Save And Laws

Night Two Hundred And Ninety Eight

Age 1992

Village Of Lillies...

"And that's that!" Ken yelled out ramming her fist into the head of the large Bestia Macht and ripped it straight off.

"Please tell me that's all of them." Irene sighed folding her arms up as her eye twitched.

"It would seem like it." Kitsune said as his flames died back down into dull embers and he looked around at the battle field of dead Bestia Macht which all began to fade away into nothingness.

"Finally." Light announced. "Now. Let's all go check in on Big Brother and that weird woman!"

"I can't believe Jackson just left us!" Ken said her eye twitching as she folded her arms up and let out a cute huff lightly kicking the ice and snow. "I swear he better have a very, very good reason for leaving us all out here alone and going into the city."

"I'm guessing it has something to do with the mission and that woman." Irene frowned. "I wonder just who she could be..."

"Well." Kitsune turned away from them and began to walk towards the village that rested in the distance. "What are we waiting for? Let's find out just who that girl was. I for one want to know what she's doing with a Samurais sword and where she learned to wield it like that. Very few people know the White Nations ways of fighting besides me. On top of that the way she fought made me feel like I was looking into a mirror image of myself..."

Ken nodded her head as she walked along side of Kitsune. "Don't forget that Jacket she had." She hummed. "It looked like an Enforcers jacket but was all red and stuff. Honestly I'm a little jealous it looked way cooler then our versions!"

"Let's get our answers." Irene sighed.

"Alright! Lets get this plot moving!" Light called out.

Meanwhile far away near the ruins of The Ancient City Tacca Chantrieri, the place where the group had their first ever official first mission where they lost and let an Equation get destroyed, a young woman in her late twenties stood on one of the many buildings holding up a pair of binoculars up as she watched the four young Enforcers head to the village of Lillies.

"My, my..." The woman said letting out a low whistle as she eyed them up a small smirk crossing onto her lips. "Just what do we have here? I'm sure Zero will want to hear about this..."

Meanwhile underground in the Church where Hero and the gang were, they walked down the stone path eyeing up all the Bestia Macht that had been captured and caged.

The group finally stopped at the end where a set of massive metal doors rested. "Here we are..." Maudite sighed. "If what Father Darvin said is true, as well as that Time Traveler, then feel free to break this..." She said sliding the key into the door and pulling it open allowing them to finally see inside...

"Oh God damn it not this s##t again it's another f##king vault!" Hero yelled when a large vault door could be seen on the other side...

"You got something against vaults?" Jackson asked raising an eyebrow.

"Gram-Gram told me many stories about the curse of the vaults within vaults..." Lee said flatly.

Maudite cleared her throat. "Here. I'll open this vault door up and then we can really see whats behind it. There shouldn't be any more after this so-"

Hero slammed his metal arm forward punching a massive hole through the steel vault door and wrapping his fingers around it as he pulled back. There was a loud ripping sound as the fingers seemed to dig through the steel and he pulled back ripping the entire vault door off and throwing it back down the tunnel as it rolled across the floor and came to a crashing stop.

"...Or you can just cause Hundreds of Bells worth of damage because you're to lazy to wait for me to open the door." Maudite said blinking a few times from shock. "Seriously it would have taken like three seconds tops-"

Before she could finish her, Lee, Hero, and Jackson, all four went dead silent as a wave of cold air blew out of the vault making them all shiver. It somehow got even colder as more ice began to flow out and even cling to their skins, and the little light that was created by Maudite's wings seemed to get dimmer as shadows began to slowly stretch out of the vault washing over them and making them all feel like they just jumped into ice cold water sweat pouring down them all as they all gulped from fear.

It almost sounded like whispers were seeping out of the vault and they all couldn't help but peer into the darkness.

What was inside was a simple and nearly empty room.

It actually wasn't all that large being a decent sized metal room with a metal roof and a metal floor as well as many metal walls. Ice clung to every surface and it was filled with many Bells but what caught all of their attention was the thing in the center of the room. It was a small stone slab that had something resting on it.

On the slab was what got their attention...

It looked almost like a large black egg and for a moment Hero couldn't help but think back to Hide when he first met the strange human Bestia Macht. The egg was large about the size of a human head and was pitch black and looked like it was made out of an almost liquid darkness. Like it was more liquid then solid and seemed to flow over together like a solid liquid. All along it were several human like mouths, and pitch red eyes. The mouths were open and saliva dripped out of them and their teeth could be seen which were nasty and rotten yellow with long black pointy tongues inside of them and their eyes squirmed around going from person to person before landing on Maudite.

The egg licked its lips as it stared at her. Its gaze was soon changed to Hero when Maudite stepped behind him and began to hide behind the boy as she stared at the thing with wide fearful eyes.

"What the actual f##k!" Hero asked with wide eyes.

"Okay I wasn't ready for that, Gram-Gram never told me they looked like that." Lee gulped.

"I'm gonna hold onto you." Maudite said holding Hero tightly.

"Well guys." Jackson said also with wide eyes. "We're definitely not alone because someone seems to have peed my pants. Gramps really undersold the stories about how these things looked..."

"Okay..." Hero gulped moving a little aways from Maudite as he held his cane up. "So what... We... We kill this thing and boom! Future saved?"

"I... I guess..." Lee frowned. "Grampa Jackson, always wanted to say that by the way, do you know if these things can fight back?"

"They can from what I was told." Jackson nodded. "But they're only meant for normal humans so destroying it should be easy for us. Still... If what you said about this thing infecting someone with an Equation is true then no one let its mouth or tongue touch you. If it pierces your flesh that's how it places the infection into you."

"So it is hostile." Hero nodded poking at it with his cane. "But how hostile is it-"

The Shadow Orb suddenly unleashed a loud screeching sound that hurt all their ears as Hero's cane poked it in one of its many eyes. Before any of them could move one of its mouths wrapped around Hero's cane yanking it away and throwing it across the room. All of the beasts mouths then opened up so wide part of its shadowy flesh began to rip apart. The tongues then stabbed out of it looking more like tendrils. Several stabbed into the walls which it used to pull itself away as the tendrils began dragging it around the room at a high speed making everyones eyes go wide.

"Quick!" Jackson yelled out lightning exploding out of him and lighting his body up with blue electricity. "Stop it before it can get out and don't let it pierce your flesh! It's made out of Dark Matter just like a Bestia Macht so a single powerful hit from our Equations should be able to put the bastard down for good!"

"Right!" Lee, Maudite, and Hero, all yelled jumping into action.

Hero went first since he was still the closest thing to the beast. He had started to fall to the floor with the loss of his cane since his arm and leg were back to being useless but before he hit the floor the veins in his right leg lit up green as the fire began to flow through him and his right arm shifted back into its large clawed form and he forced himself back up. His fingers squeezed down into a balled up fist flames blasting out of the fist as he dove towards the squid like shadow beast and he threw out a powerful punch.

The Shadow Orb dodged the strike and struck out with several tendrils but Hero shifted his arm back into its shield form which he used to block the attack, the force of which sent him flying back.

"Damn it the thing is fast!" Hero yelled out.

"Well if speeds the key." Jackson smirked his lightning seeping out of his flesh and forming around his arms and legs as he blasted down the street towards the beast. The Lightning flowed out forming a powerful claymore which he slashed out with towards the shadow orb as hard as he could the blade bending and burning at the air around him as the lightning bounced off of the hilt and shot across the room wildly bouncing back and forth all around the creature. "Dodge this!" Jackson called out. "Lightning Net!" The Lightning began to close in around the creature making it impossible for it to dodge.


It didn't.

The Shadow Orbs tendrils came together wrapping around one another like some kind of large shadow drill which stabbed up breaking past the lightning net and would have stabbed into Jackson but before it could reach the former Vice Captain of Squad Six Hero wrapped his clawed hand around Jackson leg and yanked the Enforcer down to the ground narrowly saving his life as the two of them collapsed to the floor.

"Nice save Hero!" Jackson cried out with wide eyes. "Sorry for yelling at you earlier!"

"Out of the way love birds!" Maudite landed on Hero's shoulders and used him as a kick stand to jump up and land on Jacksons head shoving the Gold ranked Enforcer into the ground. Her wings exploded out in a hail of black crystals as she held her hand out and formed a long black crystal scythe that she gripped down on tightly swinging it up at the Shadow Orb as hard as she could and casting out a wave of black light. Her weapon slammed into the Shadow Orb but the thing used its tendrils as a shield of sorts blocking the blade and causing it to be slammed up into the roof with a loud crash. "Oh come on!"

The thing began to fall back towards the ground firing itself towards Maudite but at the last second Maudite was slammed into the ground by Lee who threw her out of the way. Lee slashed out with her hand lightning blasting out and slamming into the beast making it howl as it dropped to the ground.

As the thing landed on the ground its tendrils wormed back out and it began to run around the room all around Lee looking for an opening.

The future Enforcer eyed it up as she held her right arm out which began to glow and morph lightning blasting out of it as the limb began to change.

"She's a Transformation type?" Hero said in shock.

Lee's arm morphed from the shoulder down much like Hero's. The flesh on it was replaced with a light blue almost glowing metal and from the elbow down the limb got larger and larger getting bulkier as it seemed to almost turn into a large clawed hand just like Hero's was. Instead of green flames pouring out of the orb of the hand, there was a dark blue cross in the center of her palm which lit up with a wave of lightning which wrapped around her arm and formed a large lightning crossbow which she raised up.

"Take this." She said coldly snapping her fingers and sending a lightning bolt blasting out of her crossbow arm towards the beast. The Shadow Orb blocked the attack with its tendrils just in time but it was slammed back into the ground which made Lee smirk. "I knew you'd do that. Now you left yourself wide open!" She jumped into the air the lightning cross bow vanishing as the lightning instead wrapped around her arm and formed a massive lightning claymore which she stabbed out with. "You're finished-"

"Hero we came too help!" Ken yelled out entering the room followed by Kitsune, Irene, and Light.

"Gram-Gram!?" Lee asked with wide eyes losing her focus for a second.

And the orb saw its chance dodging her strike and slamming its tendril right through her shoulder...