Next Mission

Night Two Hundred And Ninety Three

Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...


"Do you think we could have beaten those two?" Fox asked as him and Mr. Frost came to a stop.

"I doubt it." Frost sighed. "One of them was a Vice Captain and the other one was a Captain..."

"If that's what you're worried about then you're forgetting. You and I are stronger then all Vice Captains in the Enforcers. Plus. I myself used to be a Captain remember." Fox asked letting out a hum as the flames danced around him. "We both also have the strongest aura in the Organization being masters of our Mantra. If we wanted to we could have-"

Mr. Frost raised his hand up making Fox go silent. "Don't get the wrong idea please... I am well aware of how strong we are but we're still just humans at the end of the day, and I'd rather not risk our lives. Between North, and Ben, thats two dead. And Key is in prison and we lost contact with Jester. Falling back and not fighting those two as the right call too make. Plus..."


"That boy..." Frosts mind went to Hero for a moment. "I think it would have been best if you didn't move... When I looked him in the eyes... For a moment I thought he was about too fight us both himself..."

"He couldn't even walk though?"

"I know... Still... I... Felt a power... Like-"

"Like staring down a hungry beast right!" A voice called out making the two jump. Frost and Fox turned ice and fire raising out of them. Standing above them on a small pile of rubble was Hide. "Hey you two." He smirked cocking his head to the side as his eyes began to glow. "I remember you two as being some of the strongest people right? Well. I want to test just how far I can push myself. Care too help?"


One Week Later...

Oleander City...


"So... How is he." Aka asked slowly. "Is he able to keep fighting?"

"Are you seriously asking me if he can go out on a new mission right now?" Athena frowned.

In a large hospital back in Oleander City, Aka, Jackson, and Athena stood behind a glass window staring into a large hospital room. Within the room Hero could be seen laying within the bed a blanket thrown over him. Also in the room were Ken, Kitsune, Irene, Shelly, Daughter, and Light.

"Please just answer the question." Jackson sighed.

Athena frowned at that. "Mr. Storm-"

"It's actually Mr. Aka now..." Jackson winced.

"...Mr. Storm. You were the Vice Captain of Squad Six before this damn woman took it over... I still expect you to care for your Squad Mates. And you..." She turned glaring at Lady Aka, the new Captain of Squad Six. "You shouldn't even be walking around so casually and barking orders out. You're pregnant after all. You should really rest and leave it to me and not go and push that boy father then you already have-"

"Is he able to do a mission or not." Aka said bluntly her eyes staring at Hero through the glass.

Athena gritted her teeth but looked away. "Yes..."

"Okay then." Aka reached into her coat pulling out some files. "A friend of mine has an issue and I want to promote the new Squad Six." She said handing them over to her husband Jackson.

"New... Squad Six?" Jackson frowned.

"Read over the files. You're in charge." She said boredly walking away. "Take whoever you need but make sure you bring that boy Hero Law. I can tell he's getting closer to reaching 'that' and I need him too if he's going to keep being the good little weapon that I want." And with that she left.

"The nerve of that woman!" Athena grunted kicking a wall. "If she wasn't carrying a child then I would..."

Jackson ignored Athena as he looked down at the files opening them slowly. His eyes went wide as he read them over. "The Village Of Lillies..." He muttered his mind racing back to the very first mission the new recruits had gone on last year. They had fought a powerful Viscount Bestia Macht able to change its shape into anything it was touching. The recruits had managed to win in the end. "Wait... We're looking for... What..." His eyes were filled with horror as a small gulp escaped him. "Just... What does that damn woman want..."

"Jack?" Athena asked when she saw the pale look in his face. "What is it?"

"...My next big mission."

Meanwhile inside of the hospital room...

"Are you really okay Father?" Daughter asked sitting on Hero's leg. He rested in the hospital bed only in a hospital gown.

"Honestly no." Hero snorted.

"Seriously?" Kitsune asked.

"Seriously." Hero nodded. He raised his left hand up and squeezed it a couple of times. "I think I almost died. Like... Closer then I've ever been. Not only did I die but I used the Godly Striking Aura a little too much in that last battle. Talk about cutting it close."

"Why do you keep using it then." Ken yelled throwing her arms up.

Hero gave a half smirk for a moment. "Cause... I'm nearing it... I can feel it."

"Nearing what!?" Ken asked with wide eyes.

"It's a secret!" Hero let out a laugh before suddenly groaning in pain as he grabbed at his stomach making everyone suddenly worry. "I'm fine... Honest... Hey where are the other three? Snow. Vow. Leo? They did very well."

"They'll be on a mission soon." Shelly sighed. "Same as me. I'll be leaving with them and Katrina."

"You guys are leaving on a mission?" Light asked.


"Huh." Irene frowned. "Katrina fighting in a mission and being a team member to you guys... Yeah... That feels... Weird... Super weird."

"Right!" Shelly folded her arms. "Still. I feel safe. I mean Leo, Snow, Vow, and I have basically nothing to worry if Katrina is our teammate in that mission."

"I'm a little jealous." Hero admitted. "I mean it never seems like I get the cool teammates."

"Hey!" Everyone who ever teamed up with Hero, which was everyone in the room, all yelled out when he said that making him snicker.

The door opened before anyone could say another word as Jackson walked in slowly getting everyone to turn and stare at him.

"Well look who it is." Kitsune hummed. "Jackson Aka... The man who married that bit-"

"Jackson." Irene scolded.

"He married a total bitch." Ken finished frowning. "What? I hate Aka."

"I think he can hear us." Light winced.

"Uh oh..." Daughter said with wide eyes. "I know that look on his face. He wants to put father in danger doesn't he!" She jumped up holding her arms out. "You won't be able to get to father."

Hero ignored his Daughter as he stood up slowly letting out a small groan. Kitsune placed a hand on his shoulder helping him up fully as he mouthed a thanks. "Sup Mr. Aka. Whats the issue." Hero asked.

"Mission." Jackson sighed placing the files down on the bed.

"Oh shit my daughter was right you do want to put me in more danger." Hero said with wide eyes.

"Trust me. I don't like it either but Captains orders." Jackson shrugged.

"You mean your wife." Kitsune said bluntly.

"Yep." Jackson folded his arms letting out another sigh. "Now listen. I get it. You're all mad at me. Hell. I'm f##king mad at me too. But I'm saying this once so listen up. I'm still your superiors got it. Now. I'm gonna tell you to respect me. I get I have to earn that, but that said I will not stand to be mocked and made fun of. Captain Aka, has a mission for us. She placed me in charge of it and told me to bring Hero. I'm also taking Kitsune, Ken, Irene, and Light."

"Oh hey look it's the o.g team." Hero said humming. "I think I know whats about to happen and it's gonna suck for me."

"Shelly. You're leaving on a mission with Katrina, Leo, Vow, and Snow, so I can't take you. As for you Daughter I'm going to have Dawson, and Hannah watch over you here in Oleander till we're back."

Everyone was silent at Jacksons words. They all sort of numbly accepted it. "So..." Ken said slowly. "What... What exactly is this mission?" She asked.

"It on paper sounds easy..." Jackson frowned. "We just have to go to a small little village called Lillies and help a girl fight off a horde of Bestia Macht and keep the village safe."

"Lillies?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why does that name sound familiar." Light questioned.

"That was where we first went..." Irene said slowly. "Right?"

"Wait a second..." Hero frowned. "Are we about to do Enforcers Volume One?"

"We need to guard this village fighting off the horde. We'll be leaving as soon as we're able to." Jackson nodded. "We shouldn't fight anything stronger then a Baron."

"I have a bad feeling..." Light muttered. "Like somethings going to go wrong."

"Holy s##t we're doing Enforcers Volume One! The best one! Hell yeah here I come Zero!"

"Hero." Jackson said sternly folding his arms.

"Uh... Present?"

"I have a legit question to ask." He frowned.

"Uh oh."

"Are... Are you okay. I know you just got through a huge fight and are being told too go up and take a dangerous mission. I need to know how much I can use you on this mission."

Hero was silent for a moment as he closed his eyes. A small faint aura of green light began to seep out of his skin as his right arm, and his leg began to twitch as he used his powers to move them once more. The glowing got bigger and bigger seeping out as he unleashed all his energy powering up to his max amount and shaking the room. "Yeah... I think I'm good." Hero smirked.

"G... Geez. That was..." Kitsune frowned.

"Not a lot right." Hero chuckled scratching the back of his head with his left hand, as his arm and leg became numb once more. "Yeah. I'm only at half power but if we're just fighting Barons that should be more then enough."

"Thats you at half power what the f##k happened after the Enforcer games when you trained with Athena!?"

"Unclear. Not really sure myself. What I do know is I'm finally using that black box that was mentioned way back in Volume One." Hero said spinning the box he had gotten from Dawson on his finger.

"Damn it now I gotta train harder." Ken sighed. "It'll take me like a whole week of training to catch up."

"Anyone else find it unfair how strong Ken, Kitsune, and Hero, keep getting..." Irene muttered. "It's like the universe resolves around those three and thinks they're the most interesting so they keep getting developments..."

Jackson gave a smirk turning around. "Good. Hero. I'll have someone send you your Enforcer coat and other clothing as well as a new cane. Until then everyone. Take care. We got a new mission. Let's do well and show Aka just what kind of Unit she's in charge of now."



The Village Of Lillies...

"Maudite!" An elder voice called out.

At the top of a large building a young girl who seemed to be fourteen rested. She had long black hair and light ruby red eyes as well as pale skin. She was dressed in a loose fitting black outfit which had tears in the back.

"I'm coming." She called out stepping off of the building as a pair of black flame wings began to form out of her back...


Another member of Project Godslayer...

The Variant of Row Law designed to keep him in check...

It was time the real Volume began...