
Night Two Hundred And Eighty Seven

Age 1985

An Unknown City...

The sounds of bells tolled loudly through the unknown city...

Within a small little building a young boy with messy white hair, and red eyes could be seen. He stared up at what looked like a metal doll that rested in a chair. The doll had long black robes and lacked a face. The reflection could be seen shinning the boys face back at him. A man shrouded in the dark who seemed to be wearing a lab coat could be seen who patted the doll.

The boy wasn't wearing a shirt, and on his back what looked like a red metal coin, could be seen sowed into his flesh. The coin was seemingly sown in recently based on the fact that it was still scarred and seemed to still be bleeding slightly.

"Come now my dear Hero Law!" The shadowed man announced waving his hands around.

"Is what you said true Mr. Hyde?" Hero asked staring at the doll. "You can bring him back from the dead and answer all my questions?" Hero asked with hope in his voice.

"You betcha!" The figure seemed to twist around suddenly appearing behind Hero. He was still covered by the darkness keeping him hidden. His hands came out as he began to rub Hero's back. "That arm says it all. You have an Cursed Life Technique. Well let me let you in on a little secret my boy. We draw our power from a thing known as the Equation Of Life. A powerful mathematical formula that can bend the world around. We can use this power to do so much. Far more than anyone else knows... It was a gift from God after all..."

The man reached out using his finger to squish a bug killing it.

"Now watch." He said in an excited tone. A white energy shined out of his hand forming several runes. It shined down onto the bug as it began to twitch and move once again. Seconds later its body was fully healed as it began to run off. "See the power I have..." The man said excitedly. "It is known as revive. My Cursed Life Technique allows me to bend certain aspects about this world and allows me to bring the dead back. Though my power doesn't allow me to bring an actual person back fully. That is why I had to sow that thing into your back and set up this doll. This will let us amplify it. And all because you signed my Wish contract. Your wish shall be fulfilled. All you must do is say their name. Say the name of the person you wish to bring back! Thanks to my darling's precious dolls that they built we can place their soul inside the doll!"

Hero gave the smallest hint of a smile as he stared at the doll. "I... I just have to say his name?"

"That's right! Just say his name and it will happen. The man who saved you and the man who can answer the questions you have. You'll learn who that girl is, and where your brother is He'll even tell you who you really are! Now say his name and I'll do the rest!"

"R... Right! Piero Law!" Hero said taking a deep breath and yelling the name out calling for the man he considered a father. "Pi-"

Before he could say anything any further a thin needle like blade was thrusted through Hero's back piercing his heart and coming out the front of his chest. Blood poured out of Hero's throat running down his chin as the man placed a hand on the back of Hero's head.

"And now! Using your flesh, your soul, and my powers, along with the amplifier I will bring the one you called Piero Law back to life at the cost of your own life! Your souls will be placed in the doll! You'll have all of time itself to get your answers now! Hahaha! Such a wonderful- Is your arm glowing-"

In a flash the entire building exploded as Hero's right arm began to grow getting bigger and bigger...


Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

Underneath The City...

"My, my... These readings are quite something aren't they..."

Underground the city of Chrysanthemum, a hidden lab could be seen. The lab was built with large stone walls and metal platings and was quite large and yet strangely also quite quiet. Almost no sound could be heard save for the small hums of the machines or the rare intake of air from the lone figure.

In the lab three high class, glass containers could be seen.

Snow, Leo, and Vow, were within each glass container. They appeared to be unconscious. This is where they ended up after having been grabbed by Jester. In front of the containers was a strange man.

Ben Alazir of the Organization, the man who's Cursed Power was creating Dolls, and teamed up with his Husband Mr. Hyde were able to create artificial Bestia Macht soldiers.

They had a run in with Hero Law so, so, long ago...

Ben held up a small clipboard with various names and words on it. "Hmm... To think that all three of them were... Wow... I'm impressed. Jester is going to like this. Speaking of which... Where is she-" Ben was silenced as a loud blast exploded from up above and two figures fell in.

Crashing down, Hero Law, landed in a crouched position doing what he hoped looked like a cool and badass superhero pose. Landing behind him was Hide who now had on pants and Hero's Enforcer jacket, leaving Hero in his typical black pants, and white buttoned up long sleeved shirt.

"See Eve-"

"It's Hero..."

"-I told you he was under the city." Hide announced pointing at Ben.

"You're that boy..." Ben said with wide eyes staring at Hero. "And..." He turned to look at Hide. "I have no idea who the hell that thing is..."

"Long story." Hero sighed shaking his head. "But I'll make it quick. You're Ben of the Organization. You're under arrest. Put your hands up, let my younglings out, and get on your knees, and we can do this quietly and quick."

Ben frowned slowly reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small lighter which had his Equation in it. An Equip type that allowed him to make his Dolls. He lit a cigar up and began to slowly make a puff of smoke. "And... Let's say I didn't do that... What happens then." He eyed Hero up. He didn't know about the strange brown haired boy in the back, but Hero was covered in wounds and looked to be in a bad shape. He surely wouldn't be able to last long in a frontal attack.

Hero's ruby red eyes seemed to light up for a moment. He eyed Ben up, flashes of what him and Mr. Hyde did to Leena, going through his mind. That seemed so long ago... "Then..." Hero held his right hand out as it transformed into its clawed form. "You're really, really, not going to like what I'm going to do too you."

Ben cocked his head down giving a smirk. "Really?"

"...Hey... You're that guy married to Mr. Hyde right?" Hero asked.

"And if I am?"

"Were... Were you involved with Project Godslayer?"

"That old thing? A bit. Not as much as my lovely husband but yes. I was one of the people there who studied you pesky clones and helped make you all. Quite the achievement really. A being designed to not only slay a God, but devour him gaining all that he was... You know... You almost are like... A Bestia Macht."

Hero didn't say anything stepping forward. "Hey Hide."

"Huh?" Hide asked turning to look at Hero.

"Listen... I'm not in a good shape... That said... And I know it's stupid to ask but... Please. Don't get involved in this fight."


"Yeah... Please... I need to take this guy down with my own two hands." Hero announced firing forward as fast as he could. His clawed hand gripping down into a metal fist as green flames formed around it and he suddenly appeared in front of Ben. Ben gave a calm look as he raised his lighter up and suddenly the smoke itself bent and twisted taking the shape of a human like form. "What! He controlled the smoke-" Hero was unable to finish as the smoke beast threw out a powerful punch towards Hero. Hero changed his arm too the shield form just in time and raised it up blocking the attack.

The force of the blow sent him flying causing him to roll across the stone floor and slam into the back of it painfully making him groan out.

'Not good...' Row sighed speaking inside of Hero's mind. 'He's strong like all Organization members. Plus our body is so banged up as it is... I highly doubt we can put up much of a fight.'

"Come on now." Hero sighed sitting up. "Where's your faith man?"

Ben slowly walked forward the smoke bending and twisting around him just like how Cloud would do. "Pretty cool right?" Ben asked calmly cocking his head o the side. "My power is super handy. I can make things my Dolls. And... The term Doll can be used quite loosely as you just saw. By inserting a piece of my energy into something I can bend it around and make it take the shape of a Doll. That Doll will then have the powers of whatever its made out of. However I can't use this power on living things sadly... That said... Anything else can be a Doll. My husband and I make a mean combo with this move. He's able to place souls and other such things in items and then I turn them into a Doll. A Doll with a soul is so much stronger then you'd ever know. I doubt I'll be needing one here though. I should be able to handle a half dead brat."

Hero wiped some of the blood away from his lips giving a half smirk. "I got another question."


"Why did Jester take those kids?"

"Oh... My Husband requested it. He wanted to confirm something. Sadly he isn't here right now. As such I am running the test for him."

"Neat. That reminds me. Whats that on your face?"



Ben was sent flying back pain exploding through his cheek as Hero suddenly appeared in front of him slamming a powerful punch into Ben's face. Ben hit the ground rolling across it and stared up his eyes wide when he saw the golden aura around Hero's body.

"W... What the hell?"

"God Striking Aura Mark One!" Hero announced blasting forward again faster then Ben could keep up with and slamming his leg out kicking Ben high into the air. "Like this my body and strength his raised up, but it puts a heavy toll on me and saps away at my power!" Hero blurred around the battlefield using his aura move to get the upper hand. Ben slammed into the roof of the lab they were in still being carried by Hero's kick. Pain shot through him but he gritted his teeth and clicked his lighter open slashing it out.

The roof bubbled up and formed into a large fist which blasted down to Hero, but Hero's power was much stronger then it had been, the snow haired teen quiet literally punching it with his metal fist and blowing the stone fist to pieces. Ben began to fall and changed his tactics up going for speed over strength as he clicked his lighter once more and turned the very air itself into a doll. A wave of tornados seemed to bend and twist lining up and forming together as they sent out powerful blades of wind in all directions sending out sharp slicing attacks. Green flames poured out of Hero's arm as he bounced off a wall and slammed his fist forward countering with a Dragon King Abyss attack and slamming the green dragon that formed right through the tornado beast.

"Fine!" Ben screamed rolling across the ground when he finally landed. "Let's see you deal with my strongest doll!" He clicked the lighter open once more and this time the flames began to spill out getting bigger and bigger as the fire itself began to take shape. It turned into a mass of fiery limbs and claws, many heads, and legs all spilling out as a twenty foot tall being of fire formed, each hand holding a fire sword and each of its legs burning through the ground.

"Wow! Kitsune would be so jealous if he saw this." Hero said with wide eyes. "Guess I'll take it up a notch." He closed his eyes as his golden aura flashed and suddenly changed into a pitch black.

"Hmm..." Hide nodded his head watching. "That aura is cool... Thats the speed boost thing he used on me... The Gold is mark one, and the Black is mark two... Mark One boosts all his stats but causes his body mild harm and drains his energy. Mark two makes that boost even bigger but drains more energy and causes his body even more harm. His very cells are burning up in Mark two... He's losing an hour off his life span every few seconds just keeping that form up. In exchange for killing yourself you get a big boost. I'm totally digging it!"

The fire giant fired forward slicing out with its many limbs sending out powerful fire shock waves in all directions. Hero let out a sigh of both annoyance and pain as he dodged all the attacks with ease the giant being far to slow to hit him.

"D... Damn it..." Ben said biting his lip. "Am I going to have to use 'that' trick..."

"You know..." Hero said slowly gripping his clawed hand into a fist. "This form is super dangerous to use. Takes up so much energy and could kill me if I'm not careful... It's the closest thing I have to a level two though. Well... As long as we don't count 'that' move... See I still can't reach level two. I don't know why... Maybe it's my resolve. So I created the God Striking Blade... A powerful attack. But then I thought... Why not pull that energy into my body. Thus the God Striking Aura was born. I'm strong but the drain is big. Not as costly as my new trick though. See I learned something new when I absorbed my clone. But thats not important... What is important is my aura. Normally I wouldn't use this for a battle since the cost is so high. But then I thought... Just make a super strong attack while in this... Something that can finish them off in one attack so the drain won't be a big deal... And so..." Hero dodged another strike and jumped up slamming his fist forward as black flames exploded out. "Black Hydra!" He announced slamming through the fire doll and blasting it apart as his dark aura faded.

"Damn you!" Ben hissed seeing how easily his doll had been beaten.

Hero landed back on the ground and turned his golden aura back on. He raised his clawed arm as it shifted to the gun form. "Now. I believe we're done here-"

"Ha.... Ha... Hahahahahaha." Ben cocked his head back and began to laugh.

"...Okay... Evil laugh." Hero sighed. "Let me guess... You got more right?"

"Oh... I got a lot more for you." Ben smirked raising his lighter back up. "Level Two."

"Seriously? Dude I've seen your level two already. It just makes your dolls stronger."

"Actually... I have two level twos."


"One version focuses on improving a single doll... The second version instead focuses on summoning a bunch of dolls." Ben smirked as the stone doll, the smoke doll, the wind doll, and the fire doll all formed back together. "And then..." The dolls began to overlap and fuse merging together getting bigger and bigger as they turned into some kind of flaming stone monster, wind and smoke, bending and twisting around it. The thing was thirty feet tall and looked like a demon made of stone. It had large stone horns and a stone battle great sword. Fire coated the demon, and a scarf of smoke was wrapped around it, as well as the very winds themselves bending and twisting around them.

"Okay..." Hero said letting out a small gulp. "Thats... Thats pretty cool... But still."

"I'm not done." Ben said as the doll placed its hand down and he slowly stepped onto it the flames beginning to burn through his clothing and flesh as he began to burn alive. "You see... I'm sure you've seen it before... You're doing something similar. Unable to level up so instead you make a bridge to the next level... Few people can reach level three... But there does exist that gap... You're like a level 1.5. Well... Allow me to show you my 2.5!"

And with that the giant opened its mouth and shoved Ben into it swallowing him whole as it began to undergo another transformation...