Bestia Macht's fade to dust when they die leaving nothing behind meaning that pelt of Ken was still alive.

For her punishment for hurting his Hero so badly Row turned her into a suit and forced her to watch his conquest.

"So..." Hero asked stepping forward. "We're doing this right. This whole fighting I mean... We're really about to kill each other?"

"I'm going to crush anyone in my way and remake this world." Row said bluntly stepping forward. "You're not as guilty as the rests. Here me Otoko. Change your first name and give up your Crest and I'll let you go. You're from another world. But... Stand in my way. And I won't show you mercy." He hissed his eyes glowing.

Hero sighed as he took off his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt showing the flesh where his heart would be which was pitch black and had a mouth on it filled with rows of razor sharp teeth. It wasn't the only mouth either. On the other side of his chest there was a second one. And on his stomach there were two more black circles with mouths. "Shocked by them?" Hero asked. He still had his shirt on but it was now unbuttoned. "These guys are... Kitsune, Ken, Irene, and Cloud. My version... And their gonna help me kick your ass."

"I see I wasn't the only one who hated my worlds versions of his friends."

"Its the other way around. I did this to keep them alive. You're the one who killed them after all. Now they're with me forever. And I'll use them to stop you."

"So." Row stepped forward as Golden chains began to spill down his arm. "You're gonna stand in my way-"

"Big-Arm-Strike!" Hero Otoko screamed out slamming his right arm forward. The limb began to inflate getting bigger and bigger as it grew in size and several black bone like pipes began to form out of his elbow firing out a wave of wind so hard his arm was launched forward with massive speeds the limb becoming massive as he threw out a giant punch. Row raised his own arms up just in time blocking the powerful strike but the punch was still strong enough to send him flying back as he slammed into the back of the wall. Hero didn't stop there though as he fired high into the air and began to throw out hundreds of rapid stretching punches his pipes blowing out wind and forcing his arms forward as he unleash his blows.

Row broke his way out of the wall kicking the floor so hard he was raised into the air. The wind underneath him began to glow as a golden platform suddenly appeared. Seconds later hundreds of golden portals opened up as a wave of swords blasted out. "I can use my Dream Crest to create a few trillion blades. I wonder what you can do." Row laughed as the swords fired out faster and faster. Hero tried to dodge many of them but there were just so many that in seconds he was impaled to the wall stuck in place unable to move. Row fired forward and sliced his hand out easily slicing Hero's head clean off. "I win-"

Hero's body vanished as he reappeared behind Row and slammed out with his fist smashing it into Row's face sending the Man flying back. "Sorry. But don't think it'll be that easy to take me out dumbass."

Row let out a groan and a hiss of pain as he stood back up and grabbed at his face his eyes filling with rage. "How did you do that."

"Guess you don't know about my Crest." Hero smirked. "B for Balance. To kill me you'll have to kill every other Hero connected to the Hero Force."

"Damn you..." Row snarled slicing up with his hand and sending out a wave of energy that blasted out. The energy slammed into Hero slicing his right arm off as he jumped away. The wound flowed out with a wave of steam and seconds later a new arm reformed. Row's legs glowed with green energy as he blasted forward and began to slice out with his hands as fast as he could cutting into Hero but the boy simply healed from the attacks over and over again. Row let out a loud hiss as more swords and guns formed out unleashing blasts of attacks all into Hero the entire moon shaking.

Hero slammed out with his arm the limb suddenly getting longer and growing in size as he punched Row directly in the face sending Row flying into the wall. His arm didn't stop getting longer either as the hand wrapped around his throat his entire limb super long now and he used it to pin Row to the wall. He then raised up his left arm as the limb glowed and his Equation turned on forming a black flaming bow at his wrist. "Lets see you dodge this." Hero smirked. The mouth on his heart began to open up as the upper body of Ken began to form. Her body and torso was a pure pale white and her eyes were glassy but she used her two arms to pull back on his bow and place one of his spikes into it. They aimed it and fired the arrow out Ken's red energy mixing with the shot as it blasted forward and slammed into Row exploding in a massive beam.

Row was slammed through the wall and crashed out of the palace flying back as he slammed down into the surface of the moon. He began to roll across it as he tried to catch himself. His back split open as more golden chains began to spill out of his flesh and they stabbed into the ground catching him and stopping him. He looked up glaring with hate and anger as Hero dropped down the hole and landed on the moon as well. Hero's chest mouth pulled Ken back in and closed as he began to walk forward forming a pair of flaming bone blades.

Row's pride got the better of him as he held his hands out and a pair of elegant golden sword formed in them and he ran forward. The two men broke out into an exchange of swords each slicing out at each other and dancing in a sick game as their blades met. Row proved to be stronger, faster, and more skilled, as he began to deliver powerful cuts all along Hero's body. That said Hero showed off the fact that he just couldn't die as no matter how many times Row sliced his head off Hero would reappear a few moments later and the battle kept going on Row getting nicked here and there.

Hero jumped back dropping his swords as the mouth over his lung opened and the body of Irene formed out. Irene held her hands together and a wave of ice was blasted out towards Row who attempted to dodge but was slightly to slow the ice freezing him in place. Irene was then pulled back in as the two mouths on Hero's stomach opened and Kitsune and Cloud formed out. Cloud sent out a wave of highly explosive gas as Kitsune, placed his hands together and sent out a wave of fire that exploded in a hail of magma slamming into Row who was blasted back further. As Row was thrown back Hero launched forward sucking Kitsune and Cloud back up as many pipes began to form all along his body. "Eventful Impact!" He announced slamming his leg out as hard as he could and smashing a powerful kick into Row's body.

"Got you." Row said in a monstrous form his arm coming out as he wrapped it around Hero's ankle. The two were sent flying off the moon and entered deep space the chilling cold freezing them both over as they began to fall back to planet earth. Row's flesh began to peel off as more and more golden chains began to form out of him. His entire form exploded as he transformed into his true self peeling out of his pathetic human form. His body was literally made out of golden chains all woven together and he had a pair of emerald gems for eyes and a mouth filled with golden razor sharp teeth. On his head he wore a golden crown that was attached to him. He was like some kind of God like monster. Beautiful and divine yet ugly and monstrous at the same time. His body was much bigger to now being eight feet tall and he seemed to be made up entirely of metal save for the place in his chest where his Crest resided. Flames flew off of them both as they reentered Earth and Row spun around slamming Hero down as they smashed into the planet.

Hero was reduced to ash as he crashed down.

Row stood back up letting out a loud monster like roar as green energy exploded off of him.

"Guess you don't learn." Hero appeared behind him black flames covering his left arm as it grew in size. "I can't die from that-" Chains exploded out of Row's form slicing off Hero's arm and digging into his heart. Hero gasped as seconds later they ripped his Crest out making him fall back his eyes wide with horror. Row held the Crest in his hands and squeezed down on it snapping it and breaking the thing as if it was made out of glass. "W... What the hell." Hero said for the first time having fear in his voice. "B... But that can't be possible! A Crest shouldn't be able to be broken! What the hell are you."

"God." Row screamed throwing a powerful punch that was so hard it blew off a portion of the planet as the world began to shake. The dust settled showing that Hero was still alive as all four of his mouths opened forming Ken, Irene, Cloud, and Kitsune, who all held their arms out having blocked the strikes. "I don't care how many weak powers you have." Row hissed out more chains starting to form out. "I'll kill you all."

Hero slammed his hands out throwing Row back as the black flames covered Hero's body. He jumped high into the air as Ken fired out arking red beams, Irene, launched out a wave of ice and Cloud sent out gusts of thin wind. Kitsune brought the flames and Hero slammed out rows after rows of attacks all into Row. The two Gods among men began to clash throwing out thousands of blows in a single second their fists slamming together and forming out so much heat that part of the earth began to melt. Hero's legs stretched out as he slammed himself into Row dragging the chain monster across the ground.

Row screamed out in red hot anger and sliced his hands up stabbing them into Hero and flipping them around. He slammed his fist down into Hero so hard Hero was sent through the planet heat burning him and melting him as he reached the core. He tore his way out his body healing as Ken's red energy boosted him and he slammed out an ice and fire punch into Row's gut. Row tanked the punch and sliced out with his claws splitting a portion of the planet in half but missing Hero who jumped over it.

The two exchanged so many blows that within seconds they had gone around most of the planet destroying every city, and pretty much killing every human and Bestia Macht left on the earth. It was a miracle the world didn't fall apart from how hard they were hitting.

Finally the two unleashed one more punch each glaring at each other as their fists slammed together.

"My, my... You two sure do know how to cause a lot of chaos. You've both already done my job for me. I'm actually impressed. This is the first world I've gone to where only three people are left." A voice announced out of nowhere making Hero and Row both actually stop.

Before either of them could say anything the sky began to crack and split apart as a massive metal boat appeared in the air. Like an actual boat. The thing was massive nearly the size of the moon but it looked like a metal boat that would sail in the waters. It was some kind of war ship to be exact as it was covered in hundreds of guns. It sort of just floated there as a blue beam fired down and seconds later a man appeared crouch down.

"Looks like I can handle this all on my own." The man announced. He was quiet odd. He had messy black and white hair. Like his hair was a swirl of the two colors being both black and white swirled together. He had pale skin and his left eye was a bright green while his right was a ruby red. He wore a strange white outfit that looked kind of like leather and armor and on his back he had a large claymore. "You two state your names." He announced proudly.

"W... Who the hell is that?" Row and Hero both wondered.

"Oh. An Otoko and a Law. Cool." The man announced staring down at his watch. "Nice. It's been a while since a world had two of those!"

From up above on the war ship five people could be seen. Three of them were girls, and two of them were boys. The three girls were the ones who were cheering on the strange boy. The first girl looked almost like Ken and had black hair and red eyes. The second girl looked almost like Irene having blonde hair and blue eyes. The third figure looked almost like Kitsune with red hair and green eyes and the last one was someone else neither Cloud or Light being a girl with purple hair and purple eyes. These four all wore the same white outfit as the boy down below. The fifth one though... That was Max.

Not just any Max though.

This was the Max with the Blade of God and the Heart Crest. This was the Max who's Hero had been in his Squad. Who's Hero had turned evil. This was the Max who's world had been devoured by the Squid and he only managed to get away by jumping into another world.


It just so happened the world he got into was...

Earth One...

"I hope Hero can handle this." The Kitsune look alike sighed.

"Of course he can." The Ken look alike announced rolling her eyes.

"Yep." Irene look alike nodded. "He's the strongest after all. Right Shadow!"

"Of course our husband can do it ladies!" Shadow announced. She was this worlds version of Light and Cloud while the others were Ken, Irene, and Kitsune. "We'll pick him up when he's done!" She announced hitting a button as the air ship began to vanish going back to their world.

Max folded his arms as he let out a sigh. "I can't believe I got roped into this... I also can't believe that Earth One Hero is in a straight up Harem with Ken, Irene, and Shadow... Life really isn't fair!" The ship left the planet leaving the three men down below on the Earth.

Meanwhile on the moon...

God opened his eyes and began to stand up...

Back on Earth...

"Who are you?" Row hissed out letting out a growl.

The man gave a smirk before entering into a clique shonen protagonist pose. "Who am I you ask! Why I am the protector of my world! I am the Strongest Hero! Son of Orion Vil I am Hero Vil of Earth One, Leader of the Space Enforcers!" He announced his hair suddenly becoming a glowing silver as his eyes also began silver and a silver aura covered his body as he grabbed the sword on his back. He pulled the claymore off as the thing unfolded and got bigger laser energy forming out of it making it some massive laser sword which he held with one hand. "Battle Mode 50% Power!"

"S... Space... Enforcers..." Hero frowned.

"Earth... One..." Row sighed.

"Great..." They both said. "Another one."

Hero Vil or One, which was his Code name gave a sheepish grin. "Oh... Also... Sorry."

"Huh?" Row asked.

One's smile faded as a serious look grew on his face and in a flash he stood in front of Row. "I have to kill you both." He said in a blunt tone placing his hand on Row's stomach as a wave of energy sent Row flying back for miles.

"What the hell!" Hero slammed his hand down but One dodged the strike vanishing and slamming his sword out. Hero tried to block it but the strike sliced his arms both clean off making him hiss in pain. His mouths opened forming out Ken, Cloud, Irene, and Kitsune, who all four sent out their flames, ice, gas, or energy at One who pulled his sword back clicking a button as the sword turned into a shield which he used to block the strike. The attacks suddenly slammed back smashing into Hero and throwing him back as he screamed in pain.

"Cool." One said with stars in his eyes. "This is the first time I've seen a Row with a chain monster body, and the first time I've seen a Hero Otoko who has his friends powers living in him. I've seen Hero Laws with the ability to steal peoples powers but you're the first Otoko who did that! So awesome-"

The ground exploded as Row crashed down letting out a loud roar of anger and pain as he began to throw out a barrage of punches at rapid speeds towards One who dodged them all with ease waving in and out of the strikes his eyes and hair glowing brighter as his smile only grew larger and larger. Hero forced himself back up regrowing his limbs as he let out a hiss of pain. He fired towards One and him and Row began to team up throwing out punches even faster. The two of them actually began to over whelm One with them as they began to finally get some hits in but each punch didn't really seem to do all that much damage to him as he rolled with the attacks.

Hero fired out waves of black flame, normal fire, ice, wind, and red energy, while Row sliced out with claws, chains, sword, creating weapons, and sending out red energy. The two fought with everything they had and were actually pushing One back who began to get slightly damaged by the amount of attacks they were throwing out. In under a single minuet more than five billion different attacks had been thrown out by Hero and Row together. The results of which had finally managed to bruise and bust Ones lip.

The sight of his own blood didn't make One sad or mad.


The look of joy in his eyes grew larger.

"Alright! This is so cool!" One announced. His sword came out like a blur and he began to block more and more of their attacks as lightning exploded off of him. "Battle Mode 85% Power!" He said cheerfully slamming his sword out and slicing off Row's right arm making Row scream out in pain as golden blood flowed out and he grabbed at the limb. One slammed a fist into Row's gut slamming him down and then spun around kicking Hero in the side so hard Hero's spine snapped under the punch and the two men were sent flying back together. "Come on you guys can do more right?" He asked cheerfully only slightly bruises by their barrage of attacks.

"D... Damn... Damn him damn him damn him... He's just toying with us..." Row barked out grabbing at his missing arm. Unlike Hero he couldn't regrow it.

"H... He's some kind of Monster..." Hero hissed out. "Shit... I hate that I have to ask this but... Any plans?" He sighed.

"Yeah... But I'll need you to distract him."

"Seriously... Fine." Hero stood back up. "This plan better work."

"Oh... It will. Trust me." Row announced firing high into the air and actually leaping out of the planets atmosphere and into deep space.

"Aw man. Now I have to track him down." One sighed pouting a little. "Oh well. I can kill you and fly after him I guess."

"Sorry but... I'm not going to let you leave here alive!" Hero roared firing forward. "I'll give it my all! If I can't beat you then I guess I'm going to have to become a version of myself that can!" He roared. He began to fight harder then he's ever fought before throwing out waves of Big-Arm-Strikes, barrages of fast paced Eventful Impacts, Black Flame Arrows, and spikes. He used Ken's red energy, Irene's ice, Kitsune's flames, Clouds gases. He used his healing to keep pushing forward healing faster then he ever had before. And... For a brief second... It almost looked like he had wings...

Hero's body exploded in a hail of energy as ice gloves and boost formed on his arms and legs, a scarf and jacket made of smoke formed around him. Nine fox tails and fox ears made of flames formed on him. And crackling red energy covered him. His body was wrapped up in white sludge as well as he transformed into his half Seraphin form, this version of Hero having never mastered it. He looked more like pure energy when it finished his entire form glowing as he moved even faster shocking One and actually causing serious damage as he punched so hard he sent out a massive explosion of flames that covered the planet and threw One back.

One flew across the planet going around it several times as Hero blasted forward with speeds beyond Light, beyond space, and even beyond Time! "This is my everything!" Hero roared out. "My cells have expanded to the size of a world then been compressed down! I've improved myself with Ken's energy, and numbed my pain with Clouds gases! I'm using Kitsune's flames to overheat my body and push it further beyond while using Irene's ice to cool it down. I've gone beyond the limits of flesh itself and have stepped into new heights!" He roared blasting forward.

"You're actually super strong." One smirked closing his eyes. "Battle Mode 100% Power." He announced. "I'm going to give this my all as well cool guy!" Hero fired forward and began to unleash trillions of punches in a single second but One just threw out a single powerful punch slamming his fist as hard as he could into Hero's stomach and causing Hero to literally vomit up his organs as he was pushed back.

Hero caught himself with his legs as he flew up blood flowing down his body as he glared forward. "I'm not done! I can still-" One appeared before him slicing out with his claymore and in a barrage of attacks Hero's entire body was sliced to ribbons causing him to explode. "N... Not yet-" Hero's bloody chunks reformed together back into his form as he raised his leg up and grew it out to its massive size making it bigger than the planet. "Big-Bang-Leg-Eventful-Impact-Planetary-Barrage!" He roared slicing it down as hard as he could.

One raised his sword up as it wrapped around his arm. "Big Bang." He said calmly as a white beam fired out and in a burst of energy Hero vanished. Hero suddenly found himself transported to the start of the universe as the big bang went off and in a blast Hero was reduced to less to nothing the big bang erasing him from existence and the multiverse was born. "That guy was strong to force me to use my Big Bang teleporter attack." One mused. "Now where is that-"

A shadow loomed over the planet as up in Space Row's chains wrapped around every moon, asteroid, and planet other then Earth, and it a single tug he threw them all at the planet smashing everything he had into the planet and blowing it to pieces in a single explosion as the entire milky way galaxy shook.

"Yes! Yes! I did it. I killed them both-" Golden blood splashed out as One exploded out of the explosion his outfit badly torn and his body finally covered in serious wounds. His sword impaled through Row making the man/chain monster scream in pain. "H... How the hell are you still alive-"

One's aura formed into the shape of a dragon as they began to fly through space and One sliced his sword out splitting Row in half. "You're done." He slammed his sword forward smashing it into Row and sending the body slamming into the sun causing the thing to explode a thick barrier forming around One to keep him safe as the sun went super nova. "And thats that..." He mused as the sun began to fade the flames going out.

"One more thing then."

"Oh. Good you're already here." Hero smirked turning around and finding God floating in space. "After I kill you my work is done then."

"Indeed... Still... Don't think I'll be as easy as those two weaklings!" God announced his aura flaring and taking the shape of a dragon forged from the universe!

And with that Hero Vil began his mission to kill the God of this universe...