"Are you sure it's here, son?" - asked a beautiful woman with blonde hair and an athletic figure who did not show to be more than 25 years old.
"I'm sure it's here, mother" - replied a blond boy as he looked at his mother with a serious expression - "According to our information, this should be the place where the [Jewel of Life] is, the stone that was created thanks to the elemental tablets of the Mythical Pokémon Arceus."
Lusamine narrowed her eyes before nodding.
She hadn't changed a bit in all these years, still showing beauty and youthfulness that couldn't be hidden despite her advanced age of over 40.
"I hope that at last, our wishes will be fulfilled" - murmured a beautiful woman with blue hair and an extremely seductive body. She was Mina, the mother of Lana and the twin pranksters.
"I'm sure it will, mom" - replied Lana as she smiled at her mother and walked to her brother to ask him how sure he was.
Lillie looked around regretfully as she ignored the beautiful lake in front of them, after all, no matter how nice the place was, it didn't compare to the pain the family felt with the loss of their father.
"Finally we are here" - said a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and a figure that was above average. She was accompanied by a cute little girl who looked very much like her.
"Delia, Daisy, it's good to see you" - said Lusamine as she walked over to her husband's other couple, only to look around - "Where's Ivy?"
"She's checking around while she investigates the lake further" - Delia replied as she shook her head - "She said something about checking the lake first to make sure the temple, or the ruins, aren't underwater"
"That's a good plan, although I wish she would have asked me for help, after all, I am an expert in training Water-type Pokémon" - Lana replied as she crossed her arms.
"If you want to help her, you can go in that direction and you'll find her on the shore of the lake next to Milotic" - replied Delia while pointing in one direction.
"Ok, I'm coming right away" - replied Lana as she ran in that direction.
"Well, while the two of them search in the water, we'll check the palace and the surroundings, we might even find someone who knows something" - said Lusamine seriously, after all, this was the only place they had managed to find after months of searching.
"OK" - nodded Delia seriously while the others looked at each other seriously, after all, they wanted to see Kurama too.
"Come on, the faster we discover the secrets of [Michina Town]" - said Lusamine with a huge gleam in her eyes, one she hadn't shown since before the incident with Nihilego.
* * * * *
Fifteen minutes later, the group was at the ruins of the site, a huge palace that stood on top of the mountain.
"Stop!" - A girl exclaimed, accompanied by a boy of her age.
The two were about the same age as their older children, so it felt a little strange to Lusamine and the other adults that they were giving them orders.
"What do you need from the sacred ruins of [Michina Town]?" - The boy asked as he frowned at the presence of so many people in a place that was normally ignored.
"We have come in search of the [Jewel of Life]" - Lusamine answered earnestly.
"The jewel?" - Repeated the two youngsters as they narrowed their eyes.
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to search for an object that may not even exist" - said the girl as she folded her arms.
"I'm sorry, but we need to find the jewel even if it's the last thing we do" - said Lusamine while showing a serious expression - "It depends on it that we finally reunite with my husband."
"?" - the two boys frowned when they heard this.
Lusamine quickly told them her story, only to see the two boys' eyes widen in surprise with how connected this family was with the legendary Pokémon.
"I honestly don't know what to believe, but it didn't seem like you were lying" - replied the girl as she started to think - "Ok, I'm going to help you guys".
"Are you serious?" - The boy asked with surprise.
"I got a message from Dialga and Palkia through my dreams" - replied the girl seriously - "What they say is not false, they are related to Arceus"
"I guess I'll have to help you, after all, I can't let you do something as dangerous as trying to find the [Jewel of Life]" - said the boy while nodding firmly.
"Thank you" - smiled the girl, and in the process, making the boy blush.
"It's good to be young" - said Lusamine, making the two teenagers blush again.
"Ahem! We'd better start with our search, although this will be a bit easier because inside the temple and the palace there's nothing" - replied the girl as she started to think.
[That I'll have to check] - said a voice that surprised the two youngsters as a strange silhouette appeared in front of them.
"Were you here, Mewtwo?" - Lusamine asked in surprise.
[I've always been around you guys] - replied Mewtwo as he shook his head - [But I haven't shown myself because I've been using my psychic powers to scan the place to see if I can find anything that you guys can't, though I haven't had favorable results because this mountain blocks my psychic powers].
"That's a pity" - sighed Lusamine as he looked at the strange artificial Pokémon - "Thank you for everything you've done."
[I want to see my master again too] - replied Mewtwo as he noticed how Mew appeared next to him - [I know, you want to too].
"Mew!" - The two boys exclaimed as they saw the Neo-Species Pokémon.
Mew smiled at them before disappearing from the spot, although the family members knew that the little Mythical Pokémon, was nearby because Mewtwo was still around.
* * * * *
Two days later, the family was resting on the throne in the ruins.
During this short time, they had managed to discover many things about the place and the jewel, but they were still unable to find the whereabouts of such a precious object.
"No matter how much we search, we still can't find any answers" - sighed Lusamine as the others seemed to be in low spirits as well.
The family had come with all the hope in the world, but now everything seemed to prove that the jewel was nothing more than a myth.
"Don't give up hope yet, I'm sure we'll soon find the location of the jewel" - said the girl with a smile - "After all, the day of Arceus' return is approaching."
"The return of Arceus?" - Lusamine asked while frowning.
"Exactly, or at least that's what the writings our ancestors left behind say" - said the girl as she sighed because she had managed to discover the truth about the past, and how the king of this place tricked Arceus not to give him the jewel after fulfilling his wish to bring prosperity to his civilization.
"How much longer do we need for that to happen?" - Delia asked with concern.
"Four months" - the girl answered seriously.
"I guess that's more than enough time for us to find the jewel and deliver it to Arceus" - said Lusamine excitedly as the others nodded firmly.
* * * * *
Months passed, and the family had investigated almost the entire mountain thanks to the help of the two boys and their Pokémon, but they were still without favorable results, although now there was only a small portion of the place left to investigate.
There were only a few days left until the day Arceus would return, but that didn't discourage the group, in fact, they were excited because they would soon be able to reunite with Kurama.
The group had managed to unearth what appeared to be a strange room, though on the pedestal was a scepter.
Lusamine didn't hesitate, she quickly took the scepter and pressed the button, revealing a beautiful green stone with multiple colors inside - "The jewel, it's beautiful."
"I guess that explains why the king tricked Arceus, it wasn't intentional" - said the girl with emotion as she understood the truth, after all, this staff was none other than the priest of that civilization - "The owner of this thing, tricked Arceus and the King"
"Never mind, now we just need to return the jewel to Arceus" - said Lusamine excitedly - "We just need to wait a few more days."
[No need, I'm already awake, I have been since the incident with the visitor from another dimension] - answered Arceus as everyone present disappeared from the place, to reappear outside the ruins where he was waiting for them.
"Arceus" - said the two youngsters excitedly at the sight of the creator god of this dimension.
Arceus glanced at them before making the jewel disappear, showing the silhouette of his lost tablets - "I have seen the truth through you, and now I regret having hated that heroic king."
Lusamine was about to say something else but fell silent when he saw how a portal opened next to Arceus, showing a silhouette that the group recognized immediately.
"I hope this at least rewards your efforts, I informed the visitor from another dimension that he could enter without problems" - Arceus said with a smile as he saw how the humans jumped on Kurama with tears in their eyes.