I'm Sorry

Night Two Hundred And Ninety Nine

Age 1992

Village Of Lillies...

"Hero we came too help!" Ken yelled out entering the room followed by Kitsune, Irene, and Light.

"Gram-Gram!?" Lee asked with wide eyes losing her focus for a second.

And the orb saw its chance dodging her strike and slamming its tendril right through her shoulder...

"No!" Hero, Jackson, and Maudite all yelled.

"What the hell is that thing?" Kitsune, Irene, and Light screamed.

"Wait did she call me Gram-Gram?" Ken asked looking around.

Lee slammed into the ground back first gasping out in pain as blood flowed down her shoulder. Her arm reverted back to normal as her power faded and she stared down at the limb and the hole inside of her shoulder wound.

The Shadow Orb let out a loud growl its teeth growing larger as its eyes began to roam around the room looking at everyone inside of it before finally landing on Ken. Someone who unlike everyone else in this room didn't have the power of an Equations pure mantra within her body meaning that the dark matter it possessed could affect her. The Shadow-Orb fired towards the young fifteen year old Enforcer spinning itself around as it struck out towards her-

Hero's fist slammed down into the orb of darkness as the floor shattered and broke apart and the entire creature had time to widen its eyes and let out a quiet whine before its entire body exploded in a loud pop and it burst open spilling its blood out.

The creatures flesh began to slowly melt down as it got smaller and smaller breaking apart into a black mist and it ceased to be.

"No seriously what the hell!" Ken yelled throwing her arms into the air.

Jackson, and Maudite stood up quickly as they stared at the dissolving form. "Lee." Hero yelled running over to the downed girl and grabbing her.

"Mr. Storm." Irene said with wide eyes. "What's happening?"

"I... I don't really know but..." Jackson said with wide eyes.

"Lee." Hero filled the girl over but her eyes were closed shut and she seemed to be breathing heavily a cold sweat dripping down her body. He let out a hiss when he felt her skin. It was somehow cold and yet hot to touch. Like she was ice cold freezing to death and also yet somehow on fire at the same time burning to death. "Shit..." He cursed out. He wrapped his metal arm around her and grabbed his cane picking her up.

"Hero who is she?" Kitsune asked seeing the worry on Hero's face. "Why is she-"

"Shut the hell up." Hero yelled turning past them and about to run out of the room.

"Hero." Jackson said grabbing Hero by the shoulder. "Listen. Put her down."


"She already told us everything she needed to know. That girl is from the future where everyone died because a Shadow-Orb infected a person with an Equation. Now listen. She was just infected Hero. If she turns then... You know what we have to do-"





"I said no!" Hero growled his red eyes glaring at Jackson. "I refuse to accept that. We don't know what's happening to her. You said it yourself that people with Equations aren't affected-"

"And she told us they are!" Jackson growled his grip getting tighter. "Listen here. I've been putting up with your crap for a while now. Do you even begin to get how much you've gotten away with. Well do you? Over and over again you get away with just so much and it's really starting to piss me off. Now. Put her down."

Hero stared at Jackson his ruby red eyes meeting Jacksons electrical blue ones. Hero turned away from the former Vice-Captain holding his hand out to Irene. "Please. Take her." He said quietly as Irene slowly wrapped her arms around Lee holding the girl. "See what you can do for her."

"R... Right..." Irene said slowly letting out a gulp as she looked around. Jackson and Hero were both slowly letting some of their power seep out.

Ken slowly grabbed Irene by the wrist. "I... I'll come with you." She gulped.

"Here." Maudite said grabbing Irene's other side and dragging her out. "I'll lead you up top and to a room we can store her and check on her wound."

And like that the three girls left the room leaving only the boys behind.

Jackson's glare was slowly getting worse and worse as he stared at the back of Hero's head before Hero slowly turned back to look at Jackson their eyes meeting once more both of which lit up as a small hum could be heard throughout the room. Kitsune's hands slowly gripped down as if he was holding an unseen sword as he got ready to activate his power and Lights hand gripped his gun tighter as all four of them waited for something to happen.

"...I'm sorry."

"What?" Jackson asked caught off guard when Hero finally spoke.

"I said. I'm sorry."

Jackson's frown turned into a full on look of anger. "You're sorry? You're sorry... You're sorry!" Small sparks of lightning seemed to seep off of him. "You... You are an Enforcer. Someone made to bring peace to the world. It's up to us to keep this world safe and keep the embers of a bonfire lit up to keep everyone safe. Our job is making sure the human race survives. You were a weapon built to kill God and keep the world going. But no. You throw a hissy fit and spout off random bull shit lines about being a superhero as if it makes it all better. You go on and on about happy endings and the best situations then screw up. You harm yourself and others around you just by existing and are too suborn to change your way. You created Daughter a human Bestia Macht that in all honest shouldn't exist and should be put down as she's highly unstable. We blink once and it turns out you put the earth in danger by blowing up the sky and also fought your clone. You cause so many issues that it's honestly a miracle that this entire world hasn't ended yet because you did something that caused issues to the world."

Hero waited quietly as Jackson finished his speech. "That wasn't what I was saying sorry for."


"Lee is from the future and claims that I die today, and you die today as well."


"So. She's your Grand daughter."

"Yeah she told me?"

"If you die today then that would have to mean her parent on your side is born sometime after your death meaning-"

Jacksons eyes went wide as he figured out what Hero was getting out. "Katrina is pregnant!" He gasped out. "Wait? So why are you saying sorry again?"

"Because. When your child is born she's gonna have to see your ugly ass face after I punch you as hard as I can."

"Wait what-"


Hero slammed his metal fist into Jackson's face as hard as he could as massive green flames exploded out of his fist and Jackson was slammed up into the roof of the metal vault breaking past it. Jackson flew out slamming past the vault and crashing back down painfully into the snow back first and sliding through the ice and snow. The former Vice-Captain stood there laying back into the snow and not moving as he stared up at the pitch black sky.

"What... The f##k... Did he just do..."

Jackson jumped back up to his feet his eyes going wide. He looked up at the hole in the ground below him as Hero's hand came out of it and stabbed into the ground. Hero pulled himself out of it landing on the ground standing several feet away from Jackson.

"Now." Hero said calmly. "Are you going to let me do my usual."

"Your usual?"

"Yeah. Get into loads of danger and then somehow stop everything from going wrong." Hero said rolling his eyes.

Jackson sighed as lightning began to roll off of his body forming off of his skin and crackling off of him. He held his hand up the lightning covering it. "Don't die from this." He fired forward throwing out a powerful lightning right hook towards Hero's face. "Take this-"

Fire exploded out as a hand blocked Jackson's fist stopping it from reaching Hero's face. Jackson looked up with wide eyes as he saw Kitsune standing in front of Hero blocking the fist with his open palm.



A beam of golden light suddenly slammed into Jackson blowing him back further. He looked up once more finding Light standing next to Hero.

"God damn it... Please don't tell me you three are all teaming up..." He sighed.

"Sorry about this Mr. Storm- Err... I mean Aka." Kitsune said shrugging as his fire formed his tails and ears. "But I'm siding with Hero on this one. Trust me. All the dude does is f##k up but... Well the Enforcers haven't done a lot by themselves so far. And your group has been pretty shady lately... Besides. Hero was sort of right. He always seems to fix it in the end."

"And I'm just siding with big brother." Light said flatly.

"Bros before asshole Vice Captains." Hero shrugged.

Jackson's eye twitched. "Well. Hero. Kitsune. Light. This time it's my turn to say sorry."