The Girl

Night Two Hundred And Ninety Four

Age 1992

"God damn it we got back to square one!" Hero yelled as his face was slammed against the glass window of the carriage they were in which rocketed down the bumpy icy road.

"Stop shoving!" Ken screamed.

"Why is it always us three!" Kitsune sighed.

Currently the group was in a simple and small carriage which went down a road of rocks and ice. Up front Ace rested letting out a sigh as he shook his head small tears streaming out of his helmet. "How did I get stuck with this job again..."

Within the carriage there were four total seats for the six members. Irene, Light, and Jackson, all were in their three seats while they stared deadpanned at Hero, Ken, and Kitsune, who all shared a single seat.

The more things change, the more things stay the same...

"Will you watch it!" Ken shouted out in annoyance as she slammed her elbow into Hero's side as hard as she could.

"Oww! Why'd you hit me!" Hero shouted bringing his arm up and slapping it into Kitsune's face, also as hard as he could. The drone bounced up and down still in Hero's hair.

"Damn it! Watch it you asshole!" Kitsune yelled shoving Hero causing him to slam into Ken again.

Jackson felt a small sigh escape him. "And those three are the most talented members we have. Damn we suck..."

"Having fun back there?" Ace asked. He was at the front of the carriage and was the one who was driving it. "Just a few more minutes until we arrive!" The man announced. "Just bare through it a little longer." He laughed out.

"Piss off Ace!" Hero yelled kicking the back of the man.

Irene tapped her fingers on the wall softly. "You know..." She hummed giving a small half smirk. "I'm kind of shocked we're going to Lillies again after all this time... It's been a full year hasn't it..."

"Yeah." Light nodded. "Last time we were here was with Big Sister Hannah and we fought that powerful Viscount. It took all five of us to beat it... Wonder how we'll all do now." He hummed.

"Guess we'll be finding out." Jackson smirked. "I'm looking forward to just how strong all of you have gotten. Especially those three..."

"Damn it, I hate this!" Kitsune shouted out punching Hero in the face again.


"Tell me about it..." Irene muttered out. "I've been trying to read, for this entire carriage ride and you three won't shut up." She stated as her eye twitched slightly.

"It's their fault!" All three teens shouted at the same time. "Is not! You take that back! How dare you blame me!"

"You three were made for each other..." Light stated letting out a sigh. "Big Brother try to calm down..."

"Shut up Light!" They all yelled.

"Exactly my point..."

Hero let out a sigh as he tried to cross his arms. "Why did I think it was a good idea to be in the middle? On one side I have the nerd hitting me-"


"-On the other side I have the pissed off midget-"


Hero's eye twitched as he ducked his now bruised head down. "This sucks..."

"Well if it makes you feel any better... We're here." Ace called out making everyone stop and turn to look out the window. The horse began to come to a stop in front of the... City?

"What the hell?" Hero asked with wide eyes. "Wasn't this place a bunch of f##king sticks last year?"

The Village of Lillies had been a fairly small village next to long since abandoned ruins. The ruins had been where they took their very first mission, and they hadn't really explored the village all that much which was small with a wooden wall. Now though...

Things had changed.

It was no longer a village.

Rather the thing was massive with many tall buildings, that weren't quiet sky scraper level but taller then other buildings. It also had a large massive stone wall built around it. The thing didn't look like a modern city. All the buildings were stone and it seemed to lack techknowledgey but still... It was strikingly different.

Around the village was absolutely nothing... It was just ice that stretched on for miles, and miles... Nothing but this Village for as far as the eye could see... It instantly raised a few red flags...

The only things for miles being those old ruins...

"I hate you so much, Ken..." Kitsune stated.

"What did I do!"

"I don't know it just felt fitting... So... Whats up with this..." Kitsune frowned. "Whats the mission?"

"Weren't you listening... The village is under attack by some Bestia Macht. They apparently can't protect themselves and need our help." Irene said shrugging. "And that's all we have to do so it actually sounds pretty simple for once? Right Mr. Aka?"

Jackson also frowned. "Well... Honestly I'm unsure... What I do know is this place is no longer apart of the Red Nation."


"They're striking out independently." Jackson said shrugging. "Not apart of any Nation. That means they don't do anything for us and we don't do anything for them."

"Cool." Ken nodded. "So... WHY THE HELL ARE WE HERE THEN?"

Jackson snorted. "That. Well see... We're here for money and branding. The Enforcers defend the Red Nation and its people as a military force. These guys aren't in our Nation. Not since they left last year. So normally we wouldn't help them. However they struck a deal with Lily-"

"Your wife." Hero cut in.

"...Yeah... My wife. In exchange for us helping we..."

"We what?"

"We get something." Jackson frowned. "Not sure what though."

"Lovely..." Ken sighed.

"This is gonna end so bad." Irene stated nodding her head.


The carriage pulled slowly in front of the village gates which began to open. They all stepped out being greeted by a few people in leather armor holding normal metal weapons like swords and bows which wouldn't do much to a Bestia Macht other then piss it off a lot.

"Greetings Enforcers!" A loud voice called out from above. The group turned to look up finding a shadow above them. Dropping down and landing softly was a young girl with jet black hair that went all the way down to her waist and striking ruby red eyes as well as pale skin. She gave a cute devilish smirk as she looked up. "I'm Maudite. And I'm the one who was told to hire you." She stated in a casual tone as she went to slowly hold her hand out.

Jackson took it. "Jackson Storm-"


"Hero I swear to God!" Jackson took a deep breath. "Jackson Aka. We're with the Enforcers and are here to help Miss..."

"Maudite." The woman smiled. "Right this way brave Enforcers. Oh also. No tech sorry."

"Aww come on." Kitsune sighed as everyone began to place their devices in the carriage where Ace would keep them safe. Kitsune gave a whine as he placed his phone on the carriage. "I hope my phone doesn't break being left out in this frozen wasteland."

"Sorry." Maudite said letting out a very cute giggle. "It's a rule Father Darvin made." She spun around before they could ask her anything more and began to walk into the village the gates pushing open and allowing them all to enter and follow after her.

"No Tech huh?" Hero hummed stepping with his cane as his ruby red eyes traced Maudite's nicely shaped behind. "Weird rule. Irene you're a village folk. Was it like this for you and your sister?"

"That's right but..." Irene went silent as she gave a shrug. "Well our Village didn't have technology either but it wasn't because we didn't allow it. We just didn't have any. I don't know any village that would just put a ban on it? It's really helpful?" She frowned. "Everyone keep on your guard... I still have a weird feeling. Also... Hero you're staring."

"Huh?" Hero looked away from Maudite.

"Uncool man." Kitsune whispered. "Your Ex caught you."

"Yeah dude." Ken said walking on the other side of Hero. "Uncool."

"You'll need these more then me I think..." Light hummed handing Hero his sunglasses and making Hero's eyes twitch. "So you can hide your gaze-"

"I wasn't staring because of that!" Hero went silent as his eyes went back to look at Maudite following the woman. "It's just... Something feels... Weird when I look at her..."

"Can we just get into the village already?" Ken questioned as she shivered. "It's freezing out here..."

They followed after Maudite and discovered the inside was just what they expected... Old buildings that looked as if they were falling apart. It was pitch black since no torches were up. Most of the houses were covered in a thick layer of ice. That said... Despite being in such poor condition... There were so many people running around. Nearly was only about 5000 to maybe a 10,000 buildings and large rows of gardens and animal pins and unlike the many houses these things were in amazing condition and looked brand new with well fed animals and massive growing crops despite the freezing cold.

And... That wasn't the only thing that caught the groups eye. Something else also happened to stand out that they all couldn't help but notice. A building at the very back of the village. Unlike all the other ones this building looked almost completely intact. This one was made out of metal rather than stone. It took the gang a few seconds to realize that this building was a church? A metal church with a strange crystal rather then any cross.

"The Bright..." Jackson muttered frowning when he saw the crystal.

"The Bright?" Hero said slightly confused.

"My Grandpa told me about these kinds of people," Jackson whispered as he placed a hand on Hero's shoulder. "He said back in his day these people used to go by a name called the Amish or something? Apparently, they used to be very different then they are now. Before they mostly kept to themselves but according to gramps they ended up changing into Followers of the Bright, and with that their ideals and goals changed... They don't worship God and instead worship the Bright, something that is said to be a powerful Bestia Macht my Grampa actually imprisoned thousands of years ago. The Bright is the Prince of all Bestia Macht and the strongest beast... The Bright believe that one of them will gain the heart and be able to use the Hearts Mighty power to will the Bright to them and allow them to save the world. I had no idea that these were the people who gave out the mission..."

"What your wife didn't tell you that part?"

"One of the times I'm gonna smack you upside the head."

"I'll stop... So whats the deal with these guys?" Hero whispered back.

"Not necessarily..." Jackson whispered back. "Just because they have a different lifestyle than us doesn't mean they're instantly bad but..."


"Well it's just the Bright doesn't have a Father who leads everything... Stay close but don't arouse suspicion... Don't tell the other either though? It could cause them to panic which could be bad for us. No matter what we need to keep a calm-"

"What are you guys whispering about?" Kitsune said now whispering with them.

"Ahh!" Hero, and Jackson both screamed as they jumped up losing their calm. They both turned to find the entire group was looking at them. "What?" Jackson asked innocently.

"You guys literally stood there for like five minutes whispering to each other..." Irene said with a deadpan stare.

"Nah." Hero said shrugging. "You guys are crazy."

"Damn it, Hero, I said play it cool..." Jackson hissed out.

"I'm always cool."

"Big Brother Hero, is so cool he has circled back around into being lame!"

"You guys are weird." Maudite said flatly.

"Speaking of weird." Hero moved next to the girl walking along side her. "What's up with crops? I mean it's snowing twenty four seven and usually we keep them bad boys in doors so whats up with that if you don't mind me asking."

"Why don't you ask Father Darvin?" Maudite said as they stopped in front of a church and she waved her hand. "He's just inside."

"Cool." Hero stepped forward and began to walk to the building as Maudite stayed behind taking a moment to take in his ample behind. Hero reached out to push the church doors open when all of a sudden loud bells rang out throughout the city. "Let me guess? Danger?"

"Danger." Maudite nodded. "I suppose I'll get too see you Enforcers in action won't I." She hummed.

Jackson and the group turned away from the Church as they heard the stomp of the many Bestia Macht. "I suppose you will." Jackson nodded giving a half smirk. "Well guys. Lets put on a show What direction do they usually attack from."

"The south." Maudite hummed.

"Come on guys!" Jackson said walking towards the south of the city. "Irene create us an ice ramp so we can get over this fence." Irene waved her hand out as a wave of ice fired out. The six Enforcers, and Maudite, began to March up it arriving at the top. "Now lets end this quick so we can get back before Katrina realizes I took you guys on a mission Aka-"

Jackson stopped as his smile faded. All of the kid's eyes widened in shock as they all did a double-take.

Hero let out a nervous laugh for a second as his face grew slightly pale. "So... We're gonna be putting on one hell of a show aren't we..." He trailed off.

They all stared at the army of Bestia Machts that marched towards the buildings.