Lee Storm

A/N: I would advise reading the author comments at the end of this chapter. It will explain why I have been super busy as well as the update of more stories.

Night Three Hundred And Two

Age 1992

The Insides Of The Church...

Hero waited till the man was gone. Kitsune and Light slowly took a seat not moving while Ken walked over to the table. Hero followed slowly behind. "How is she?" He asked.

"Her fever hasn't gone down..." Irene said still not looking up. "I'm doing my best to keep it down but I may need to take it up a notch."

"Up a notch?" Hero shook his head as he stared at Maudite. The seventeen year old hadn't moved or said anything since they all entered. Her wings were still up and glowed brightly. "So... What's up with her." He asked.

"Honestly I'm not too sure." Ken frowned. "I exited before I could figure it out so I could get you dumbasses..."

Irene's hands glowed with a soft blue energy as tiny flicks of ice came off covering the girls forehead. "Well... If her words are correct she is inside of Lee's mind." Irene hummed.

"Seriously?" Hero asked. He reached up and knocked on Maudite's forehead but the girl didn't move. "Huh... She's out of it. Wonder if I should join?"

"You can do that?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe. Or maybe not. This Crest is always acting up and sometimes seems to just make shit up on the spot so I could give it a try I guess..."

"I feel like you shouldn't insult the God rock big brother..." Light sighed.

"Still..." Hero stared at Maudite watching the womans weird powers at work. "I wonder what she is seeing in Lee's mind?" Hero placed his hand on Lee's head. "Well. Time to enter her dreams- Wait..."

"What?" Irene asked looking up.

Hero stared at her and for a second everything around him began to go black around him. He felt himself stepping from his body into the layers of the Void. Not in the Void itself but on the outskirts. Like being asleep and about to step in. And he... Heard laughter.

His laughter.

"Who the hell-" Hero frowned for a moment before finally closing his eyes. There was a faint green light on his chest then-


A spark and explosive green force blasted out sending Hero flying back as he crashed into the wall and rolled down it his eyes going wide.

"Hero!" Ken said alarmed.

"You okay big brother!" Light asked running over to his side.

"Y... Yeah..." Hero frowned.

"You sure?" Kitsune raised an eyebrow as he stared at Hero. There was a perfectly black smoldering hole right where his heart would be going through his shirt, the skin of his chest turned into a nasty black as waves of smoke and bits of fire poured off of him. Hero placed his hand over his chest the Equation on his right hand glowing and sucking the fire in forcing it to die down in a flash as he let out a tired and painfilled sigh. "What was that?" Kitsune demanded.

Hero gave a painfilled chuckle as he began to slowly drop down towards the ground his breathing heavier. "Honestly... I'm not too sure... I think someone just forced me out of the Void when I tried to enter her mind."

"That can happen?"

"I guess... It makes me worried though... I guess I'm leaving it in her hands." Hero nodded towards Maudite. "And-" Hero went silent when he saw something. "Ken..."

"Yeah?" Ken asked.

"Are... You bleeding?"

"Huh?" Ken raised a hand up to her nose finding a pool of blood slowly trickling down...

She had gotten a nose bleed?



Within A Strange Realm Maudite slowly woke up as white liquid flowed down. She stood up her wings now gone since she stood in the fake realm.

"Looks like I made it in... Good. Good." She nodded looking around. "I had began to get worried... It was like something was wanting me to not get in here-"

"Oh that would be me..." A voice called out.

"Hero?" Maudite asked when she heard the voice. She turned and saw someone walking towards her. A robed figure.

"Not exactly..." The voice said letting out a chuckle.


Age ???

Location: ???

In a small wooden room, that was nearly pitch black, two figures could be seen. The first was an old woman who rested in a wheelchair. She had long black hair with her normal silver streak, though now many flicks of grey ran along with it, and her eyes were a tired and dull silver. In the bed itself a much younger Lee rested.

The girl couldn't be older then eight years old.

This must have been a dream, or flicker into the past of Lee's life.

"Stay silent my dear." The older woman hushed gently shushing the young woman. "It'll be night soon. That is when they come out for the longest, I have found. We'll need to remain silent... With your Grandparents now all gone I fear that I am one of the last Enforcers around." The older Ken said.

"Enforcer?" Lee asked cocking her head up. "Whats that?"

Ken seemed to give a small smile. "The Enforcers were-" The old woman seemed to go silent all of a sudden as memories passed through her mind. She seemed to think about a lot in that moment. "The Enforcers were... My family of sorts."

"But they're gone now aren't they." A harsh voice sighed out. In the corner of the room with her arms crossed a much older Lee could be seen. The one of present day. The one who went to the past to stop all of this. She stood in the corner, the two memories not seeming to notice her. It was like she was a ghost. Not there. "My Gram-Gram, already told me about this trick. You can go ahead and stop with this. There is no need to try and fool me with illusions and memories of the past. Come on out foul devil."

"Devil!" An annoyed voice hissed out echoing from all around her. Everything in the room shattered apart into a hail of white liquid. Even Ken and the younger Lee faded away leaving the present Lee standing in a massive puddle of red liquid. She was in the Void.

"You're just as I've been told you are. An immature brat." She sighed turning around and rolling her sleeve up ready to begin a fight.

"Brat!" The voice seemed to take more offense at that then the devil bit. The red liquid rose up bubbling as Row Law stepped out of the red pond a large scowl on his face as he glared towards the woman. "Well... Here I was coming so we could have a nice lovely chat..."

"A chat?"

"Yeah." Row glared at her an aura slowly forming around him. "We need to talk."