Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (17)

Time continued to move forward, and chaos was growing in [Water 7].

The news of the assassination attempt on Iceburg spread all over the island, after all, he was not only the mayor of [Water 7] but also one of the most loved men in the place thanks to the fact that his mandate had brought prosperity to the island.

"This is too strange" - said Hancock with a frown - "The news didn't just spread like wildfire, this shouldn't be like this unless they want something like this"

"I know" - replied Kurama as he started to think.

Right now, the trio stood on one of the higher walls of [Water 7], watching as all the inhabitants seemed to be wishing the death of the straw hat crew.

"But that still doesn't explain what the person responsible is after" - Kurama replied with a frown - "What do they wish for by causing all this havoc?"

"Possibly to move with utmost ease" - Alvida replied as she shrugged - "Or at least that's what I would have done."

"Makes sense" - muttered Hancock as she saw how in the distance, Luffy seemed to have found Robin - "Come on, I've already found them"

"Let's go" - nodded Kurama as the trio watched everything from a distance, only to be surprised to see how a group they knew quite well, appeared next to Robin and took her away - "Well, now we know who they are, but we still don't know what they want"

"That doesn't matter, it can be easily discovered if we capture one of them, and from what I can see, we already have a good option" - Alvida said as she narrowed her eyes and pointed in the direction where the group responsible for the chaos was, only to notice how Kalifa was with them.

"With this, we confirm that they want something from us" - said Kurama calmly as he watched everything unfold.

"What shall we do?" - asked Hancock curiously.

"First, we'll go to Iceburg to see if he finished our ship, if he did, then I'll heal him as a reward" - said Kurama calmly - "If not, I heal him and help him finish, after that we'll depart from [Water 7]."

"Really?" - Alvida asked while raising an eyebrow in surprise, after all, she was under the impression that Kurama had gained a slight appreciation for the straw hat crew.

"Yes, we'll leave" - Kurama replied as he shook his head - "I want to continue traveling in peace before I start mobilizing against the [World Government]"

"I still don't understand why you don't end all this once and for all" - Alvida said while frowning.

With Kurama's level of power, eliminating the [World Government], and the [Tenryubites], was just a snap of his fingers, but he still didn't want to do it.

"Because one, everyone has to fight their own battles, and two, there are times when someone needs a bitter enemy to keep growing" - Kurama replied while shaking his head - "That doesn't mean I've let them off the hook though."

"What do you mean?" - Hancock asked in surprise because she hadn't heard any of this.

"I was investigating your situation, and let's say the clan that caused you so much trouble, no longer exists" - replied Kurama while taking Hancock's hand - "As for the slaves, they are safe on an island near [Amazon Lily]"

"!" - Hancock opened her eyes in surprise before s of kissing Kurama with all her might while repeating a weak thank you.

Alvida stood still not knowing what to say, after all, she had no idea about Hancock's past, in fact, the only thing she could deduce, was that one of the many [Tenryubites] had tried to subdue her and now they were paying the consequences.

"Wait, if one of those son-of-a-bitch clans has been wiped out, why hasn't any of this been heard of?" - Alvida asked as she frowned.

"Because that's not something we talked about" - replied Hancock as she crossed her arms - "Ok, let's leave that for later, now let's concentrate on what we have in front of us"

"Well, I'll go see Iceburg, you guys can do whatever you want" - Kurama said as he handed them two seals, one for each one before leaving.

"Do you want to capture that woman?" - Alvida asked as she raised an eyebrow, seeing how Kurama had disappeared.

"Hmm, I don't know" - replied Hancock as she started to think.

"I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to train her as a sex slave" - Alvida said, only to feel Hancock's cold stare - "D-Did I say something wrong?"

"Don't even think about it, I don't plan to have any slaves around me" - Hancock replied coldly - "I hope this was clear"

"H-Hai" - nodded Alvida unconsciously.

"Perfect" - replied Hancock as she thought again about what to do - "Let's capture her first, then we'll see what we'll do with her"

"OK, whatever you say, boss" - Alvida replied as she followed Hancock towards the place where Luffy and the others were.

* * * * *

"You look like shit" - Kurama said as he appeared in front of Iceburg's bed.

"Come to laugh at me?" - Iceburg asked sarcastically.

"No, I was just coming to ask some questions" - said Kurama as he took a chair and moved it to the side of the bed, only to sit down with a serene expression on his face - "First, I want to know if you managed to complete my ship."

"I'm missing a few last details" - Iceburg replied while frowning.

"How much time would you need if you were in perfect condition?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'd say two days at most" - replied Iceburg as he started to think - "That's taking into account that I don't have much staff anymore with the betrayal of Lucci and the others."

"I see" - nodded Kurama as he snapped his fingers.

"!" - Iceburg felt a slight warmth in his body, only to feel how he no longer felt pain - "Impossible"

He slowly stood up carefully as he prepared himself to feel pain, but to his surprise, Iceburg felt no pain at all he felt better than ever as if he was back in his 20s.

"There, with this, you're good as new" - Kurama said calmly as he waited for Iceburg to calm down.

"How did you do it?" - Iceburg asked as he trembled with excitement.

"That doesn't matter, the important thing is that you keep your promise" - replied Kurama calmly - "Everything okay?"

"Everything okay? Everything is perfect!" - exclaimed Iceburg as he exclaimed with excitement - "Ok, I'll keep my part!"

"Perfect" - said Kurama with a small smile as he created three clones and sent them next to the stupefied Iceburg - "With this my job is done, now all that's left is wait"

Kurama narrowed his eyes as he continued to wonder about the reason for this strange situation, only to shake his head, after all, this was none of his business.

"I'd better go back to Alvida and Hancock's" - Kurama muttered as he disappeared from the place.

When he returned, his expression tensed slightly because the two women were no longer alone - ". . ."

"Huh? We thought you'd be taking a little longer" - Alvida said as she looked at the albino who had returned.

"Ok, can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" - Kurama asked with a frown - "And why is Kalifa tied up in a corner?"

"Simple, we captured her to find out some things" - answered Alvida calmly - "And Hancock is fighting with those CP-9 idiots."

"CP-9?" - Kurama asked while raising an eyebrow.

"That's the organization they belong to" - replied Alvida as a huge smile appeared on her lips - "Cipher Pol 9, a secret organization of the [World Government] whose function is to be the ones who do the dirty work for them, hypocrisy at its finest."

Kurama just kept silent as he shook his head, after all, he was aware of how hypocritical those of the [World Government] were, screaming for equality, acceptance, honor, justice, but under the table, they are worse than the pirates they so repudiate.

Kurama slowly walked to Kalifa and removed the gag covering his mouth - "Hello!"

". . ." - Kalifa stared at him silently as she glared at him with hatred.

"Don't look at me like that, I wasn't the one who sent them to capture you" - Kurama replied as he shrugged - "In fact, I just went to heal your former boss so that he would finish with our ship, and thus resume with our journey."

"Then why have I been captured?" - Kalifa asked coolly.

"Because we need answers, girl" - Alvida said as she watched Hancock walk calmly back in her direction.

"You came back so quickly?" - Hancock asked in surprise.

"Did I have to take any longer?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"No, it's just that we thought you would take your time" - replied Hancock as she shook her head, then looked at Kalifa - "And answering your question, we captured you because there are some things we want to know about you."

"You can kill me already because I don't plan to say anything about my team's plans" - Kalifa answered coldly.