Time Travels A Thing Now

Night Two Hundred And Ninety Six

Age 1992

Village Of Lillies...

Jackson and Maudite remained standing on the wall as they watched everyone fight. Kitsune, Ken, and Hero, all three fought Viscount level Bestia Macht the bronze ranked Enforcers handling them easily. It was almost unfair the way they were able to rip through them.

Meanwhile Irene and Light were fighting massive hordes of the beasts and simply taking anything that got too close to them out in a single powerful burst attack.

"And you're stronger then all of them?" Maudite asked.

"Thats the working theory." Jackson shrugged. "Though... Who really knows. They've come a long way since I last remember them though." He smirked. "I bet they could even beat Dawson if all of them fought together."


"Oh he's a friend of mine. Him and Hannah are baby sitting Daughter."

"You have a Daughter?"

"Actually she's Hero's."

"Oh?" Maudite stared with wide eyes as she watched Hero battle the Bestia Macht. "He has a kid?" She watched the snow hair colored boy as he danced between more monsters wiping them out with ease. "You know... I've had this weird feeling ever since I first laid eyes on him... That boy... Is he Row-"

In a burst of red light something began to appear as cracks appeared in the air sending out bolts of red lightning that burned through the Bestia Macht frying them all down to ash as everyone stopped for a moment. The snow was blown away as a woman in a red Enforcer jacket morphed into existence before Hero.

Kitsune stabbed his fire sword into the skull of a Bestia Macht as he stared across the battlefield at where Hero and the woman was. "I get the feeling she's trouble..." He sighed.

Ken stared at the girl with wide eyes much like everyone else. "Uh? Who the hell is she?" She asked no one dodging several of the Bestia Macht which were still running around.

Irene also watched ice forming underneath her and raising her up as she got ready to jump towards Hero if he needed help. "I sure hope someone picks up the phone cause I so called it!" She sighed shaking her head.

Light frowned his ears twitching. They were all scattered around the battlefield all away from each other and there was still so many Bestia Macht running around. Where Hero and the woman stood was clear since her entrance had blown several of the beasts apart but there were still a lot around the rest of them. "Come on Big Brother. Don't do anything reckless." Light sighed cocking his gun. "I'm not sure whats going on but the aura that woman is giving off is similar to..."

Back over with Hero his mind was registering the women who appeared out of nowhere in front of him his mind racing as he stared at her with wide eyes.


'Don't ask me man...' Row said stunned. 'I have no idea what we just saw... I'm just as confused.'

"Hero Law..." The girl said slowly looking up.

"Uh... Yeah?" Hero asked letting out a small gulp as the women cocked her head to the side.

"My name is Lee. And I'm here to save you. Greetings from the future."

Hero stared at the woman blinking a few times. "Uh... Want to run that by me again-"

"I already told you I'm from the future-"

"Are you with the Organization?"

"I'm from the future-"

"Why is that Enforcer jacket red-"

"Future- Oh f##k this. I don't have time for this." Lee sighed stepping forward. "Listen I need to get you out of here before you can go and do something dumb-"

She went to grab Hero who recoiled back jumping from her as he slammed his arm out. Lee's arms came up blocking the metal limb a wave of energy bursting out as she blocked the attack. Her feet slid through the snow as she stared into his eyes a large frown on her face as she stopped his attack in its tracks.

"What?" Hero said with wide eyes. "She stopped my attack without using her Equation?"

"Why the hell did you attack me." She frowned glaring at him.

"Oh that." Hero shrugged. "Well. I know enough about people to know you don't have good intentions right. Or at least what I think is good intentions. You were just about to attack me yourself weren't you."

"...You're just like how she said you'd be." Lee sighed reaching down to her belt. "Honestly... I was... But don't get the wrong idea. I was told your stubborn and I don't have time to wait. I'm going to knock you out and get you far, far away from this place."

"Which group are you with." Hero questioned jumping back. "You don't expect me to seriously believe you're from the future do you?"

"Believe it or not. Thats not about to stop me from saving your life!" She announced firing forward and stabbing out with her sword. Hero sliced out with his own blade deflecting the strike with ease but as he did that her fist came up slamming into his jaw pushing him back. He rolled across the snow and caught his foot holding his metal arm up just in time to block her downward slash. She entered into a stance unleashing several strikes from all directions with her katana which he did his best to block his eyes following the attacks.

"What the hell?" Hero said in shock as he blocked her attacks.

'What?' Row asked.

"Those attacks are the same style of swordsman ship Kitsune uses."

"I did train with him after all." Lee said stabbing up with her blade and slicing Hero's shoulder open. "Now please let me save you!"

Hero stepped back blood flowing out of his shoulder rune as green flames poured out of his right arm. "You know!" He yelled throwing out a powerful punch towards the girl. "Most people don't try too save someone by attacking them!" She blocked his strike with her katana but the blade began to slowly crack and break making her frown. "But okay. Let's say I believe this whole time travel stuff for a moment." Hero jumped back his arm reverting back as he folded his arms together. "Explain. Now." An aura began to seep out of him as he stared her down.

Lee sighed folding her arms up as well in the same gesture as Hero. "Listen. I'm not exactly sure what happens but... In the future you died on this mission. So I was sent back to stop you. But I was also told you'd likely throw a hissy fit and whine about being taken away from this mission so Gram-Gram, told me to just knock you out."

"If you're from the future... Red eyes... Silver hair... A smug ass, better then thou, attitude. Are... Are you my Daughter?"

"No. I'm not any of your daughters." Lee snorted.


"And before you suggest I'm lying we both know that friend of yours can see through that." She said nodding to Hero's heart where his Crest was.

"Damn. I thought I was onto something for a second there." Hero sighed. "Oh well... So... Let me get this straight. Let's say... I do believe you. Which I'm not saying I do. You're saying that I die on this mission. From what?"


"Okay. And if I leave I live?"

"That's the theory."

"And only I die?"

"No. The city is totaled and hundreds of people also die. Listen. In my timeline on this day something gets out. You die. And people like Jackson, Light, and Irene, are infected with a virus turning them monstrous. Where I'm from the world is slowly breaking apart more and more. People are turning into these creatures... You die the same day the virus is released. This war was unlike anything we saw spreading so fast it was over before we could even fight. Not even God, or Seraphins like Otoko, or Davi, were immune. In the end the human race was about to vanish once more. I've been sent back to prevent that though. Hero. I'm going to save you."

Hero let out a sigh as he unfolded his arms. "What about everyone else."

"We won't have time to save everyone. I just need too get you out of here. She went on and on about how good you were and how only you could stop something like this. I honestly don't believe half the stories but I'm out of options. So... I'll say this one more time. Come with me. We're going to leave and head to the White Nation where we will make a stand before the war begins and give us at least a chance. I'm guessing hundreds of people will still die. Maybe even thousands but if it even has a chance to stop the human race from going extinct then we have no choice."

"But why me exactly?"

"Your Crest is the key from what I was told." Lee stated. "See you can enter the Void with it. Gram-Gram told me the plan. I was to head back in time and save you and this team and then we can use your Crest to transport several people into the Void and then jump worlds-"



"I refuse." Hero frowned the image of Otoko coming to his mind. "I'm not going to leave my world. Never. If what you say is true and this thing is going to happen then I'm just going to have to stop it-"

"Idiot! I could only go back in time once. I can't do that again. And we got lucky being able to do it once. We'll likely never do something like this again. We don't have time for what ifs. Even with you knowing about this. We have to get you out-"

Lightning crackled behind Lee as Jackson appeared. "That's enough." Jackson said making Lee jump. "You girl. You claim that something begins to infect people?"

"Yeah. So?" Lee frowned.

"Well... It just so happens Aka gave me a hidden mission to find something." Jackson sighed remembering back to the files Aka had given him. "And if what you're saying is true then I am with Hero on this. We can't leave this world behind and its people to die. Even if we can save millions whats the point if billions have to die. What you speak of is the Shadow right. A black void like thing that has infected the targets it touches. It was used as a weapon a few hundred years ago when we were still figuring Equations out, or at least so my Gramps has told me. It should have all been destroyed but Aka was told my Darvin the man who runs this city that some remained. We have been sent out to destroy it and I happen to know where it is."

"Interesting..." Maudite hummed appearing next to Hero Law and making him jump slightly. "I was unaware of this?"

"You were?" Hero asked.

"I'm not shocked." Jackson sighed. "See the mission was from Darvin. He told Aka about the Shadow and said that she could come and have us destroy it and in return we had to help get rid of a Nest."

"Hmm." Hero's frown got deeper. "Okay... That sounds... How do I die exactly?"

"I already told you I don't know." Lee hissed stomping her foot. "And will any of you take me seriously. I'm a Dimond ranked Enforcer so I out rank all of you."

"Dimond rank..."

"Yeah! Gold wasn't good enough so Dimond rank was added to the chart."

"Look. Lee was it?" Jackson sighed. "I'll take you to where the Shadow is. We'll keep Hero away from it and we'll destroy it. That said. We aren't leaving till we helped this village with its Nest issue otherwise it will be destroyed. Now. We're going to deal with these Bestia Macht first and then get to that okay? So just calm down-"

"Fine I'll do it myself." Lee yelled throwing her arms in the air as she closed her eyes and small sparks of energy began to escape her.

"Uh... What was your last name again?" Hero asked.

Lee gave a smirk as she snapped.

"Lee. Storm."

And in a burst of lightning thousands of thunder arrows rained down slamming into every Bestia Macht and running them all through in a flash of blue light!