Extra 19: Change the World (45)

"Are you okay?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the wolf girl, who was sitting alone at the edge of a cliff.

They had arrived at the home of the wolf clan and had left the children, a moment Ayame used to escape.

"Yes... I'm fine" - Ayame replied in a dull tone.

Kurama slowly walked to the girl and sat down at a safe distance, only to watch as she stood up and jumped into his arms.

The Kitsune was surprised at this, though he quickly relaxed when he heard the sound of the girl's cries.

"I-I!" - Ayame exclaimed as she sobbed - ". . ."

"Easy..." - Kurama murmured as he let out a sigh - "It'll be okay..."

Ayame continued to cry as Kurama shook his head.

The great sage was watching his granddaughter from a safe place, before letting out a sigh - "Maybe I should have intervened when she was still young..."

* * * * *

"I wonder what Kurama-san is up to" - Kagome said as she prepared a quick dinner.

"I wonder the same thing" - Yura replied as she shrugged her shoulders. She was helping Kagome prepare the meal.

Inuyasha was sitting on a nearby branch with his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping, though if one were to look closer, one could notice a strange aura around his body.

"Is he still training?" - Kagome asked with a frown as she didn't like the idea of him doing nothing while they did all the work.

"Yes" - replied Yura calmly as she shook her head - "Done, I've got all the groceries cut."

"Thank you very much, Yura-san" - smiled Kagome as you thought about what the future would hold for them now that she had returned to the past. Yes, it was a bit confusing, but that was the way things were.

* * * * *

"Is this normal?" - Izumi asked with a blank stare at the sight of the perverted monk who honestly reminded her a bit of her brother's godfather - "What do you want?"

"I would like to know the name of such a beautiful lady" - the monk replied with a gentlemanly smile, though the Kitsune girl could feel the slight lust in the monk's gaze. He was hiding it quite well, possibly because he could sense the latent power within her.

"My name, why would you want to know?" - Izumi asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"So I can get to know you better," the monk replied with a smile.

"My name is Izumi Uzumaki" - replied Izumi calmly as she shook her head - "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to meet my traveling companions".

" Travel companions?" - repeated the monk with surprise.

"Yes, they are two siblings" - replied Izumi calmly.

"Two siblings?" - repeated the monk as he lost interest, more when he heard a youthful voice.

"Are you ready, Izumi-san?" - Kohaku asked as he ignored the monk, mostly because he had seen what he had been doing.

"Yes, I was just finishing up getting what we need for our trip" - Izumi replied with a small smile - "Where's your sister?"

"Sister?" - the monk's expression changed drastically because at first, he thought Izumi's companions were a pair of brothers, but now he understood that his assumptions were far from reality.

"Anee-ue is waiting outside the village" - Kohaku answered honestly.

"I understand, then let's go" - nodded Izumi as the two of them left.

"Wait!" - The monk exclaimed as he ran after Izumi.

"What do you want?" - Kohaku asked with a frown.

"I think it's a good idea for me to go with you," said the monk proudly.

"Why?" - Kohaku asked as his frown deepened.

"Because I'm a skilled monk, I can defend you from the dangers on the road" - replied the monk as he folded his arms and flashed Izumi a seductive smile.

"I'm sorry, but that's not necessary" - Kohaku replied as he shook his head - "My sister and I are demon hunters."

"Demon hunters?" - repeated the monk with surprise - "That's perfect, we complement each other quite well, don't you think so too, beautiful lady?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't" - replied a female voice.

"Ane-ue!" - Kohaku exclaimed with a smile.

Sango folded her arms because her brother and his traveling companion were taking too long.

"Hello, beautiful lady!" - The monk exclaimed, only to be punched in the stomach - "Ugh..."

"I hate men who think with their crotch" - said Sango neutrally - "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of ground to cover, let's go."

"Oh, ok" - nodded Izumi as she walked behind the dark brown haired girl.

Kohaku glanced at the monk before following the two girls.

"Th-That hurt..." - muttered the monk as he looked at the girls before shaking his head - "Well, I guess there are times when my charms don't work..."

* * * * *

"Was that necessary?" - Izumi asked as she looked at Sango.

"There are some things you need to learn, Izumi-dono" - Sango said as she shook her head - "No, it's a complete sentence, when you say no, that's the end, and if they don't want to take no for an answer, you can always use more firm methods."

"Violence?" - Izumi asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"That's the last resort" - replied Sango while crossing her arms - "Leaving that aside, I think this is a good time for us to continue with our plans."

"That monk won't be following us?" - Izumi asked with a frown.

"I don't think so, he was an idiot who wouldn't take no for an answer, but he didn't seem like someone bad, I mean, anyone else could have tried to convince you by force" - Sango answered while shaking her head - "And if that had been the case, well, he wouldn't have ended up with a simple punch in the stomach."

"You have a point" - nodded Izumi as the three returned to their journey with an uncertain destination, after all, none of the three had any idea where Naraku might be, and the inhabitants of the nearby villages didn't seem to have any relevant information, except that they had heard a rumor that a strange demon had passed over a village north of where they were - "So, shall we go to that village?"

"Yes, it's the only clue we have" - Sango replied as she shook her head.

* * * * *

"A strong demonic presence?" - Said the monk who had tried to flirt with Izumi and Sango.

"Yes, or at least that's what our local priestess said" - replied the farmer while shaking his head - "Honestly, I have no idea because I don't even believe in such things."

"Hmm, you should believe, because you never know when a Yokai might attack your home" - replied Miroku, the pervert monk - "Anyway, thank you very much for the information"

"In the least, though I'm surprised you're the second person to ask me this" - said the farmer while shaking his head.

"Second person?" - Miroku repeated in surprise.

"Yes, the first person was a cute brown-haired girl who had a strange oversized boomerang along with a two-tailed cat" - replied the farmer skeptically.

"Her?" - Miroku said with surprise while stroking his chin - "Interesting, it seems we'll meet again faster than I thought, maybe even this is our destiny."

"What are you talking about?" - The farmer asked as he looked at the monk with a frown.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just thinking that my trip won't be as boring as I thought, still, I'm curious as to why they asked about this demon" - said Miroku with a frown - "Do you know anything about it?"

"The truth is that they asked the same question as you, if anything had happened during the last few days" - replied the farmer as he thought - "I heard something strange though."

"Oh? What was it that you heard?" - Miroku asked curiously, though his expression changed to a bored one when he saw how the farmer extended his hand - "Really?"

"This isn't charity, boy" - replied the farmer with disdain - "I've already given you far more information than necessary."

"Can I repay you with blessings and exorcism?" - Miroku asked with embarrassment because he didn't have that much money left.

"I'm sorry, kid, but I can't eat with blessings" - replied the farmer while shaking his head.

"Is the information worth it?" - Miroku asked as he sighed regretfully.

"Yes" - nodded the farmer - "It's the possible name of that thing, or at least the Yokai that girl is looking for."

"I understand, here" - said Miroku as he handed him a small bag with money.

The farmer opened the bag for her and nodded - "It's not much, but it's more than enough."

"If so, then I ask you to please speak" - Miroku said as he shook his head and let out a sigh.

"I heard that they were after a Yokai named Naraku" - replied the farmer as he shook his head.

"What did you say?!" - Miroku exclaimed as he grabbed the old farmer by the shoulders - "Repeat the name!"

"I-I heard it was Naraku!" - The farmer exclaimed in fear.

"I finally got a clue about that Yokai!" - Miroku exclaimed with excitement.