
Night Two Hundred And Ninety Five

Too be a monster would be the greatest sin of all.

Those were the words God was said to have spoken to the new mankind when they first came to be.


What made a monster?

Age ???

Oleander City lied in ruins the many buildings toppled over as well as the massive metal wall torn down.

The sky was a pitch black smog cloud filled with icy hailish rain that left tears down on the stone floor below. Hundreds of frozen corpses could be seen all of them raising up towards the pitch black sky above as the ice rained down.

"Are you sure about this?" A female voice asked softly.

Within a small nearly destroyed building two girls could be seen. The first was an old woman. She had long messy black hair with silver and grey high lights in it from old age and dull silver eyes that were staring to go bad. Her skin was pale and she wore baggy clothes resting in a wheel chair.

The second was...

Someone who looked sort of familiar.

She was a young seven teen year old girl with long silver hair and ruby red eyes. She wore a pair of black pants, as well as a black T-Shirt with a red version of the Enforcers jacket. She also had a belt which held a katana on it.

"Of course I'm sure..." She said sternly stepping forward. In the center of the room was a large glowing blue circle with many runes and words written across it. Also all along it were hundreds of Equations which gave off energy feeding into the circle. "The God Circle will let us save it all. To think the thing Orion wanted to use to end the Human Race is about to be used to save it." She smirked holding her hand up and digging her finger nails into her palm ripping part of the flesh and allowing her blood to drop down into the circle turning it from blue to a blood red.

In the distance louds roars could be heard as the city shook.

The bombing was beginning to stop now...

They'd be here any second...

"Yes... The God Circle..." The older woman said slowly wheeling herself over to a computer which she began to work on. "Mantra, Crests, Dark Matter, Anti Matter, Magic, and Equations, as well as God's Power, all rolled together to form a single gate way. A stepping stone. The The hoop you have to get through. The Circle. My only regret is that it only has one use for one person."

"That's hopefully all we'll need." The girl said as the circle began to glow. She turned back to the older woman giving a smile. "I'll save him this time. Grandma Ken."

And in a flash of light the girl vanished.

The older woman rested in the room letting out a sigh.

"Yes... Please... You must save Hero Law." Ken sighed a small tear escaping her eyes.

In the distance loud growls could be heard as a yellow glow began to seep out and the wall started to break behind her. She slowly turned around in her wheel chair as she reached into her pocket pulling out a small locket of all the Enforcer members.

The wall exploded as several human like creatures began too seep in. They were pitch black with glowing yellow eyes and looked almost like shadows black tendrils seeping out of them as they walked forward everything around them going pitch black.

One of them raised their hands up towards the old woman that was Ken as pink flames began to spill out.

"Hello Shelly."

And in a flash of light Ken was reduced to ash as the world lost its last human.


Age 1992

Village Of Lillies...

"So..." Hero said staring out at the horde of Bestia Macht that all ran towards the city wall they stood on. "Barons?"

"And a few Viscounts." Jackson nodded. "This will be a good test." He smirked.

"Will you be helping?" Kitsune asked turning to look at Maudite.

"I mean I could..." Maudite nodded giving a shrug.

"Me and her will jump in if we have too." Jackson stated. "I want to see how good all of you got for myself first and also we should show her exactly what she ordered to work for her."

"So we get to fight an army of Bestia Macht all by ourselves huh?" Ken hummed throwing her arms behind her head.

"Sounds easy." Irene said rolling her eyes. "Still... Part of me can't help but think back to my village way back then when we had to defend it from hordes like these... Honestly... I'm kind of excited to see how I do fighting a Viscount."

Kitsune folded his arms. "This is fine. I wanted to try out an attack I created recently. This will be the best time to try it."

"Well." Light hummed. "I wonder how we'll do-"

Jackson kicked out with his foot pushing Light off the wall. "Get to the fight already!"

And like a switch being hit all four teens, plus Light who had been shoved down, jumped into battle now filled with renewed determination, right as Light came crashing down. The fight between the Enforcers and the Bestia Macht were back on!

"So... How do you think they'll do?" Maudite asked looking over to the former Vice Captain.

"Why don't you watch and see for yourself." Jackson smirked.

All five of them crashed down into the icy snow field rolling across it as the Bestia Macht ran towards them all. They each had time to give each other a fast nod all of them getting ready. They each ran into the horde all of them splitting up to cover the most ground. They were all reassured by the fact that if need be Jackson could quite literally solo this army. Even then though the horde didn't seem to be all that impressive.

Many of the Bestia Macht all took on various shapes, and sizes. Some had claws, some had wings, some had acidic spit. The point was that they were all deadly. These ones were just simple Barons though.

"Alright! How long has it been since I just set down and had a good old fight with Bestia Macht?" Hero wondered as his right arm glowed forming into its metal claw like form. He ducked under several slashes and strikes avoiding them all and slapping out with his clawed hand ripping through a massive horde of the beasts and blowing several of them apart. With his left hand he twirled his cane around clicking a button and causing the sheath to go flying off which impaled into the head of a Bestia Macht. Using the sword he slashed out splitting many of them apart. He was nowhere near the level of swordsman that Kitsune, Ken, or Irene, were but he could make do.

Many of the Bestia Macht swarmed around the snow haired Enforcer as they all jumped at him ice exploding out of many of them.

Hero jumped back holding his right arm out as it glowed and shifted into its canon form and he fired out a massive beam of energy blowing a huge portion of the horde to pieces! As soon as Hero landed the snow underneath him began too raise up as Hero looked down. In a massive burst a Bestia Macht began to form out of the snow! A Viscount level!

"What the hell!" Hero threw out a punch but his fist went through the body of the beast as it turned to snow. "Oh shit it's like that one we fought a year ago!"

Somewhere else in the horde of Bestia Macht Kitsune walked forward giving his best edgy main character walk. His body glowed as he morphed into his half form and held his hand out forming a flaming blade of magma. He side stepped many of the Bestia Macht and slashed up ripping them apart and burning several of them. "Orange Wave!" He announced slashing it out and sending a wave of flames out that flowed like water melting the water and turning several beasts to ash in a second. "Come on. Can't you Barons put up a challenge?"

As Kitsune said this something suddenly crashed down into the ground throwing him back. He rolled across the snow and looked up finding a large white skinned monkey Bestia Macht. A powerful Viscount level beast. It let out a roar and jumped forward slamming out a powerful punch which Kitsune tried to block but the strike was strong enough to break through his guard. The beast opened its mouth firing out a blue icy beam but that was countered with the fox Enforcers flames.

"Seriously? A Monkey? And it's a freaking Viscount that spits out ice beams?" Kitsune hummed. "Alright then... Time to try out my new attack... I saw Hero do something like this and thought it would be cool to have one myself..." Kitsune said closing his eyes as he held his left hand out. "Fox Hunt!" He yelled slamming his hand down as the fire took form and suddenly a second Kitsune made of fire exploded out of the ground. The second Kitsune slammed out a powerful flaming kick which the ice money blocked.

The Bestia Macht let out a loud powerful battle cry throwing out several punches at the fire clone but the fire Kitsune dodged them easily. As the clone jumped up the Bestia Macht created a pair of massive ice blocks and slammed them together around the clone crushing it as the flames died out in a flash of light. The Bestia Macht went to grin but suddenly felt a wave of pain as its head rolled off and Kitsune stood behind it his flaming sword having morphed into a whip.

"And that's that."

Meanwhile at another part of the Battlefield Ken brought her hand down splitting a Bestia Macht's head in half in a single slash. As the beast exploded from the force of the blow she slammed her hands together firing out a beam of red energy which blasted through much of the horde. Many of the beasts dog piled onto her but that was proved to be a huge error on their part as large black spikes suddenly jutted out of Ken's body from all directions stabbing through all the beasts.

"Ew..." Ken whined beasts guts spilling all over her. "Gross... Now I'm gonna smell like Hero-" In a flash a fast moving bird Bestia Macht stabbed forward slamming its claws through Ken's guts and pushing her back. She spat up a glob of blood as her eyes went wide. She looked up at the beast finding a Viscount. "Hey." Ken smirked making the birds eyes go wide. Before it could react she wrapped her arms around it squeezing down on it as large red energy began to explode out of her and blew the beasts apart spilling out more blood! "Oh... That wasn't smart..."

Ken sidestepped dancing past several of the monsters as a sly smile appeared on her face and she ripped apart whatever got in her way. Several of the monsters all turned to her but in a flash, their bodies came crashing down as several indents appeared on their bodies, and Ken suddenly appeared behind them in a flash.

"I always wanted to do that thing, that they do in shows. Where the person with the sword runs by the people really quickly and they just fall apart." Ken stated as several more Bestia Macht's suddenly reacted as their bodies were suddenly caved in. "I might not be able to slash you with this sword, but I can sure as hell cave your skulls in stupidly fast. And with just a little bit, 'of faster than sound speed,' I can kill you before you even know you're dead!" The small and adorable girl stated innocently as she caved even more of the monster's skulls in. Several of the Bestia Macht decided to back off of the girl...

Over with Light he cocked his gun as he raised it up and fired out several fast golden beams shooting through the hordes of beasts. More and more of them came at him as he clicked a button on his gun causing it to split apart into a set of hand guns as he fired out more beams now duel wielding his guns.

Lastly was Irene. She let out a sigh and slammed her hands into the ground sending out waves of ice and thin blades that ripped many of the Bestia Macht around her apart. Anything that got near her were simply reduced to shattered marbles of flesh and bone all shattering around her as the ice got larger and larger.

Jackson and Maudite watched all of this with folded arms. "Wow." Maudite hummed. "They aren't half bad."

"Yeah they're cool." Jackson nodded.

"Yeah. All but him."

"Huh?" Jackson turned and stared with a deadpanned look as Hero began to get slammed into the ground by the shifting Bestia Macht.

"Bad changing beast!" Hero yelled stabbing out with his sword and claws but only going through it. He was held up by his ankles by the beast which was trying to attack him but was unable to do so due to him attacking it, but he was unable to do so due to the Bestia Macht shifting forms. It was the exact same kind of Bestia Macht that took all of them one year ago to take down. "God f##king damn it! Why the f##k is it always me that is fighting the hard Bestia Macht! Seriously why did it pick me?"

'Who knows.' Row hummed. 'You have really, really bad luck...'

The Bestia Macht let out a loud roar its claws gripping down on Hero's leg tighter as it began to smash him into the ground over and over. The crash honestly wasn't all that bad, the snow being more like a pillow as it stopped Hero from taking any serious damage from the beast. That said... He was getting really, really, really, pissed off from the attacks.

Hero managed to kick up ripping his leg out of the hand of the beast as he dropped down to the ground landing in the snow. He rolled back and slashed his arm out as he glared at the ever changing Bestia Macht. "Now... If I recall correctly..." He raised his right arm up as green flames began to pour out of it and he gritted his teeth. "You can't turn into things when you aren't touching the ground can you!" Hero screamed slamming his fist into the ground and firing out a massive shock wave so strong it blew the Bestia Macht high into the air making its eyes go wide with horror. Hero gave a wide grin pulling his arm back and throwing out a punch. "Black Hydra!" He yelled black flames bursting out and slamming into the Bestia Macht and burning it down too ash.

'oh my God. Is that the first time that attack has killed something?' Row asked.

"Uh... Yeah I think it is... Wow. I am... Way less awesome then I thought I was." Hero sighed. Many of the Bestia Macht ran at Hero. He turned to face them holding his clawed hand out. "Guys. I just tore down the strongest Bestia Macht here. You scrubs think you can really fight me-"

In a burst of red light something began to appear as cracks appeared in the air sending out bolts of red lightning that burned through the Bestia Macht frying them all down to ash as everyone stopped for a moment. The snow was blown away as a woman in a red Enforcer jacket morphed into existence before Hero.

"Hero Law..." The girl said slowly looking up.

"Uh... Yeah?" Hero asked.

"My name is Lee. And I'm here to save you. Greetings from the future."