What Happned

Night Two Hundred And Eighty Six

Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

Eve was cut off as she fell to her knees and began to yell as a black energy covered her. In seconds her body morphed back to normal as Hero Law was dropped back onto the ground letting out several groans of pain from the sheer amount of damage his body was in.

"G... God damn... This hurt... She serious screwed my body up this much- Oh shit what the f##k is that thing!" Hero yelled jumping away from the Dragon when he saw it.

'That...' The voice of Row said letting out a sigh. 'Is our mother... And you better hope your plan works if you don't want us to die.'

Jester seemed to shrug off her confusion quickly as she jumped forward towards Hero opening her mouth and getting ready to fire a beam out. She reached out with her hands as well ready to grab him but Hero barley managed to dodge the strike jumping back to his feet. He raised his left arm up as his left hand glowed and small black flames seemed to slowly pour out of it.

"Here goes nothing..." Hero muttered rushing forward and pulling his arm back. "Lend me your power Hero Otoko!" He announced throwing out a powerful punch and slamming it into Jester as hard as he could...

"What!" Jester yelled in shock as Hero's fist slammed into her stomach.

Black flames exploded out of Hero's left hand, the pitch black flames spilling out like boiling water as it bubbled out and dripped out of his flesh. His Equation was in his right hand but all of this was coming out of his left. Jester was soon wrapped up in the black fire as her screaming got louder and the flames started to eat away at her dragon like form making her howl. It hurt worse then any normal fire did, her cells being slowly absorbed and eaten away as the flames jumped across her very form getting bigger and bigger.

"W... What the hell is this." She stepped back now covered in the black flames as her entire form began to shrink back down her dragon form breaking off of her.

"Just a gift from someone who's a little ticked off at you for turning his friends against him." Hero said slowly pulling his left arm out of Jesters stomach as the flames vanished from his fist, Otoko's 'gift' leaving him. "He's a little mad at you."

Jester dropped down to her knees grabbing her stomach and wrapping her arms around her. The world before her began to fade away. Literally. She watched as the black flames within her seeped out around her forming a black portal which began to pull her in.

And on the other side of that portal she saw nothing...

"This..." A voice said seeping out of the portal.

"That voice is-"

Jester was cut off when she saw him. The one connected to the Hero force the most. Hero Otoko. The image of him stood before her looking down at her with a look of almost pity.

"You-" She was unable to reach towards him as her body began to be pulled into the portal.

"Thats the Nothing that exist." Hero Otoko sighed. "That portal. I built it with the balance Crest and the dead Hero Force. The Hero Force binds us all together. We're all one. And with B for Balance I can tip the scales in my favor. But that portal. It's not the normal Hero Force. No. I'm using the power of every dead Hero. Every one who ever failed. Every Hero that died and faded away to nothing. That portal leads directly to my world. One that no longer exists. Don't worry Hero. You won't die. But I need to get rid of you for now. I can't have you messing up my plan. I'm going to save this world with the help of God. And until then... You can't play this game."

"Damn you! You cheater!" Jester screamed out.

In the real world Hero Law, stood watching on. He didn't see Hero Otoko nor did he see the portal. Too him he just saw Jester, his mother screaming up a storm and shaking her head. "Well." Hero said raising his right arm up as it transformed into its metal form. "I'm ending this here and now." He announced slamming a powerful punch into her face as hard as he could. Before his eyes her entire body began too break apart as she shattered into dust the flames turning her into ash.

To Jester though.

The flames never killed her.

Trapped within reality and fiction the punch sent her into the portal.

Dead at the Hands of Hero Law, or Trapped at the hands of Hero Otoko it no longer mattered.

For now at least Hero Law, the Jester, was gone.

In a flash it was over Hero's arm reverting back to normal and falling to his side loosely. "A... And thats that." He sighed. "I need my cane..." His limbs ceased work once more his leg and arm going numb.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." Hero said reaching up and taking the cane that was handed to him. "I needed... Wait..." Hero did a double take and looked up finding a naked brown haired boy standing next to him now who handed him his cane. "...What the f##k-"

Hide gave a half wave. "Hello fellow human. I am in fact also human, and not Bestia Macht, turned man, how be you day goes it?"

"...What the f##k?"

'Um... Hey is that the Bestia Macht from before?' Row asked.

Hero's eyes went wide as he jumped to his feet drawing the blade inside his cane as his right arm changed back into its metal form. "So. You're here for round two huh-"


"Well if it's a fight you want it's a fight... What?"

Hide threw his arms behind his head looking up to the black sky. "It's weird. My body went and did its whole evolve thingy stuff and now I'm a human. Or at least... I look human. I can think and speak too... You're name is... Eve?"


"Well Eve-"

"Not my name."

"To answer your question from earlier... I do want to fight you but... When you're better."


"You're beat up right now. I could easily crush you in a few attacks and it'd be boring. I want a good fight. It's hard to explain but... My body is craving combat more then ever. Like I'm close to reaching something and... Using you will get me there. So I'll wait till you're in a better condition. Then... Then we'll fight to the death and one of us will cease to be absorbing the other one! Either you'll kill me and make yourself stronger or I'll absorb you Eve."

"...Still not my name and weird..." Hero sighed turning around. He began too walk away slowly. "Why am I always being surrounded by idiots?"

"Where are you going?" Hide called out.

"Back home. I have a few miles to cover." Hero called back.

"Oh. What about your teammates."

"..." Hero stopped and turned to look back at Hide. "What?" Hero sighed.

"When Mother grabbed you she also grabbed the others."


Hide shrugged. "I have trouble recalling it since my mind was an egg but there were others with you. Mother took them so she could run more tests on them. They'll be killed off soon-"

"They're here! Where."

"I'll tell you." Hide nodded folding his arms and giving a small smirk. "But first... You have to tell me how you did that trick to mother."

Hero stared at the human Bestia Macht biting his lip for a moment. "Fine. But I'll make it quick..."


Flash Back...

The Void...

"Sorry but no." Hero turned around. "Thats just too sad."

"What? You dying?"

"No. You getting the body back and giving up again. The amount of pain you'd go through. Just sit back for a while okay. I'm not done yet."

"Sorry but you don't have much of a choice really... If you don't neither of us will get out of here. I'm to weak with you here, and you're just too weak."

"I know. Thats why... I'm gonna ask for a little help." Hero said sitting down in the water as he closed his eyes and began to focus. "I'll ask 'him' for help."

The scene around them began to glow as a portal opened. Row's eyes went wide for a moment.

"He can connect the void to other people with the Crest..." Row hummed. "First he made an exploding clone of himself and now this... Hero... You're starting to really surprise me." He smirked.

From the portal Hero Otoko suddenly landed shaking the void. "Huh... What gives... I was in a cell a second ago." He looked up as him and Hero Law met eyes once more.

Neither said a word and simply stared at one another.

It had been a while since they last spoken.



"...So... I sort of need some help."

"Of course you do." Hero Otoko sighed folding his arms.

"Don't be that way." Hero laughed sheepishly. "I mean it's been so long since we've hung out. Fans have been waiting for this for a while you know. For us to have our big battle. But you know. If we're going to have that big awesome battle I'll need to be able to reach you."

"I'll hear you out but I will not promise to help you." Hero Otoko said eyeing Hero up and down. 'Strange... His power is... Calmer then I thought it would be... He hasn't improved by much... Or... Is it just that I've grown so much stronger that I've surpassed him by that much.' He thought.

'I can barley even get a sense for his power.' Hero thought also frowning. 'It's like looking into the sun... Damn... Am I really out classed by that much.' He ran his hand through his hair as Ava went through his mind. 'I'll just have to use her then... Dirty trick or not... I'll save you Hero Otoko.' He gave another sheepish laugh. "Sorry got lost into thought. Anyways I'm sort of being kicked out of my body and was hoping you could give me some of that sweet, sweet God energy you got. That way I can get my body back and also beat Jester."

"Jester... Oh... You're fighting her..." Hero hummed nodding his head. "Well... Then you're in luck."

"Huh..." Row asked speaking up for the first time. The small boy stepped in front of Hero staring at Hero Otoko. The two had a staring contest for a moment their powers spilling out. Row was much closer to Otoko's strength and could even surpass it.

"What I meant..." Otoko sighed breaking the eye contact as he looked back up at Hero Law. "Normally I wouldn't help you out. But... You're going to be very lucky today. I hate Jester more then I hate you. I'll help you out but on two conditions."

"Seriously. Awesome."

"The first. I'll give you a small piece of my connection to the Hero Force, and a sliver of my power. They'll vanish once you use them. Hit that bitch with it and she'll be out of your hair. The second though... That's one I'll have to trust you to do."


Hero Otoko stepped forward grabbing Hero Law by the arm and pulled him closer. "I want you to..." He said quietly whispering into Law's ear. When he was done he pulled away making Hero frown.

"Fine." Hero nodded. "I'll do that for you. It's not like I hate them anyways. I'll save them."

"Thank you."

Row frowned at that. "What exactly did he ask you to do."

Both Hero's looked down at the small boy giving identical smiles. "It's a secret." They both announced.