Inside Her Mind

Night Three Hundred And One

Age 1992

Jackson slammed his wand out more lightning smashing into Kitsune and blasting him into the ground. Jacksons lightning animals then came down slamming into Light, and Hero, blowing them back once more. "Okay guys." Jackson sighed stepping forward. "As much fun as this has been it's over-"


Ken slammed her fist down into Jacksons head knocking the man to the ground as she suddenly appeared out of nowhere placing her hands on her hips.

"God damn it, I can't keep my eyes off you guys for three seconds can I?" She hissed.

"Ken? What the hell?"


Village Of Lillies...

Outside Of The Church...

Snow rained down in the large city sized village as six Enforcers could be seen walking through it. "So... You all decided to side with Hero after all." Jackson was slowly dragged through the ice a blank look on his face as Ken held the ropes.

The former Squad Six Vice Captain was currently tied up his wrists, and feet, tied together with a heavy rope that kept him stuck in place. The fight with Hero, Kitsune, and Light, had just ended with him being knocked out by Ken, and the four had decided to tie him up. Ken was the one who dragged him as Hero, Light, and Kitsune followed along.

"I can't believe you four." Ken sighed shaking her head. "While we were all in there you all fought like wild animals?"

"Well..." Jackson, Kitsune, Light, and Hero said trailing off.

Hero gave a small shrug. "I sort of just wanted to run a test... Jackson is as strong as Dawson and maybe even stronger. If I could beat him with Kitsune, and Light, then we'd be strong enough to start the next stage of my plan."

"Plan?" Ken asked frowning. "Hero what the hell are you planning."

"Can't say."


"Because you'd attack me if I told you. It may or may not be illegal."


"Joking. Sort of..."

Ken let out a sigh her eye twitching. "And how do you two feel about this?" She asked turning to look at the two other boys.

Kitsune gave a small shrug running his hand through his red hair. "Well... I sort of know the plan already."

"What plan! When did Hero make some hidden plan of genius?"

"I wouldn't call it a genius plan... More like a last resort..."

"And I'm siding with Big Brother Hero no matter what." Light said flatly.

Jackson let out a small snort as he stared up at the black sky above. "My, my. It seems you are all having some issues." There was a snapping sound as the ropes on his wrists and ankles snapped off with ease making the four bronze badged Enforcers turn with wide eyes as he stood up with ease. "What? You didn't actually think rope would hold me did you... I'm insulted if you did... And also. I don't know what your plan is Hero but if beating me was part of it then I'm sad too say you have a lot of ways to go before you're even able to pose a threat too me. I was holding back."

"You were?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow but didn't sound too shocked.

"You honestly didn't think I was out to kill any of you did you." Jackson questioned as he stepped past them and placed his hands on the church doors. "Rather I like any of you or not I will not let my feelings get in the way. You are all Squad Mates and screw ups or not I will do what I can to insure the survival of each and every one of you, and the improvement of you all as well. Hero. I think I learned more about you. Rather I lost respect or gained it. You'll have too discover that for yourself."

Before they can say any more the man opened the door stepping in and leaving them. They were silent for a little bit before they all quietly stepped in after the man.

The church was cold and silent once more and inside Irene could be seen. The head of Lee was in her lap and the girl was using her ice in an attempt too cool her off. Maudite had her hand on the girls head, her wings shining brightly as she did something...

"Oh. Finally." Irene said not looking up. Her eyes never seemed to leave Lee's face. "That strange fat man is up stairs Mr. Storm-"


"Shut up Hero."

"-he wants too talk too you I think?" Irene said.

Jackson frowned eyeing Lee up. "She doesn't seem too be turning."

"What's happening too her?" Ken asked also frowning.

"It's what happens when a Shadow hits someone with an Equation. The shadow is old. Being the first weapon we humans made to battle the Bestia Macht. It infects a person turning them into a monster. That monster then can kill others changing them into others. However it was unable to work on people who have Equations placed within them. Instead it would simply place them into a fever or if they died from the hands of one of the monsters they simply stay dead... That said this girl told us this Shadow-Orb could infect even those with Equations..." He muttered slowly frowning. "So if she's like this then... I'm going to go talk with Father Darvin." He said walking towards the stairs.

Hero waited till the man was gone. Kitsune and Light slowly took a seat not moving while Ken walked over to the table. Hero followed slowly behind. "How is she?" He asked.

"Her fever hasn't gone down..." Irene said still not looking up. "I'm doing my best to keep it down but I may need to take it up a notch."

"Up a notch?" Hero shook his head as he stared at Maudite. The seventeen year old hadn't moved or said anything since they all entered. Her wings were still up and glowed brightly. "So... What's up with her." He asked.

"Honestly I'm not too sure." Ken frowned. "I exited before I could figure it out so I could get you dumbasses..."

Irene's hands glowed with a soft blue energy as tiny flicks of ice came off covering the girls forehead. "Well... If her words are correct she is inside of Lee's mind." Irene hummed.

"Seriously?" Hero asked. He reached up and knocked on Maudite's forehead but the girl didn't move. "Huh... She's out of it. Wonder if I should join?"

"You can do that?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe. Or maybe not. This Crest is always acting up and sometimes seems to just make shit up on the same spot."

"I feel like you shouldn't insult the God rock big brother..." Light sighed.

"Still..." Hero stared at Maudite watching the womans weird powers at work. "I wonder what she is seeing in Lee's mind?"



Within A Strange Realm Maudite slowly woke up as white liquid flowed down...