Lightning, Metal, Buzz Saw!

Night Two Hundred And Ninety One

Age 1992

Several Weeks Ago...

Oleander City...

Enforcer Try Outs Room...

Snow gave a powerful yell of power as she sliced out with a pair of ice swords.

Leo let out a lion like roar slamming his metal shield out.

Vow made a rather weak war cry as his saw buzzed out.

Hero blocked all the attacks from all the heavily beaten up kids. He had been fighting them for a while now, the three giving it everything they had. His clawed hand squeezed down as green flames poured out and he smashed it into the ground sending out a massive burst of energy that slammed into all three no badge ranked Enforcers and in a single powerful blow the energy took the form of several green dragons smashing into them all and finally putting an end to this fight.

"And that's that." Dawson sighed. "I guess the fighting is finally over."

"Man." Jackson whined. "I was hoping they'd somehow kick Hero's ass... Though it's good to see he didn't get weaker."

"No... He didn't." Dawson frowned staring at Hero.

"Makes me wonder." Jackson mused giving a sly smirk. "Who would win in a fight. You or him."

"Don't be silly. I'd win for sure." Dawson stated though he had an unsure look in his face.

Snow, Leo, and Vow slammed into the ground with a loud crash rolling across it.

The three kids were heavily injured and all downed.

None of them moved.

They didn't seem to be that conscious.

Hero Law stood in front of them a few bruises and scrapes on his body as he held his metal clawed hand out a frowned on his face. The hand slowly glowed and returned to normal as his right arm flopped down to his side and stopped working. He bent down slowly grabbing his cane and sheathing the blade back into it as he turned and began to walk back towards the entrance way where Jackson, and Dawson stood.

The cane tapped back and forth as he reached the two Gold ranked Enforcers.

"Well?" Jackson asked folding his arms up as he eyed Hero up.

"Well?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

"How do you think those kids did?" Dawson asked. "Did they pass. You get to give the call. Say the word and they won't be joining us."

"Hmm." Hero eyed Snow, Vow, and Leo up. Slowly a smile came onto his face. "Those three are stronger then I was, when I first took this test. Sure. They pass." He said moving past the two.

Jackson and Dawson watched Hero slowly walk off. "Hmm. He got stronger too right." Jackson asked.

"Oh yeah." Dawson nodded. "He's not the same idiotic kid that fought me a year ago. Now he's an idiotic man."

"Oh Hero!" Jackson called out. "I forgot to tell you! Katrina says you're in charge of the brats!" He yelled out making Hero stumble.


"Have fun baby sitting B###h!"


Present Day...

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

Ben eyed the three kids up as blood began to drip out of his mouth. Hyde had warned him about using this form to much. Told him the dangers of it. He didn't listen to much though. "Caster Type... Transformation Type... Equip Type..." He hummed out. "One Noble, One Commoner, and One Creation Human... You three really do compliment each other..." He smirked. "Tell you what. I'll make sure your deaths are slow and painful... All so you can live a little bit longer. Does that sound good?"

"Get ready!" The three teens announced as Ben unleashed a powerful war cry and began to charge forward.

"None of you..." Hero groaned out falling back onto his butt as he breathed out in pain. "None of you better die."

'So...' Row mused. 'Think they can win?'

"Sadly. No."

Snow jumped forward first slashing her hand out as a wave of ice began to spill out getting bigger and bigger forming an ice ramp. As the ramp was made she pressed a button on her shoes causing a pair of ice skates to pop out. "I'll need to thank Santa, that Blacksmith for his cool clothing." She smirked using her skates to go across her ice ramp as she fired forward. She shot up it and flew high into the air as she spun around in a twirling motion as she held her hands out a set of large ice blades appearing in them which she threw out towards Ben.

Despite making solid weapons, her gear was sadly far weaker then Irene's weapons. Her weapons were more like solid snow and slammed into Ben's doll chest melting and not causing that much damage.


Snow was unable to finish her sentence as the Doll slammed her down into the ground.

"Snow!" Leo yelled his eyes going wide. He ran forward holding his shield up and jumping over her as Ben began to slam out with his swords towards the downed girl. His metal shield raised up blocking the swords with his shield. "Get ready." He growled out ducking down. He jumped up firing forward and appearing next to the human form of Ben. He slammed his shield out facing it towards Ben who's eyes went wide. The shield glowed as all the power from all those hits fired out slamming into Ben and breaking Ben out of his doll sending him flying out.

Ben was blown out of his doll as the created doll began to fall apart. Ben's body was covered in various wounds and he cried out in anguish as he flew back. He snapped his lighter causing the doll to form around him fixing the doll as he got back into it. He grunted louder in pain as it reformed around him and blood began to flow out of his eyes and nose.

"He fixed it?" Leo asked with wide eyes.

Before he could do anything the ground underneath Leo broke apart raising up as Leo was thrown into the air and Ben slammed his Dolls arms out slamming him down next to snow.

"Here I am to save the f##king day!" Vow announced slamming his leg down as a bone buzz saw seeped out of his leg slashing down into the shoulder of Ben splitting Ben's human shoulder open. "Holy s##t I'm actually pretty cool-"

Ben screamed in pain more blood flowing out some of which splashed into Vow's face, mouth, and eyes, making Vow nearly throw up. Ben slammed his body forward throwing Vow towards the ground and causing Vow to roll across it land back on his feet.

Vow dusted himself off giving a smirk as his bone buzz saw began to form back out of his leg.

Snow and Leo also got back up both wobbling a little.

"I'm not abut to let Vow get all the glory." Leo sighed.

"H... Hell no." Snow said shaking her head.

Over with Hero he watched the three kids before he slowly turned to look towards Vow. "Hey Row..."


"Do you think we could turn my arm into its form one more time?"

'...Why? Your legs can't move.'

"...No reason..."

Ben gritted his teeth coughing up more blood, this time making Leo frown. "I'm going too kill you all!" Ben screamed firing forward. His dolls arms came out slamming past the three kids who all dodged it. Snow jumped into the air firing out a wave of shards of ice which stabbed all across his doll but he slammed a sword into her. She attempted to block it but was thrown back. Leo jumped up catching Snow as they crashed back onto the ground. Vow slid forward kicking out with his saw and slashing into the dolls leg but it kicked out throwing Vow back. "All of you die!" Ben screamed out an explosion of purple energy blasting out in all directions and ripping everything around him apart as more of the ground began to break apart.

Vow went to run back towards Ben but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked down finding Hero grabbed onto him.

"Hang on a second. I have a plan." Hero said.

Meanwhile Leo landed on the ground holding Snow as they both frowned.

"No matter how much damage we deal to him he just keeps getting back up." Snow hissed out.

"I have an idea..." Leo said.

"Huh?" Snow asked looking up at him.

"Look at him." Leo nodded.

"What?" She asked.

"When he was sent out of his doll he was able to re form it around himself."

"Yeah so?" Snow asked.

"So... He took a lot of damage from that. And on top of that he had no power while out of his doll... Look at him. His body is ripping apart... If I can hit him hard enough he'll take enough damage to be blasted out of his doll."

"So you just have to do that shield thing again?" Snow asked.

"Yeah but..."

"But?" She asked.

"Two issues. First... My shield can only absorb one attack and then send that attack back out. I already tried that and he was able to reform back. Second even when we get him out of it he won't be sent far enough to be blasted out. I'll need to get a powerful attack and send him out then we're going to need your help. You have to finish him off in one attack. But don't kill him. Freeze him in place or something. We can get a lot of information out of him."

Snow frowned but nodded her head. "Well... Glad too know we at least have a plan."

"You stay on the side lines. I'm going to need you to freeze him when you get the chance. Leave it to me." Leo announced firing forward. Ben let out a loud roar of anger as he began to thrash around with his many limbs and blades throwing out all powerful attacks. "Not yet..." Leo said dodging the attacks. "Not yet... Not yet... I have to absorb the strongest attack... No... No... Not this one." Ben raised his arms up his swords forming together as he slammed them down with a powerful downward slash unleashing his strongest attack yet. "There!" Leo jumped into the air slamming his shield up as he blocked the attack and absorbed it.

"What!" Ben yelled out.

"Sorry." Leo smirked as Ben's attack faded away. "This shield was built by Newt Hyde, Captain of Squad Nine and created to be similar to Hero Law's shield arm."

"Newt made an Equation!?"

"That's right. It absorbed any attack storing it into it and then allows me to unleash it. And that last attack looked like a big one. Let's see how it feels."


Leo blasted up slamming it out and clicking a button as his shield blasted out the attack which slammed into Ben and blew the doll apart. Ben was thrown high into the air screaming in pain as he clicked his lighter causing the doll to start the process to reform.

"I need to reach him before it reforms-" Leo began but felt a sudden surge of pain as one of the shards of the doll stabbed through his side as it attempted to reach Ben making Leo's eyes go wide as blood spilled out. "Shit!" He began to fall as he stared up. "Shit, shit, shit! I'm not going to reach him-"

An explosion of green light blasted out as Vow fired past Leo with massive speeds blasting through the parts of the doll and appearing above Ben! He raised his leg up which was now made out of a stainless grey metal and had green flames pouring out of his buzz saw which he raised high into the air!

"Eventful-Impact!" Vow yelled.

Leo's eyes were wide as he fell. He looked down and found Hero on the ground. Hero's right arm was back in its clawed form and large chunks were taken out of it. "Don't tell me." Leo said giving a smile. "Hero's a genius. Transformation types devour things to make their parts. He actually fed his right arm to Vow to give Vow a quick power up!"

Vow's leg slammed down into Ben so hard Ben was blasted into the ground screaming in pain as blood flowed out of his mouth. Ben slammed into the ground rolling across it as his lighter flew out of his hand.

"I'll f##king kill you all!" He jumped towards his lighter but never made it.

A hand gripped down on his wrist and he looked up finding Snow.

"Hey." Snow smirked.


Ice began to spill out and in a flash Ben Alazir was frozen solid.