Extra 17: To Love Ruto (20)

The next day...

"I have a feeling today will be an interesting day" - Naruto said as he walked towards the school together with Lala and Ren. The Memorizian boy had been living with them because their home had many rooms.

It was a bit awkward at first, but as the days went by, and with a little help from Kurama, the situation was regularized and everything went back to normal.

"For some strange reason, I feel like you're going to be right" - replied Ren with boredom - "I just hope things won't be so crazy."

"With Lala in the middle of everything, I'm sorry to tell you not to expect something normal" - Naruto replied as he laughed lightly.

Ren shared the laughter because he knew that his childhood friend was prone to get into weird trouble, most of the time because of her inventions.

"You're mean to me" - Lala said as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"Come on, Lala, you have to be honest with yourself, remember the past and tell me how many times you've gotten into somewhat bizarre trouble" - replied Ren as he folded his arms.

All these days, had been good for him, and although there were times when his heart ached to see Lala with another guy, but the "shock therapy" was being effective. He could feel his feelings slowly disappearing the more time he spent with the happy couple, not to mention that Rito's words about how Risa might be interested in him had been a good way to shift his focus.

"Ugh" - Lala let out a small groan of annoyance, but there was no way to defend herself from those harsh words - "Ok, I admit it, if I get into weird trouble."

Ren smiled slightly as the trio continued walking towards the Yuuki family home.

"By the way, I'm surprised that Rito still isn't awake, or that Mikan isn't outside waiting for us" - Naruto said with a frown - "Did something happen?"

"I think he just fell asleep" - replied Lala as she watched Ren walk a little faster towards the Yuuki family's entrance.

The white-haired boy quickly knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, Mikan opened it with his typical calm expression - "Yes?"

"Hello, is Rito here?" - Ren asked as he looked at his friend's younger sister.

"Sorry, he's sick, that's why he's not up yet" - replied Mikan while shaking her head - "I'm sorry if you've been waiting for him for so long."

"Sick? How?" - Lala said surprised because she couldn't remember a time that could have caused Rito to get sick.

It hadn't rained in the last few days, and they hadn't been in contact with anyone who was sick either.

"I'm also surprised, yesterday he was in perfect condition, even happy, but today he woke up with fever so high, that I'm starting to worry" - Mikan replied while frowning.

"Can I go see him?" - Naruto asked, only to enter the house as he saw Mikan nod.

His two companions quickly followed him, and after a few seconds they arrived at Rito's room.

The trio entered after making sure the boy was presentable because they honestly didn't want an awkward scene of them watching Rito change clothes, or anything like that.

Naruto slowly went to the boy and noticed how he was sleeping with a pained expression. Without thinking about the consequences, he put his hand on the orange-haired boy's forehead and quickly removed it, because he could feel the rising fever tormenting his friend - "This temperature is not normal, even for a disease, even without being a doctor, I can assure you that this temperature is dangerous."

Lala quickly pulled out one of her inventions, and to Ren and Naruto's relief, they saw how it didn't explode after Lala activated it. The pink-haired girl decided to ignore this because it wasn't time for stupid things.

[Temperature... 41 °C and rising... possible cause, Tetramanian mosquito infection]

"Oh, this is bad, we need to call Mikado, and fast" - Lala said seriously as she told her boyfriend to hurry to the school.

"A Tetramanian mosquito, how did it get on earth?" - Ren asked with a frown.

"What is that mosquito?" - Mikan asked with concern as he joined the conversation.

"Tetramania, is a planet with 4 suns very close to the planetary orbit, that's why that place is a hell where only creatures with high levels of heat resistance, can coexist" - replied Lala with a frown - "These creatures are for the most part, harmless to the vast majority of species because they feed on heat sources, the problem is when they are extracted from their native planet and moved to planets that cannot support their extreme needs."

"You say one of those creatures, it stung my brother?" - Mikan asked with concern.

"Yes, Tetramanian mosquitoes have a support system to survive in other ecosystems, they possess the ability to accumulate liquid heat inside them, which they inject into a potential host to inhabit inside them" - replied Lala while pointing to the strange mark on Rito's neck - "That is where the mosquito currently is, the problem is that when it uses this ability, the mosquito also takes a liquid form which makes it impossible to extract it by conventional methods"

"As for why the mosquito does this, it is so it can try to create a host warm enough to survive in this ecosystem" - Ren replied as he looked worriedly at his friend.

"B-But what will happen to my brother?" - Mikan asked fearfully because if she was honest, Rito was the most important family she had. Don't misunderstand her, she loved her parents, even though they spent most of their time at their jobs, while Rito has been by her side for as long as she could remember.

"There are three possible outcomes" - Lala said with a frown - "The first, is that Mikado can manage to extract the mosquito, and after a little rest, he will return to normal. The second, that the mosquito manages to modify Rito's body to produce an enormous temperature, in this case, Rito would end up ceasing to be a human and his body would be so hot that he wouldn't be able to interact with other people on earth."

"That's horrible!" - Mikan exclaimed in terror when she heard this, not only because it would be devastating to not be close to her older brother, but because he was living the best moments of his life next to the girl he had liked for years.

"As for the last scenario..." - Ren muttered as he sighed regretfully.

Mikan covered her mouth as she felt tears running down her cheeks because it was obvious what the last possibility was.

"Relax, Mikado is one of the best nurses in the galaxy, I'm sure she will manage to save your brother" - said Lala as she tried to cheer up the little brown-haired girl.

Mikan nodded weakly as he watched three people magically appear in the room.

"Sorry for just showing up like this" - Kurama said with a frown as he looked at Rito - "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Tetramanian mosquito" - replied Mikado with a frown. She only needed a second to identify the disease, after all, it wasn't the first time she saw it - "I can help him, though we have a much bigger problem."

"Yes, an imbecile that is bringing dangerous animals into unprotected environments" - Kurama replied while frowning - "And I wouldn't be surprised if it has more creatures that are just as, if not more dangerous than this thing."

"That's exactly why I'm asking you to find the one responsible while I take care of Yuuki-kun's treatment" - said Mikado seriously.

"Ok" - nodded Kurama before disappearing. Finding the culprit was not a difficult task for him, he simply had to find a place with a huge concentration of lives with different auras, and he would manage to discover the location of his prey.

"Mikado sensei, will my brother be alright?" - Mikan asked with concern.

"Relax, he will be fine" - replied Mikado with a smile - "The procedure to extract the Tetramanian mosquito, is not difficult or lethal to the host, he will be fine within an hour or two, although I recommend that you give him plenty of fluids, so he can recover from the dehydration."

"Ok, I'll go right away" - Mikan replied as he left to go buy something for Rito to drink when he woke up.

"She's a good girl, and quite concerned about her older brother" - smiled Mikado, though her expression changed to a serious one as she signaled the teenagers to leave while she performed the treatment.

The teenagers quickly left the room as they looked at each other and waited for the good news, after all, Rito was a good person, as well as a good friend.

Fifteen minutes later, Mikan returned with the necessary energy drinks, and to her surprise, Mikado was coming out of her older brother's room - "Is Rito okay?"

"Yes, the procedure is quick if you have the necessary technique and implements to perform it" - Mikado replied calmly.