Squids, Dragons, And Hide

Night Two Hundred And Eighty Five

Age 1992

Earth ???

Hero Vil let out a calm sigh as his energy faded...

He floated out in space his suit broken and his body covered in bruises. There was nothing left of the Milky Way Galaxy after his battle with God.

In front of him floating in a broken body stood God...

His metal form was twisted and cracked and he no longer moved.

"And... Thats that." Hero announced in a cheerful voice as God shattered. "Alright guys. Looks like you can pick me up... We'll be moving onto another universe..."


Back In Our Main World...

Somewhere Out In The Snowy Wasteland Outside Of The City Of Chrysanthemum...

"Wow..." A calm voice said in a slow and drawn out tone.

Far away from Chrysanthemum in a snowy, and ice cover field someone rested...

His back was in the snow making him look up at the pitch black sky above. They had messy sandy brown hair and light forest green eyes. They were a young man being only sixteen or seventeen at the most and their skin was a milky pale making them nearly blend in with the snow around them. They were nude, not having in clothes on and a small smile was on their lips. Their mouth was filled with rows of razor sharp and fanged jagged like teeth.

The mysterious being slowly placed the palm of his hand, on his stomach, where he had been struck by that strange girl who called herself Eve.

"That woman hit me so hard I evolved a few hundred times... What am I now. I almost look human..." The man mused slowly standing up and wobbling to his feet.

This man was...


The Bestia Macht from earlier...

"I suppose... I should go pay her a visit and see just how strong I became..." Hide mused to himself bending now as a wave of thorns began to pour out of his legs.

For the first time in the nearly 2000 Ages, that have happened on Planet Earth, a Bestia Macht, has evolved into a human...

Just where will this lead?



The Destroyed City Of Chrysanthemum...

Jesters scowl formed back before it slowly vanished and a smirk came onto her face. "Well then. I guess I'll be playing a risky game."


"I'm betting all my cards that this cycle is broken here and now then." She annnounced.

This time it was Eve's turn to frown. "I guess. You're an idiot."

"Maybe. Even so... I had a second question."

"Oh? And what is it."

"Tell me..." Hero placed her Equation at her lips. "Do you know what a Dragon is?" She asked as she swallowed the Equation...

"Uh oh-"

Eve was silenced nearly instantly as a wave of purple and black energy exploded out of Hero's body her energy being let loose.

The first ever Equation that was ever made was the Heart Of God, an Equation wielded by a man known as Hero. Hero was said to have ripped out the Heart of God himself, and turned it into the very first Equation. It is said whoever has the Heart has the power of God, and can control the Bestia Macht and save their world, having power unrivaled by all. After seeing the power of the Heart, God was said to have turned to a strange being known as Lucifer. Lucifer is known as the Forger and was said to have created the other Equations that exist through out the world, each Equation having the energy and power of the sun compressed down and are 0.00001% of the total power the Heart has.

Upon these Equations being crafted God set out and crafted the Dragons. Beings he made himself. The Dragons were modeled after the Angels, the race that Lucifer is. Each Dragon has a Transformation based Equation as well as a Crest. A Crest is a powerful weapon God made himself. There are a total of 26 in total Crests each having a letter of the alphabet. God possess the A Crest, said to be the strongest. A Dragon is able to consume their Equation allowing them to fuse it with their Crest.

When this happens...

The true Dragon is born.

Something said too rival the power of a Prince Level Threat Bestia Macht...

Hero dropped down to her knees letting out a loud yell as her skin seemed to begin to glow blue and part of it began to split off. A blue energy like liquid began to pour out of her eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and finger tips, pretty much pouring out of every pour of her body.

"Hmm." Eve hummed raising her arms up in a defensive pose, getting ready for a fight. "I didn't think a Human could become a Dragon... Her father is Piero Law right... Piero was a Dragon... So I guess that makes her Half Dragon... Interesting."

The liquid began to seep up Hero's body covering her head to toe in a ball of it. The ball began to get bigger forming out larger and larger... Its form became twelve feet tall and a neck with a head began to emerge out. As did a pair of arms and legs and a tail and two wings. Many spikes began to form out of the creature as well. It looked strange... Like a turtle the size of a car that could walk on two legs, and had wings and a tail. The strange beast was still made out of the weird liquid which wove around it looking like solid blue blood, or trillions of veins, all wrapping, and warping together into a single solid formation. Blue plasma like lightning began to seep out of its jaws which started to open.

The Dragons form finally finished as it took a single step forward shaking the lot of what used to be a city and sending out an aura of power.

"Oh my." Eve hummed. "She's strong. Yeah. She's really strong. Am I going to die-" A beam of pure energy blasted out of the Dragons mouth twisting around and swirling the very air around it as it blasted towards Eve. Eve couldn't get the smile off her face as a wave of shadows and darkness seemed to seep out of her flesh forming an almost black oil looking liquid. She slammed her palms forward and used them to block the beam of energy that came her way. Pain coursed through her palms but she still managed to raise her arms up sending the beam high into the air.

The blue energy flew up high stabbing into the black clouds and pierced past them flying off into space...

The Dragon fired forward bringing its arm back and throwing out a massive powerful punch. The fist of blue energy came forward slamming into Eve. A wave of massive energy was unleashed from the punch sending out bright blue flames. Eve attempted to block the strikes as best she could but each one came out lightning fast slamming out beyond the speeds that any normal human could respond. Despite it's speed Eve seemed to be able to respond to it in turn. That said her arms were left bruised and battered falling down to her side.

"Hey watch it." Eve said kicking the dragon in its chest. "This still isn't my body you know. Hero's gonna be mad if you go breaking his arms." The limbs twisted back around and popping back into place. The flesh on them was still twisted and worn down but the bones seemed to be popped back into place. "Ow... You really know how to throw a punch."

"I'm far stronger then I used to be." Hero growled out.

"Whoa you can speak while you're like that?" Eve asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I can you fool."

"Oh?" Eve nodded her head. "I just assumed that while you were like that you were just a berserker mindlessly attacking anything you saw."

The two charged back at each other exchanging a wide array of blows. Eve's back seemingly glowed as a wave of black squid like tentacles formed out of it all swiping at the dragon before her. The Dragon responded in kind its tail slicing out through the air the many limbs slamming into each other. Both of them jumped away from each other the Dragon firing a beam of energy out towards Eve who once again reflected it, this time by kicking the energy beam, high into the air using the darkness on her leg to do so.

Eve fired forward her tendrils wrapping around her arm and forming a large black sword of darkness. As she sliced the sword out a massive explosive energy erupted forth from the blade forming a shadow that looked almost like a large squid with many tendrils of shadows coming off of its pitch black body. The sword struck fast leaving a large gash across the Dragons chest. Blue energy began to seep out of it making the beast roar out in pain. Eve flipped over the beast striking out with her sword but the Dragon slammed its arm up. The blade stabbed through the palm of the beast, but it used that as its chance to wrap its hand around Eve's body squeezing down and making her grunt out in pain.

The Dragon roared letting out a massive wave of blue energy as it slammed Eve into the ground and then began to drag her across the stone floor at a high speed dragging her through the ground and slamming her into any building that was left standing. There weren't many left, and by the time she was done, she made sure there were none left. Eve attempted to get out of the dragons clutches but its tail swung out as soon as she attempted so. The tail slammed into Eve and threw her across the city.

Eve spun through the stone ground literally going through it and making a large dent and crack as she was twirled around slamming head first into the ground.

She stood up spitting up a wave of blood but didn't seem to be acting like she was all that hurt, despite the fact her clothing was a mess and her body was covered in so many wounds and bruises.

"Why did you take his body." Jester growled crashing back down and sending out a shock wave that threw Eve back.

Eve spun across the floor once more but landed on her feet and began to dust herself off. "Why would I tell someone who's about to die my plan?"

"Huh?" Jester's dragon head gave a confused look for a moment. "I don't know if you've gotten a concussion or not but you do know that you're on the losing end of this fight. Any damage you cause me heals in moments." She chuckled evilly as her large scar across her chest sealed back up stopping any more energy from leaking out. The hole in her hand also healed.

"Oh. That." Eve began to walk forward. "You're only winning because I haven't used my trump card yet. Now watch as I-" She suddenly stopped her eyes going wide. "Wait? No. Stop you idiot! If you take back over now you'll die-"

Eve was cut off as she fell to her knees and began to yell as a black energy covered her. In seconds her body morphed back to normal as Hero Law was dropped back onto the ground letting out several groans of pain from the sheer amount of damage his body was in.

"G... God damn... This hurt... She serious screwed my body up this much- Oh shit what the f##k is that thing!" Hero yelled jumping away from the Dragon when he saw it.

'That...' The voice of Row said letting out a sigh. 'Is our mother... And you better hope your plan works if you don't want us to die.'

Jester seemed to shrug off her confusion quickly as she jumped forward towards Hero opening her mouth and getting ready to fire a beam out. She reached out with her hands as well ready to grab him but Hero barley managed to dodge the strike jumping back to his feet. He raised his left arm up as his left hand glowed and small black flames seemed to slowly pour out of it.

"Here goes nothing..." Hero muttered rushing forward and pulling his arm back. "Lend me your power Hero Otoko!" He announced throwing out a powerful punch and slamming it into Jester as hard as he could...