The Sky

Night Three Hundred And Six

Age 1992

"Ahh!" Emma did her best to hold onto Hero, as they fell, as Lucy grabbed onto her. Nick was sadly by himself flailing about wildly. All, but Lucy, screamed in terror as they found themselves in a massive pitch black void falling further and further down.

Lucy had her usual blank look.

"Damn it vore isn't one of my kinks!" Hero screamed as he fell. "Spit me out!"

"I don't even see the bottom..." Nick frowned. "How long have we been falling for?"

"Ten minutes." Lucy said flatly.

"Ten minutes!"

Those with proper emotion stared around in shock as they continued falling, the ground nowhere in sight, no any signs of a world above. It was simply blackness. "Hero what are you even doing here?" Emma finally asked.

"I was gonna ask you guys the same thing." Hero admitted crossing his arms and entering a sitting position in the air.

"We entered Lucy's case." Nick explained.

"Her case? Wait we're in your Equations ability Lucy?" Hero asked with wide eyes.

"I dunno."

"...Helpful..." Hero sighed. "I guess this explains why the thing looked like you... What are your connections to this place I wonder... Do you know where we are?"

"Hell." Was her simple response making Nick and Emma let our loud eeps.

"Sounds bad... Any way out?" Hero sighed once more. Row was right. This was a bad idea.

"We need to go through the Realms." Lucy explained shrugging.


"You'll see."

Nick cleared his throat letting his body relax as they continued to fall. "I have to ask Hero." Nick said scratching his head sheepishly. "How did you get here and where are the rest of your Squad Six mates?"

"They're with the... Oh God! The shadow!"


Hero winced but let out a sigh. "Well the thing is..." And he told them everything. Everything he knew at least. About Lee, the future, the village, and the Corruption known as the Shadow. People turing into monster. He told them all of it, and of his death.

"Sounds bad..." Nick frowned. "How does Jackson Strom-"


"-know about that though... I'm a Vice Captain and I've never heard of a Corruption or Shadow... Soemthings fishy with that man... Whatever the case if what you said is true we really need to get out of here. The world could be at stake. Why haven't you guys called anyone."

"The village doesn't have any connections, and it would take to long to send a message by foot. Plus it seems like it's already here so we need to stop it now." Hero explained.

"What do we do then?" Emma winced.

"Lucy is there any way out of here?" Nick questioned his teammate.

"I told you. Only through the Realms."

"What are the Realms."

For a moment her eyes almost seemed to hold the faintest bit of emotions, having a new light to them, and for but a second, a sly smile appeared on her face. "You're about to find out... You should know though time flows differently here. Its quicker here. A full year here is a day in the real world."

"Hyberbolic Time Chamber!" Hero announced with wide eyes.


"It's something Kitsune told me about. He's gonna kill me if he finds out I was here without him." Hero snorted.

Before anyone else could say more the ground suddenly seemed to rush up. It wasn't a hard landing like they had been expecting. It was rather soft, as they gently touched down, hitting the floor and having their fall break underneath them.

It was no longer a black void. Instead they found themselves on the floor face down. A ringing in their ears. The loud hum of music could be heard all around them as they tried to slowly get up and look around.

Hero was the first to his feet and he stared with wide eyes his Ruby globes taking the sight in. 'Whoa?' Row muttered.

They stood on bright green grass, and up above, a blue sky hung. For the first time in his life he saw the planet he grew up on, pretty white clouds in the sky, a wave of emotions hitting him softly. Water flowed into rivers, and there were tall trees. It was warm as well.

It was so pretty.

Hero had to catch himself as for a single second a tear rolled down his cheek. "It's so... Beautiful..." He wasn't the only one. Emma and Nick had looks of shock on their faces as well, hundreds of emotions coursing through them. Only Lucy didn't seem impressed, instead a blank look on her face, though a sense of mild anger hung in her eyes. "Lucy is this-"

He never got to finish his sentence... They were broken out of their shock when a voice finally spoke up catching them all off guard.

"Well, well, well..." A voice hummed. A very familiar voice at that."Looks like we've gotten some old, as well as new faces... Welcome to the first Realm boys and girls... I hope you're ready to play a game."

Hero looked down from the pretty sight, and felt another wave of shock hit him head on as he stared at three more Lucy's who all had sly smirks on their faces...

"W... What the hell!"



On a cliff overlooking the village Hero Otoko rested quietly remaining unseen. His silver eyes simply stared down at the sights below him as he waited.

"You look so much like her."

There was a soft crunching of snow as Maudite landed behind him her wings folding out. "What?" She asked with a mild sneer on her face.

Hero Otoko turned to stare at her. "Maudite. You look just like the one I knew from this village."

"You sort of look like Law. But you're not him. Judging from the way you're speaking you're from another World aren't you." She smirked.

"You know about that?" Otoko hummed.

"Hero isn't the only Project Godslayer member with a history of meeting her otherselves." Maudite strolled forward slowly her wings gaining an almost metal edge to them.

"Stop." Otoko held his hand up making her freeze in place for a moment. "I didn't come to fight."

"Then why are you here."

"Fan service."


"What I meant to say was... This is playing out like the first mission in my world... If it's really the case I'd like to look for something."

"The Shadow!"

"We called it the Corruption..."

"Dumb name."

Hero Otoko sighed folding his arms. "The point is... I'm not here to fight or anything. I simply want to watch."

"And why should I let you."

"Do you think you could stop me."

Silence hung in the air for a bit as the bold remark rested. Finally Maudite sighed. "I suppose I wouldn't be able to. I'm not a fool. I know you're stronger then me." She stared up at the black sky in silence as it rained a soft down pour of snow. "However... That doesn't mean I won't try if I think for even a single moment you are up to something."

"Fair enough." Hero Otoko let out a small snort as he gave a lopsided shrug. "I suppose that is the most I can ask from you."

"What are you even looking at?" She sighed watching the boy stare silently into the village below.

"Something interesting..."

Down below he could see it. That strange girl, knocking out Light and picking up the the small black box. In his world the box held a Bestia Macht that belonged to his Dawson. In this world though, from what God had told him it held something far worse...

Hero Otoko gave a look up towards that dark sky above giving a sly smile. "It's really interesting..."