Extra 19: Change the World (64)

A month had passed since Kurama had finished with the preparations and resumed his investigation, and although everything was going on normally, there was someone who was a little upset with the current situation, and that was none other than Ayame, who had tried to talk to Kurama more than once, too bad he was unavailable.

"Not yet?" - Ayame asked with a frown.

"For the millionth time, no" - said Ryu with a frown - "Seriously, you should be looking for something to do with your life..."

"I'm trying to save someone, not looking for a hobby" - Ayame replied as she let out a cute snort.

Ryu shook his head as he watched in surprise as a black flash appeared in front of them - "I didn't expect you to come back so soon, Izumi."

"Nice to see you too, Ryu" - Izumi replied sarcastically - "How have you been?"

"Well, training and teaching the locals how to have a better corporatize control" - Ryu answered while grasping the bridge of his nose - "Let's just say that they're not ready for such complex information yet, anyway, not that I don't like to see you, but... What are you doing here?"

"The truth is that I was coming to ask Tousan if he knew anything about Naraku" - Izumi answered seriously - "Since we all met to try to hunt him down, we found out that he had been leaving false clues."

Ryu frowned when he heard this, though he quickly shook his head - "I'm sorry, but I don't think Chichi-ue knows anything, not when he's been locked in his research room all this time."

"That long?" - Izumi asked in surprise - "What is he researching?"

"Actually I'm not sure, though Haha-ue said it's important, and we shouldn't interrupt him" - replied Ryu as he shook his head - "Though what I can tell you, is that Kushina Kaasan has been bringing in a few Yokai."

"Yokais?" - Izumi repeated in surprise, though she quickly frowned - "That doesn't make sense, unless Tousan is using those Yokai for his experiments..."

"It's possible, though as I said, I have no idea what his experiments consist of" - Ryu replied as he looked at his sister.

"What are you talking about?" - Ayame asked with annoyance because she didn't understand shit about what they were talking about.

"Who are you?" - Izumi asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"An annoying girl who's been looking for Chichi-ue for days" - Ryu replied with a frown.

"Hey, I'm not annoying!" - Ayame exclaimed with irritation.

"I understand" - nodded Izumi as she ignored the wolf girl.

"Grr..." - Ayame gritted her teeth before letting out a heavy sigh - "Can't you two be nice?"

"We would be if you had some manners, because if I'm being honest, all you do is keep trying to ask for favors or nagging until things go your way" - Ryu said with a frown - "You constantly say you're not a girl, but you act like one every time someone says no."

Ayame tried to say something, though the words got stuck in her throat, after all, she didn't have a solid argument to defend herself.

"Anyway, now that you're here, I guess it's a good idea for you to go see our mothers, Izumi" - Ryu said as he looked at his sister.

"I guess you're right" - nodded Izumi as she walked towards home.

Ayame looked at the two siblings before letting out a sigh and turning around. The green haired boy's words had made her realize that she was acting like an idiot.

* * * * *

"It's been a while since we've seen Kurama" - Kushina said as she shook her head - "I guess he's putting his all into completing his research."

"It looks like he's getting to the final stage, because he let Tsunade and Hinata in to help him" - said Mikoto while sipping some tea - "Honestly, I wish I was a scientist or an experienced doctor, so I could help him."

"I understand what you're saying, I too regret not accepting Tsunade's proposal to be her apprentice" - sighed Kushina while shaking her head.

"Let's better change the subject" - said Mikoto while sighing regretfully.

"You're right, we can't do anything about it" - nodded Kushina, though her expression changed when she saw how Tsunade walked inside the room - "Huh? What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come and get something to eat?" - Tsunade asked as she raised an eyebrow - "Anyway, I just came to let you know that Kurama is about to come out, the investigation is over, and I think we have a perfect solution for our situation."

"Really?" - Kushina said in surprise.

"I don't gain anything by lying to you" - replied Tsunade while rolling her eyes at her - "Anyway, I'm going back to the lab..."

"Wait, we need more information!" - Kushina exclaimed, though her words were ignored by the sexy big-breasted blonde - "Ugh..."

"Relax, we'll have more information soon" - replied Mikoto as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder - "By the way, where are the others?"

"The Anko Rangers are looking for more evil Yokai for Kurama's experiments, it seems they heard that I was "having fun" with our new friends..." - Kushina replied as she snorted in disdain - "As for the others, I'm honestly not sure, though I can assure you that your sister has to be in the kitchen."

Mikoto remained silent as she shook her head. She had already gotten used to Kushina calling Tsunami as her sister, after all, they were practically identical twins.

* * * * *

"Investigation Log, day 29.... the results were finally favorable after failing the last step for more than 100 times, the test subjects failed to withstand the artificial mixing between chakra and Youki, a problem that may not affect people with a natural chakra network" - said Kurama while taking a long breath - "We finally managed to get a test subject with a pseudo artificial chakra network that can mix Youki and Chakra, although we will have to keep an eye on him to check for adverse effects from the mixing of these two energies"

"Are you finished with your log, Kurama?" - Tsunade asked as she looked at her husband.

"Yes, by the way, I'd like you to check the status of experiment 626" - said Kurama as he walked to a nearby table and drank some water - "Honestly, I feel a bit hypocritical now that I'm doing the same thing I hated Orochimaru for..."

"There is a difference between the motive of your actions" - Tsunade said as she tried to comfort her husband.

"I know, but the actions are the same" - Kurama replied while smiling weakly - "I'm even using the information we managed to retrieve from Otogakure..."

Tsunade was silent before walking to her husband and giving him a kiss on the forehead - "I'm sorry that you have so much weight on your shoulders, you have always been the person who supports the world for us..."

"It's my duty as a husband and father" - Kurama replied as he shook his head.

"I'm going to check on subject 626" - Tsunade said as she walked to the sole survivor of her husband's experiments. She quickly started typing on the computer they had managed to recreate thanks to her husband's skill, and checked his bio-signals - "Hmm, this is strange..."

"Please tell me it's not bad news after finally making so much progress..." - Kurama said as he frowned.

"No, test subject 626 is in perfect condition, it's just that he is unconsciously starting to absorb nature's energy" - replied Tsunade as she started to write in her notebook - "Such it seems that a perfect balance between chakra and Youki makes a direct connection with nature's energy, I guess this is because the two energies are inherent to the subject."

"That's interesting" - mused Kurama as he walked to the test subject, which was a black haired boy who slowly opened his eyes. Kurama wasn't being cruel to an infant, after all, he knew that this Yokai was hundreds of years old and used this innocent appearance to trick his victims to absorb all their vitality.

"How are you feeling?" - Kurama asked while looking at the childish looking Yokai, who only looked at him silently - "Tsunade, I want you to do a quick scan."

"Right away" - nodded Tsunade as she followed her husband's instructions - "Biosignals in perfect condition, temperature normal, oh..."

"What's wrong?" - Kurama asked as he heard Tsunade's voice.

"I think we found the solution to our problems" - said Tsunade as she pointed towards the computer screen.

Kurama slowly approached it, though as he reviewed the information Tsunade had given him, he could do nothing but laugh louder with every passing second.

"This is perfect, with this we can move on to phase two" - Kurama smiled as he walked over to a nearby filing cabinet and picked up one of the documents filed under the letter "O".

"Are you going to start with the cloning process that Orochimaru created?" - Tsunade asked in surprise.

"Yes, although I'm going to need some time to read and analyze all this information" - said Kurama while shaking his head.

"Do you want my help?" - Tsunade asked.

"Sure" - nodded Kurama as he created some clones and set them to read everything.