
Night Three Hundred

Age 1992

Village Of Lillies...

Inside The Church...

"Shit. She's burning up." Irene hissed as she placed Lee down onto the stone table inside of the cold church.

Ken's body lit up with a crackling red energy as she pointed her finger at several unlit candles fighting out beams of red light and igniting them with a chaotic red flame that heated the room up and also lit it up.

"Holy crap who is he?" Ken yelled out when she saw Father Darvin. "Good lord that poor Bestia Macht is being put through a work out!"

"Hello." Father Darvin said letting out a small snort as he stared at the four girls, Ken, Irene, Maudite, and Lee. "I see that the poor Enforcer girl was injured?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure what it was though." Irene hissed out as she felt Lee's head. The poor stranger was practically on fire. She let out a small intake of air as wisps of ice escaped her lips. She pressed her hands to Lee's forehead and used her ice to slowly cool the girls head off with her ice based power. "Damn it what the hell is this fever?" She sighed climbing onto the table. She placed Lee's head into her lap slowly and used more of her ice on Lee in an effort to keep the girl cooled off.

"Father Darvin." Maudite said folding her arms as she stared at the fat elder man. "Do you know whats wrong with her?"

"Was she pricked by that Shadow being?" The man hummed.

"Yeah." Ken nodded. "What was that thing anyways?"

"A Shadow-Orb." Maudite said frowning. "I honestly don't know much about it but from what I was told and heard... That girl is from the future." She announced shocking Irene and Ken, though Darvin didn't seem to shocked. "She claims we all die in the future and what caused it is something called the Shadow-Orb which infects people and turns them into monsters."

"Seriously?" Ken asked frowning. "So... Do we take her out-"

"No." Irene said shaking her head. "Hero trusted her with me. I'm not going to let anything happen to her. You'll have to get past me first."

"Okay, okay! Geez." Ken said waving her hands as she let out a small laugh. "So um... Does anyone else have any ideas on what we do then? I mean she's going to turn into some monster right?"

The horse Bestia Macht slowly moved towards the group of girls as Father Darvin peered down at the girl letting out a small hum. "I think I see the issue here yes..." He hummed nodding his head. "You three won't have to worry."

"What?" Ken, Maudite, and Irene asked looking up.

The horse slowly turned and began to move towards the stairway. "She will not turn." The man said letting out a small giggle. "Though she will be in a lot of pain. You'd do well to keep her alive. It makes me wonder... Just what she was hiding hmm..."

"That guys flipping weird." Ken said flatly as the other girls all nodded. "So what? This future chick is immune or something?"

"I don't think so." Irene frowned staring down at Lee's body. "It's... Something else... But its just a gut feeling... I can't really explain it..."

"She appears to have fallen into a Coma..." Maudite noted letting out a small hum. "I think I might be of some help though."


Maudite slowly reached up placing her hand on the girls head. "I'll use my power and enter her mind... Let's see whats inside of her..." She whispered as her wings slowly formed out wrapping around the girl as she closed her eyes.



Outside Of The City...

Jackson landed down on the ground blue lightning rolling off of him as he stared up with wide eyes. "You know boys! We don't have to do this!"

A ball of fire blasted towards the former Enforcer Vice-Captain at high speeds. He slammed his hand down causing thunder to rain down forming a barrier of energy that blocked the fire ball before it could reach him. He then spun around dodging a beam of golden energy that blasted past him and finally threw both his arms up in a blocking motion as Hero came crashing forward throwing out a punch with his metal limb and sending Jackson flying back several meters.

Jackson rolled through the ice and caught himself looking up as he let out a small growl finding Kitsune, Light, and Hero all standing across from him all three ready for action.

"Alright then." Jackson sighed flicking his wrist and causing a few sparks of lightning to flow out of his finger tips. "Let's do this then..."

Kitsune's fire formed his nine tails and his ears as he entered his fox form and dropped down too all fours fire surrounding him as he blasted forward at high speeds. Jackson narrowly dodged the attack as Kitsune flew past him. Kitsune spun on his heels and slammed his hands out the fire forming past his body and getting bigger and bigger taking the form of a massive fox. "King Kong Fire Fox!" He announced loudly as it formed into a massive fox in samurai armor. It slammed its blades out but Jacksons lightning formed a massive crow of blue energy that blocked it just in time. He blasted forward throwing out a thunder punch that sent Kitsune flying.

As Jackson did that he spun around on the heels of his feet as Light appeared behind him blasting out with a golden beam of light. Jackson twisted past the beam throwing out a kick but Light used his gun to block it. "No hard feelings..." Light smirked clicking a button on his gun as it formed around his arm and changed into a massive metal sword that blasted out with a golden beam of light. "Hero-Saber!" He yelled slashing out with his sword. Jackson formed a blade of lightning trying to block the strike but Light's pure light sword proved to be too strong throwing the man back.

As Jackson flew back Hero rocketed forward as he raised his metal arm up. "So Jackson! Think you can really keep up with all three of us?" Hero called out as his arm changed into its shield form and he threw out a green ball of fire. Jackson spun around slicing through the ball of fire and slamming into Hero pushing him back. His strikes proved useless though as Hero blocked them all with his shield arm. "I've been working on a project with my God Striking Aura." Hero smirked blocking Jacksons strikes with his shield. "I created this after teaming up with Athena and she taught me more about energy. The Flying Thunder Fire Cracker, Shadow Unleashed. Thats the attack I used to split the sky. It was only a weak version of what I truly had though. The Godly Striking Aura led to The Flying Thunder Fire Cracker, Shadow Unleashed. And thats going to lead to this!" Hero announced loudly jumping away as his arm changed back to its metal form and his GKS Aura turned on. A ball of energy began to form into his clawed hand. "Exploding Gaia-"

Jackson's eyes went wide as he ducked down just in time as Hero's attack flew out. It was highly unstable and twisted around blowing up into the air and sending out a wave of heat and energy that blasted them all back.

"Okay?" Jackson said slowly getting out of the snow and ice. "I'll admit. You three aren't half bad. But you all forget. I'm just as strong as Dawson Blight." Jackson said slowly closing his eyes as the energy began to spill out of him. "Now. I'll show you my power. Level Two!" He announced the lightning exploding around him as mist began too form out of his flesh forming an almost massive cloud that floated high into the air. A black rod began to form out of Jackson's hands that almost looked like a wand as a giant storm cloud formed into the sky above them. "This is my Level Twos max power. The Dancing Thunder, Singing Lightning. Now. Let's see how you hold up with my song of beasts!" He called out as lightning animals began to form out of the clouds raining down.

"Hero." Kitsune said slowly.


"I hate you."

"That's fair."

Jackson exploded forward now much, much faster as he appeared next to Hero, and Kitsune. He slammed an elbow forward into Hero's face blowing the boy back before he could even attempt to block as he then threw out a lightning fast kick into Kitsune's gut throwing Kitsune into the air. Light jumped up breaking his gun in half and forming it into a set of hand guns which rained down golden laser bullets but Jackson lightly swiped his wand out sending out crackling bolts of lightning that took several forms from birds, to lions, that slammed through the golden bolts and smashed into Light slamming the boy back.

Hero landed on his feet first and slammed his legs forward. "Eventful Impact!" He yelled out throwing a powerful kick that Jackson easily dodged. "Shit-" Jackson pointed his wand towards the boy blasting out a blue beam of lightning that threw Hero back. Hero slammed down next too Light right as Kitsune appeared next to Jackson and engaged the man.

Kitsune formed a large flaming sword and sliced out with it but Jacksons sword was easily stopped with his wand. "Please don't." Jackson smashed a fist into Kitsune's face throwing him back.

"Hey Light." Hero said standing back up.

"Y... Yeah?" Light groaned forming his guns back together.

"Wanna do something cool?"


Kitsune spun through the air landing back down in the ice before jumping forward and forming an even bigger sword which he slashed out with as hard as he could. Jackson dodged the strike under it but the blade glowed and a second Kitsune made out of fire dropped out of it throwing out a flaming punch that slammed into the back of Jackson's head dropping him to the ground.

"Kitsune! Hold him down!"

"What?" Jackson and Kitsune looked up with wide eyes finding Hero's arm had changed into his large gun form, and Light's gun had now wrapped around Hero's gun. Light held the gun up and held the trigger as they got ready to fire it. "Aw screw this." Kitsune smirked. "I want in on that!" He announced jumping towards the two boys. Him and Hero used their Mantra bond fusing their energy together.

As this happened Jackson blocked the flaming clone and ripped it apart. He turned just in time as Light and Hero pulled the trigger of their merged gun firing Kitsune out who had become the bullet!

Kitsune exploded forward stabbing out with his flaming sword and smashing into Jackson as hard as he could. Jackson grunted out in pain as he was blown back and rolled across the ice and snow.

"Ow..." Jackson grunted slowly getting up.

"Oh shit! That was kind of supposed to be the finisher move." Hero said with wide eyes.

Jackson slammed his wand out more lightning smashing into Kitsune and blasting him into the ground. Jacksons lightning animals then came down slamming into Light, and Hero, blowing them back once more. "Okay guys." Jackson sighed stepping forward. "As much fun as this has been it's over-"


Ken slammed her fist down into Jacksons head knocking the man to the ground as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere placing her hands on her hips.

"God damn it, I can't keep my eyes off you guys for three seconds can I?" She hissed.

"Ken? What the hell?"