Extra 19: Change the World (36)

"Now that we got that out of the way, it's time for us to go back" - Kurama said calmly as he snapped his fingers, making the group disappear from the place, though not before looking in a certain direction.

When the group disappeared, Jaken appeared with his face completely drenched in a cold sweat.

Sesshomaru walked behind his subordinate, though his face wore an expression of surprise. He was slightly pale from the loss of his limb, and though he didn't want to admit it, also from the deep fear he felt when he rested his gaze on the strange man who had appeared in front of his younger brother's group.

"Sesshomaru-sama..." - Jaken said as he looked at his master - "That Yokai, no, that monster..."

"You don't have to say anything, Jaken, I felt its power too" - replied Sesshomaru with a frown - "Well, never mind, we have accomplished our goal of knowing Tetsusaiga's secret, so we have nothing more to do in this place."

"Ok" - Jaken nodded, though he quickly let out a heavy sigh because he could tell that his stoic leader was a bit frightened by how stiff his movements were, and he wasn't blaming him for it, after all, they felt a small fraction of that strange silver-haired man's power.

* * * * *

"Well, I guess this is it for now, it's time for me to take you home" - Kurama said as he watched as Inuyasha seemed to escape after arriving at Kaede's village.

Yura again was heading to her training place after Kurama gave her a little incentive that left her satisfied, at least for now.

That left us with the current small group, Kurama, Kagome and Shippo, who had decided to go with them into the future after the silver haired Kitsune, gained a slight fondness for the little cub, something that wasn't a surprise after knowing how unique the fox clan members were.

Shippo also seemed to be much happier because it was like he had run into an uncle he hadn't seen in many years.

"I hope mom won't punish me for not coming home on the right day" - Kagome muttered regretfully.

"Don't worry, I'll explain things to her, obviously leaving the dangers out of the story" - Kurama replied calmly as he felt a small weight on his shoulder, being little Shippo who had decided to use this place as his new seat now that he had found a new member of his family.

"When are you going to teach me how to use my skills, Kurama Oji-san?" - Shippo asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"Hmm, when we go to the future I promise to teach you some tricks, the first being being being able to camouflage yourself to humans" - Kurama replied with a small smile - "After that I'm going to show you some interesting things that humans created."

"Really?" - Shippo asked excitedly, though he quickly frowned - "What about training to be as strong as you?"

"Well, we can start that when we return from the future" - replied Kurama calmly - "For now I want you to live a few days as a normal child, without danger or thinking about power"

"Ok" - muttered Shippo with a frown because he honestly didn't want to have fun.

Kagome smiled slightly, though her expression changed when she saw how in front of the inn stood a person she recognized immediately, after all, she could feel the resonance between the two - "What are you doing here?"

"I'm also going to the future" - Kikyo answered neutrally - "I asked Kurama-dono to take me with him so that I could discover myself."

"That doesn't make sense" - Kagome replied with a frown as she looked at Kurama in search of answers.

"She's not lying" - Kurama replied as he shook his head - "You may not believe me, but she's not the Kikyo you think, but a mix of your personality with that of the priestess, in other words, she's a completely different person."

Kagome frowned slightly as that still didn't make sense, though she quickly decided to leave it for another time, after all, she was sure that Kikyo wouldn't endanger her family, much less with Kurama around - "Okay, come on, I don't want to waste any more time."

* * * * *

"We're finally back!" - Kagome exclaimed happily, though her expression changed to one of dread when she saw that her mother was outside the well, looking at her neutrally - "Etto.... Hello?"

"We have a lot to talk about, young lady" - Kimi growled as she narrowed her eyes.

"Wait, why are you outside the well?" - Kagome asked with a frown - "I mean, that doesn't make sense, and it's too much of a coincidence."

"It's no coincidence, your grandfather and I stood guard, so we could make sure that there will always be someone to greet you" - replied Kimi as she folded her arms - "Besides, it's my duty as a mother, to make sure you're safe"

"I'm sorry," Kagome replied as she ducked her gaze.

Kimi nodded calmly, though her annoyed expression changed when she saw a woman very similar to Kagome - "Who is she?"

"Oh, this is Kikyo, she was my past life" - Kagome replied with a strange expression on her face.

"Past life?" - Kimi repeated as she looked at Kikyo in surprise - "Does that make you my daughter too?"

"Well, yes, but no" - Kikyo replied as she frowned slightly.

"Oh, that's good enough for me" - Kimi smiled as she gave the priestess a motherly smile.

Kikyo raised an eyebrow as she felt strange and a familiar feeling inside.

"Well, come out of the well and let's eat, then you'll tell me how it's been all the time in the feudal era" - Kimi said as she smiled slightly - "Come, I'll show you around the house, I'm sure you'll find our era a little confusing, but soon you'll be like never before."

Kikyo nodded calmly as Kurama teleported them outside.

Kimi was so happy to see the priestess, she was surprised again when she saw Shippo, who had been hiding behind Kurama's leg - "Who's the little guy?"

"Oh, this is Shippo-chan, I'll tell you his story later, although it's very tragic" - Kagome answered with concern - "As a fact, he is of the same race as Kurama-san, so they are practically family, that's why he (Shippo) is so attached to him(Kurama)"

"Oh, I see" - nodded Kimi with a smile as she knelt down and looked at the little Kitsune, who honestly was a little surprised that this woman was so nice to him - "Hello, Shippo-chan, my name is Kimi, and I'm Kagome's mother"

"H-Hello..." - Shippo muttered with slight embarrassment, only to let out a small cry of surprise when he felt Kurama's tail nudging him where the human woman - "Uh..."

"You're so cute ~" - Kimi said as she took Shippo in her arms and gave him a tight hug.

"Ugh, she's squeezing me so hard..." - Shippo said with tears in his eyes - "Kurama-sama! Help!"

"Ok, I think that was enough, Kimi-san" - said Kurama as he shook his head - "I know a Kitsune cub is cute, but it's not a stuffed animal."

"Oh, I'm sorry" - Kimi replied with slight embarrassment as she watched Shippo hide behind Kurama and look at her apprehensively - "I guess I was out of line"

"Not in the least, it's just that this little guy has been through a lot and such a quick show of affection must have confused him" - replied Kurama, who after hearing the little Kitsune's story, was more than willing to become his new father figure.

"I understand, come, I'm sure you'll enjoy the dinner I'm going to prepare" - smiled Kimi as she walked towards her home.

"Do you need anything for dinner?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Not in the least, we still have plenty of the merchandise you brought" - replied Kimi as she walked back towards her home.

"Ok, I guess they can do whatever they want now, and I have a few things to do before dinner" - Kurama said calmly as he looked at Shippo and Kikyo - "Kagome, I would like you to help them for today, when I get back we will see what to do to solve your situation."

Kagome couldn't say anything in response because the silver haired Kitsune disappeared right after saying that he had a lot of things to do.

"By the way, near here I can sense the presence of a Yokai" - Kikyo said with a frown - "Which surprises me because this era has no ley lines."

"Kurama-san said something about this, though I have no idea what he was referring to" - Kagome said with a frown.

"The ley lines, they are a spiritual current that flows through the earth and helps humans talented enough, as well as Yokai, to focus spiritual energy or Youki" - Kikyo replied calmly while looking at her reincarnation - "It's thanks to the ley lines that you managed to reactivate your spiritual power after absorbing it from the air of the past"

"Wait, so I traveled to the past because the pearl functioned as a pseudo ley line that connected the wells of the two eras?" - Kagome asked with a frown.

"Basically," Kikyo nodded calmly.