Slow Down

Night Two Hundred And Ninety Two

Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

Destroyed Underground Lab...

"Where is it..." Hide hummed looking around.

His metallic bone like suit began to pull itself back into his body vanishing. He had finished his fight with the beast of hunger off screen and was now looking for something.

"Ahh... Here it is." He said finding what he was looking for. The files Ben had held earlier. The ones on the students. "Now... Let's see just what had been discovered about those three teens-"

Hide instantly went silent as he turned it over and he stared down at the papers.

His eyes wandered it before a small smile crossed onto his face. "Really... Interesting." The files lit up slowly burning to ash as he melted them. He himself stood up as well. "I'll keep an eye on that. Until then... Maybe we'll meet again... Hero Law."

Meanwhile up top Hero and the gang watched as Ben froze.

"Oh thank God!" Snow and Leo cried out crashing into the ground.

Hero let out a sigh or relief as his right arm changed back. "Good... We're done. I'm not sure how but they did it."

"I'm so cool!" Vow announced as his leg changed back. "Is that what having a metal leg with energy powers is like! It's so much better then a generic bone one!" Vow ran over to Leo, and Snow jumping with joy. Unlike everyone else he seemed to be hyper and full of energy. "Guys you saw how cool I was!"

"You did well." Leo said to Snow giving her a small smile and making her blush a little as he ignored Vow.

"All three of you did." Hero called out getting them to all turn to look at him. He slowly stood up wobbling his right arm and leg hanging out. He walked towards them slowly limping before dropping down. He reached out placing his hand on Vow's head, then Leo's head, and then Snow's head, one by one. "I'm so proud."

"M... Mr. Law." Snow said frowning. "That's embarrassing."

Hero reached out grabbing a metal pole using it as a make shift cane as he stood back up. He moved slowly in front of Ben. Leo stood up and placed a hand on Hero's back helping to keep his teacher up. Vow helped Snow up as well.

"Hey so... Your arms gonna be okay right? I did take out chunks of it." Vow said cocking his head to the side.

"Yeah. It'll heal." Hero said nodding. He was silent as he stared at Ben.

"Mr... Mr. Law..." Snow asked.


"Do you know him?"

"...Yeah." Hero said slowly.

"He's Ben Alazir a member of the Organization right?" Leo asked.

"Not just that." Hero said shaking his head. He slowly reached towards his back shoulder with his left hand rubbing the scaring around the flesh. "I have... Bad memories with this one... Him and the other one..."

Ben stood covered in ice not moving at all but still alive. He was frozen solid kept alive by his Equation which pumped the life based energy through his veins and flesh even when he didn't have it. Memories of this man went through Hero's mind over and over again. It had started with him and that man Mr. Hyde. His first big fight. The first time he met Mr. Hyde.

"S... So what now?" Snow asked. "We should head back right?"

"Yeah..." Hero nodded. He reached out into his pocket. "Here... I didn't have time to work it but take my scroll." He said handing the same kind of device Jackson had given Ken to select a mission last year, to Snow. "Call Jackson or someone. Tell them where we are... In the meantime... I'm getting my information." He said placing his left hand on Ben's frozen head.

"What?" Vow asked looking to Hero.

"You can do that?" Leo questioned.

"Uh! Mr. Hero how do I work this!" Snow asked with a red face. "I keep getting pop ups of 'hot singles in your area' and I don't know what to do!"

Leo grabbed it. "Uh! Here I'll do it!"

Hero ignored the three kids as he closed his eyes. "I'm pretty much out of energy... Drained of all my power. And after Vow ate some of my metal I fed him all the energy in my Equation so that's pretty much useless right now."

"Then what are you doing?" Vow asked.

"I'm not going to use my Equation... With what little power I have left I should be able to use my Crest and enter his dream..."

"Uh? Crest?"

"Magical God Rock in my heart."

"Yeah Okay. Why not."

Hero's chest began to glow with a very weak green light since he was basically out of energy. It was only tiny amounts of power that he had before he had started this long, long series of battles. It was almost hard to believe that he fought three battles back to back.

"Okay..." Hero hummed. "Now all I need too do is enter his mind and-"

'S##t dodge!'

Hero jumped back grabbing Snow, Vow, and Leo, as they all tumbled to the ground as a beam of fire blasted forward blowing a hole through the frozen Ben's chest making Snow, Vow, and Leo, all three stare with wide eyes as Hero's eyes filled with rage.

"No!" Hero screamed out. "Who did that!"

Ben's body fell shattering into tiny shards of ice. More beams of flames fired down as Leo grabbed Hero, Snow, and Vow, throwing them all behind a large stone floor to hide away from the beams of fire.

"What the hell!" Vow yelled in a panic.

'Not good.' Row hissed in Hero's mind. 'That first beam would have killed us if I didn't catch the energy source! I don't think they really went out of their way to kill Ben, but more so you, and he just so happened to be in the way. Whoever they are they didn't even attempt to keep anyone alive.'

Flames blasted out as a figure crashed down next to them. They all looked up finding out the one who killed Ben.

"A... An Organization member?" Leo said with wide eyes.

They were a tall figure who wore a set of long black robes. They seemed to have metal boots and gloves on and wore their long black robes that covered them from the should down and they had on an orange fox like mask over their face. Balls or orange fire formed around them the orbs firing out beams of heated energy towards the kids and Hero narrowly missing them as Leo once again dodged the attacks carrying Hero, Vow, and Snow once more. The beams melted through the walls all around them.

This was Fox.

And where Fox was...

Mr. Snow, also called Mr. Frost, came crashing out as a wave of ice blasted towards the other four.

He was another Organization member. Mr. Frost wore a set of large white armor and several white robes and he held a white sword. He was basically a white knight with powerful waves of ice and snow that made even Irene, or North, look like a little baby.

"You got to be kidding me fire and ice!" Snow cried out.

Mr. Frost slammed his sword down as a wave of ice blasted towards them. Vow kicked out as his metal leg slammed into the ice and kicked it up. "Alright time to fight-"

"Nope!" Hero said shaking his head. "They're way stronger then Ben, we're f##king out of power, and we're dead!"


Fox, and Mr. Frost landed next to each other the two exploding in a green light as they activated a rivals bond shocking Hero more. Their ice and fire swirled together firing out a beam of energy that flew forward toward the others.

"Well we're dead." Hero said flatly.


As the beam got faster and faster towards them the flooring began to slowly freeze all around them and then quickly melt.

Right as it was about to reach them...

A bolt of electricity smashed down into the ground right in front of the mixed beam as it blocked the strike making Mr. Frost, and Fox, both come to a stop.

"Hey. Looks like we arrived just in time!" A voice called out.

Everyone turned to the top of the crater where Jackson Storm, as well as Lillian Aka stood. Jackson Storm wore his groom outfit, and Aka was still in her wedding uniform.

"Oh no..." Hero sighed when he saw the Empress.

"Got your call Hero." Jackson called out holding his scroll.

"I did that! I helped!" Leo said excitedly.

Fox and Mr. Frost turned to look at each other before the two threw out a powerful swirling beam of energy towards the two. Jackson slammed his hand down as more lightning smashed towards the ground blocking the beam and stopping it from reaching them.

"Ha! You can't hurt me with weak things like that-" Jackson went silent when the beam faded and everyone saw that the two Organization members were gone.

"...I think you let them get away..." Aka said flatly.

"Whoops." Jackson shook his head folding his arms. "Anyways... What the hell is going on!"