H.E.L.L And S.T.A.R.S

Night Three Hundred And Five

Equations... A gift that was created when humans reached closer to the Sun above them, the ones they called God. Filled with powers that defy logic, and reason it wouldn't be wrong to call it something divine. Whereas the Bestia Macht who are forged from Dark Matter exist to freeze the world, and more, an Equation is the only known thing that can thaw that endless ice and cold.




The three levels.

Level One to go beyond a humans limits.

Level Two to go beyond a Superhumans limits.

Level Three...

To go beyond a God's limits.

Surpassing 100%, 200% and 300% to reach the top. Of course, most people spend their whole lives trying to surpass 100% of their limits and never reach that goal. But... What if there was a tool made that could push people further beyond. A way to break the limits of God.

That word would have to be...


Age 1992

Somewhere In Squad Seven Base

"Hello... Earth to Lucy."

Lucy was snapped out of her trance by the fingers that snapped in front of her face. She looked around with her black faces at Emma, her best friend, and Squad mate, as well as Nick, their Vice Captain.

They were currently on a mission.

Or rather they had just finished a mission.

Emma lowered her hands, the one she had used to snap in Lucy's face as she snorted. "You totally zoned out."

Lucy frowned, a bit of emotion on her face but she shook her head as it vanished. "Heavier."

"Huh?" It was Nick's turn to give her an odd look, the one armed Vice Captain raising an eyebrow.

Lucy ignored him and glanced down at her suitcase. "It has gotten heavier." She tilted it a little. "A lot heavier."

"You seem to be carrying it find." Nick snorted.

"I'm strong."

"Fair enough."

"Can I see it?"Emma asked. She took the case from her friend and grunted at the exchange. "W..

What the hell... Usually it doesn't weigh anything but now... It feels like I'm holding the weight of a person? Did you put anything inside of it Lucy."

The emotionless girl only shook her head taking it back and setting it on the table. "I'm going in..."


"Be right back."


Before the two could say anything to the Blonde she clicked a button on her case popping it open. Then she simply lifted one foot up and leaned forward allowing herself to fall into it and simply vanish the case remaining open.

"She can do that!"

Nick walked slowly over to the case and peered down. He couldn't see the bottom, but he also couldn't see anything. It was like looking into a black empty void. "Well do we go in or-"

Emma lightly shoved the one armed man into the case causing him to be sucked in. With a sigh she stepped forward herself and vanished into the case.

There was a quiet click as the case shut close in the empty room.

There was a flash of light the two falling then in an instant they crashed down both smacking into the hard, and very sharp grassy ground.

"Ow..." They both groaned.

"Why did you follow." Lucy said flatly.

"Where are we?" Emma ignored her friend and looked around at the vast sights with wonder. The colored grass, the strange air that was hard to move in, and the floating castles and islands. "This is... So cool!" The girl had stars in her eyes as she looked around. "It's like a whole other world!"

Nick stared in amazement as well as he stared at the strange sights. "I knew you had a strange pocket realm filled with your creatures but this is... Well it's something else for sure Lucy!"

Lucy looked around with a blank look. "It's a little off... Where are my pets?"

Indeed, for while it might have had many vast wondrous sights, not a soul could be seen. The Blonde girls frown grew heavier as she stared around. Finally she spotted something.

All of her Beasts had gone far. In the distance the horde was massive. Hundreds of them all swaying back and forth in the water. And in the very center of it all... A large blue figure.

"The Goddess..."

"What?" Emma called down.

"Someone released the Goddess."



"Where the hell am I!" Hero yelled.

'Was not expecting this...' Row admitted.

All around them for miles was many odd... Things... This place, where ever it might have been was bizarre and weird. The grass was a dark purple, and hurt his feet, being more metal than plant. The sky was a bright green, and there were no clouds instead hundreds of floating islands, filled with hundreds of castles and buildings.

Even the air itself was odd in whatever place he was. It was way to breath in but breathing out was hard, as if a barrier was pushing against his nose and mouth. He could also see it. It was like a liquid. A deep blue liquid making it hard to see around him. It was more like water, and he felt sluggish as he tried to move.

Most notably though were the Bestia Macht. Or at least he thought they were Bestia Macht.

There were hundreds of them all of various shapes. They all had fish like heads, some squid like, and many tentacles. They simply roamed around none seeming to attack him or even notice him for that matter.

'Don't these look like...'

"Yeah." Hero agreed with Row. "They all look like the creatures Lucy would summon... Where the hell am I?"

"This is what you get for opening the box."

"I felt like I should have done it..."

Hero folded his arms and looked around. "Well... it looks safe at least-"

Before he could finish his sentence the ground began to shake nearly knocking him over. The liquid suddenly began to flow as it took shape. Hero watched with wide eyes as a form began to be created in the water.

It was the upper body of a Woman the lower half being attached to the ground. She had a deep blue skin color, making her blend in with the water, and she was huge. So tall she was nearly the size of a mountain.

"Those boobs are huge!"

'Seriously Hero...'

Hero stopped as he stared at the woman his eyes going wide. "Wait. I know you. Lucy!"

The... Thing... Whatever it was, was shaped exactly like Lucy Case. It didn't seem to move simply staring down at him with blank eyes.

"Lucy! Why are you here? Or if you're not her, why do you look like Lucy! Or is it that Lucy looks like you?" Hero frowned.

The thing still stared in silence. Then...

In a flash its hand shot forward, far faster then you would expect from a big target. It didn't seem hindered by the water, where as Hero moved to sluggishly to dodge. In an instant a set of fingers wrapped around him and he was pulled up forced to stare into one of the eyes of the big woman.

"It's time you become a judged one." The Lucy look alike stated.

And then in a flash Hero felt his body ignite with blue flames...

The flames grew hotter and brighter bubbling out in a wave and then...

It happened.

Hero exploded...

"Haha! Got you!"

From up above Hero dropped down slugging the thing in the back of its head with his large metal arm. the creature slipped falling over the woman crashing down and crushing many of the monster's below.

"You fell for it." Hero gave a sly smirk gripping his cane blade tightly in his left hand. "That was a clone of me created with the Dream Creast. The real me swapped places with him in order to hit you with that sneak attack-"

A set of extra limbs exploded out of the woman's back hundreds of them swimming through the air and cutting the boy off. They would have impaled their way into his body if not for the thick metal shield his arm turned into. The limbs slammed into it pushing him back as the woman began to slowly sit back up her massive body peering down at him with those wide eyes.

"Damn... She's stronger then I thought she was." Hero admitted. "Doesn't help that I can't move all that well in this damn sludge."

'Shouldn't have opened the box.' Row taunted.

"So you've told me several times already..."

'Whats the plan?'

"Well isn't that obvious."


"I'm gonna beat her!" Hero announced rushing forward. His right arm twisted and morphed into its large clawed form as a burst of black shadowy aura morphed around him. "God Slaying Aura." He felt himself become far stronger as he began to move like a blur creating creating hundreds of after images all around him and the woman.

'You've gotten better at that...' Row noted.

Hero ignored the owner of the body, instead focusing on the creature before him. She looked so much like Lucy it was almost a little spooky. He didn't have time to focus on that know though. Instead he focused on his speed even further, getting even faster, and dodging the many strikes.

The large blue woman swung her arms out moving through the liquid air with ease. Even in his sluggish state he had simply become to much for it though, Hero easily dodging them all. The many limbs that flowed like rain were no match as he almost seemed to bound on the air itself untouchable.


"It's my turn now!" Hero roared, his black aura exploding to a massive height as he got even faster and stronger. His arm morphed changing into his gun like form, as the energy spilled out and formed into his sword. "God Slayer Blade!" With a slash he sliced through all of the limbs, even the two massive ones, on the woman blowing them off of her body and sending them high into the air. "Time to finish this!" His metal arm morphed back into his clawed form as he balled it up into a fist all the aura bubbling and condensing in his hand forming a spike. "I'm not on Earth anymore so no need to hold back!" It began to swirl around as a metal spike forged from all his energy was formed. "This is... The Flying Thunder Fire Cracker, Shadow Unleashed. The attack that splits the skies. It's over-"


He came to a stop turning around with wide eyes as Lucy, Emma, and Nick landed down next to him. It was Emma who shouted. The sight of them caused his grip to go slack the spike vanishing as his strongest attack faded away.

"Guys? What are you doing here- Shit!"

Hero turned around remembering the fight but it was too late. In a flash the large blue woman dropped down her mouth opening wide as in an instant she swallowed each of them.

The woman slowly set up closing her mouth and then slowly broke apart...

Hero, Lucy, Emma, and Nick, were nowhere to be seen...

She where could they have gone...



Jackson walked through the snow at a quicker pace, his jacket doing very little to help him. Behind him, Ken, and Shelly, Father Darvin ahead of them. both followed after the man. "If that guy wasn't lying then the Nest should be just up ahead!" Jackson yelled back to the two recruits as he walked faster.

"Do you not trust me?" Father Darvin hummed out as they walked slowly.

"Nope!" The Enforcers all called out.

Currently, the four of them were hiking up a massive snowy mountain. If they were given the right information then they should find a Nest full of deadly monsters on the other side. Most people would probably avoid that... Than again Enforcers weren't most people...

"This is insane..." Shelly sighed out. "We're miles away from the village at this rate..." She muttured out. "The rest have it easy...They got to stay behind in the nice cozy village guarding it against deadly monsters..."

"I bet they are getting to fight lots of cool stuff." Ken agreed. "Especially Hero who is trapped in Hell."

"Quit complaining you two..." Jackson yelled out over his shoulder as he marched through the deep snow. "If that village gets attacked it's up to just them to hold the fort down. Meanwhile, with you two, you got me helping you out. I could easily solo an Earl level! I'd say you guys got it way easier than them..." He said letting out a slight laugh.

"Yeah but... We've been walking for at least an hour now..." Shelly complained. "And my feet are starting to hurt, and blister, and it is really cold out here..."

"Suck it up!" Jackson stated.

Shelly glanced at the man in slight fright. "What?"

"Just stop complaining and march forward. As an Enforcer, you must have the stamina that goes beyond the limitations of a normal human!" Jackson announced out proudly. "I mean just look at Ken. She's not even complaining."

Ken simply let out a grunt as she gave a thumbs up.

"Ken's not even human..."

"Good point."

"Hey!" Ken barked a little offended.

"We should be nearing the top of the mountain now..." Jackson stated as they continued up the side of the mountain. "I see it up ahead." The three Enforcers walked forward at a quicker pace as they finally broke over the edge of the mountain. "Alright, you two... Move slower now. We're at the top now, so we're just gonna peer down the other side and scope it out. We won't engage yet unless we have no choice..." He stated. "I normally would go in guns a blazing but I really, don't want to get you two killed..."

The two teens both nodded as Jackson slowly crouched down and peered down the side of the mountain. He let out a quiet whistle of surprise as his eyes widened.

"What is it?" Shelly questioned curriously.

"Glorious is it not." Father Darvin hummed.

"I think it is a Nest..." Jackson stated nodding his head. "Hand me the binoculars..." Ken pulled them out of the bag she carried as she handed them over. Jackson let out a low hum as he put them up to his eyes and peered down. "Grab a second pair... This will be good for you to see what a Nest is like." He muttered out.

Ken nodded her head as she laid down next to the man. She pulled out a second pair of binoculars as she looked down the mountain. "Whoa..." She said with slightly wide eyes.

At the bottom of the mountain, she could see a massive ravine down in the depth of the ground. It seemed to stretch on for miles going straight down, like a massive crack in the earth. On the other end, she saw a second mountain. But what made it strange was how the ravine was set up.

White bone looking spikes came down from it coming out of the hole and reaching up to the black sky. Several Bestia Macht could be seen swinging on these things using them to pull themselves up over the ravine and on to the surface... There was no snow around the area of the ravine. Rather there was this warm orange looking liquid that melted the snow around it. Down in the bottom of the ravine, Several glowing orange orbs could be seen as well as the skeletal remains of several massive dead monsters. Each skeleton was almost the size of a small mountain. They were a blackened color from dust...

However. Most terrifying of all was the Bestia Macht's themselves... There were at least a few hundred thousand Baron levels, at least a few hundred Viscounts, and at least a few dozen Earls... And those were only the ones Irene was able to see for sure... Who knew what else was down there? Down in that dark hole...

"There... There's so many of them..." Ken gasped out. "There must be at least ten thousand...?

"Try a hundred..." Jackson said speaking softly as he let out a hiss.

"I wanna fight them all!"

"A hundred thousand?" Shelly stated shocked.

"A normal Nest is made up of at least three full-grown dead corpses of a Duke level Bestia Machts... A normal Nest usually contains somewhere around 50 thousand to a 100 thousand Bestia Machts... I can spot nine dead skeletal corpses down there meaning this Nest is at least three times bigger... The cycle of Bestia Machts are a weird one... They can start anywhere from a Baron to an Earl when they are born. From there they can evolve as they grow up. If a Bestia Macht is born as a Baron then over one hundred years they will slowly evolve into a Viscount, then into an Earl. A Bestia Macht can not be born a Viscount but they can be born an Earl... It's usually rare though... If a Bestia Macht is born an Earl they can evolve past that stage over the span of a hundred years becoming a Marquess, then a Duke... A Duke is the last stage of a normal Bestia Machts lifestyle... However, if a Duke is strong enough... And they are hungry enough they will begin to attack their own kind. When this happens they actually begin to evolve to a stage beyond their limitations. They become a Prince. An abomination in the Bestia Macht world, and the human world. A Prince requires several Captains to even have a chance at hurting it... So to put it simply, you have Barons which will eventually become Earls then stop. Or you have a monster born as an Earl and will eventually become a Duke than stop. And in rare cases, you have a Duke that will become a Prince...It's possible to find and raise a Bestia Macht as a pet but this must be done while it is a Baron... Anything above that will be far too strong to train. Luckily for us, an Earl is likely all we'll find. Marquess and above will usually refuse to be near other creatures... A Nest this big won't have any Marquess nearby, due to how many creatures there are. It's a safe bet that an Earl is the hardest thing we will see... Still bad since I doubt even I will be able to fight more than two Earl's at a time..."

"So we won't encounter anything above an Earl... Of course, even that will be too much for us..." Shelly muttered out. "I doubt even if all five of us recruits teamed up we would be able to take one down."

"Don't count yourselves short... You guys are far stronger then normal Enforcers. Still... I know what you mean..." Jackson said nodding. "Right now even a Earl would be deadly for you... This is frustrating though since we are all this village has..." Jackson punched the ground slightly out of anger as he gritted his teeth. "Katrina is so gonna kill me!" He hissed out.

"Umm guys..." Ken said suddenly as she stared at something in confusion.

"What?" Jackson asked turning to the fifteen-year-old girl as she stared at something with the binoculars. Only? She wasn't looking down at the Nest anymore. Instead, she stared over to the second mountain that overlooked the ravine. "What do you see?" He questioned curiously as Irene brought the binoculars down.

Ken looked at Jackson for a second then looked back at the second mountain. "There... There's someone out here? A group? They're doing something..."

"Please be a little more specific," Shelly stated. "Not all of us can use the binoculars."

Jackson placed his binoculars up to his eyes as he stared out. " What the hell..." He muttered quietly. His eyes furrowed in confusion as he slowly pulled his binoculars away. "What?"

"What!" Shelly asked.

On the other side of the mountain, clear as day was a second group. They had a large metallic warm looking building set up on the mountain. Currently, three people could be seen moving around outside. They were too far away to tell any features of the men but they all seemed to be trying to place something on what looked like a large metal sled. The thing was a small round metallic looking ball that was flashing a dark pink.

"What are they doing?" Ken questioned.

"What are who doing?" Shelly questioned.

"Wait a minute..." Jackson said quietly as he stared at the metallic ball.

"What is it?" Ken questioned.

"What is what!" Shelly asked getting more frustrated as the two ignored her.

"I think I recognize that thing... I've seen it before..." Jackson said as he tried to remember it. "But where..." Currently, the men were dragging the metal sled over to the cliffside of the mountain.

"What is it?" Shelly questioned.

Jackson let out a quiet hum. "That almost looks like a Shimmer-" The men suddenly pushed the seld down towards the ravine as they all turned around and made a break towards there metal building. "Get down!" Jackson screamed out turning around and jumping over Ken and Shelly.

"What!" Shelly yelled out in surprise as Jackson tackled the two recruits to the ground.

Then suddenly-


The entire mountainside shook as there was a bright pink flash as a massive pink pillar of light rose up reaching the backend sky and sending a massive pillar of heat. A massive wind pressure was unleashed as everyone tried to hold onto something. Several loud howls were unleashed as a wave of heat rushed by incinerating all the Bestia Macht that were on the surface. The nest was filled with fire as several thousand Bestia Macht were burnt alive almost instantly... Then suddenly it all stopped.

Jackson jumped up to his feet as he peered down the mountainside. His eyes were wide as he stepped back. "Holy shit!" He said cursing out. "I think I know why the Bestia Machts are pissed off!" Down the ravine smoke rose up as the howls of several Bestia Macht raised up to the sky. Then suddenly several Bestia Macht came flooding out of the ravine as they all ran North... Where the village was...

"They're heading towards the village!" Ken said horrified. "But... That is a pretty small horde." Only around five hundred could even be seen running now? "That blast must have killed many of them off. Speaking of which? What the hell was that blast!"

"A Shimer Star..." Jackson said letting out a hiss. "Those bombs are used sometimes during wars... But what kind of asshole would be dumb enough to throw one down a mountainside into a cave filled with scary killer monsters! Seriously! It's like they are trying to blow a hole through the Nest or something?"

"What now?" Shelly questioned.

"We need to head back to the village. If we leave now we might be able to get there just as the battle is starting..." Jackson said slowly.

"So we're leaving?" Father Darvin questioned.

"Yeah. We need to get back now-"

"Umm guys?" Ken said suddenly. "Do any of you guys hear that?"

Suddenly the air was ripped upwards as a massive beast suddenly flew up. Its head turned down as it stared at the three Enforcers.

"Oh..." Shelly stated as the things white eyes peered at her.

"Shit..." Ken finished for her...

In front of the group now glaring at them was a flying Dragon...