
New world. Whitebeard territory.

Moby dick ship.

One could see a number of much smaller ships tied with a chain to three huge whale looking vessels. Included among the smaller ships was Ian's Odyssey and it was chained directly to the Moby dick.

A week had already passed since Ian had helped heal the old man back to his prime self using his ability. After all he felt he needed his help against those devils.

The news of Ace's execution were already announced a few days ago and soon it had reached whitebeard's crew. But he didn't panic or anything of the like, he calmly prepared for the upcoming war he will be undergoing against the marines for trying something like this against him and his son. He first recalled all the pirates under him to announce the news of the coming war. The reason he didn't panic, was that now that he was healthy, he feared no one under the sky, just like his old self used to do.

As for his health, he felt like he was back to being the old Edward Newgate, Rogers rival. He felt that with his strength now, he deserved that title once again. And since that was the case he was confident in stirring up the marines this time around. Not to mention that someone as strong as him or possibly even stronger was joining him in the fight. That person being Ian.

Just thinking about this he couldn't wait to see the look on that damn Sengoku's face when they eat dust. It would be a priceless moment. One that he will remember for a long time.

Ever since he was healed he started smiling more, and laughing with his children even more. The first few days after the healing the whole ship was in a festive mood, where they partied till dawn, and all the folks were down from overdrinking, except Ian of course who had no troubles consuming large amounts of alcohol due to his energy cleansing any toxins. As a result he ended up winning a lot of competitions the boys started up, and a lot of money, not that he needed it.

Speaking of Ian he, right now, was with his crew on the deck taking a side of the ship to themselves.

The three girls were relaxing on deck chairs, with the exception of Robin reading a book she found interesting instead of just sleeping, while Bert was a bit away from them, and was training his sword by swinging in consecutive strikes against an invisible opponent. Each strike of his was like a phantom, extremely light and difficult to trace and defend against. Such was the advantage of his race's superior strength.

Though Ian had told them to relax, Bert always liked to train, so Ian just left him to do what he likes.

Ian moved towards them. He just got the plan of action from the old man on how they were going to attack. The past days was spent just like this with him just partying with the others. And sharing drinks with the old man.

He was walking while musing to himself. The only one powerful enough to join him as he fights along the old man would be Elene. The rest would still be in danger if they participated, as such he was going to explain this to them now.

Bert saw him coming, and greeted him.

"Oh hey captain, are you done with your talk?" Bert said. He knew Ian was coming from his talk with Whitebeard about the coming war. Personally he wanted no part of the war, but since his captain, and figure sisters were quite possibly going to participate, he felt he had to protect them.

"Yeah we finished, and I have something to say to you guys." Ian replied as he finally reached them. The girls sat up, and waited for what he had to say.

"I decided that I would join the war alone for our partnership with the whitebeard pirates." He said. And noticed how Elene was going to say something so he held his hands up for her to wait.

"But as I'm sure my dear Elene would not let that be, I decided that she would join me too. And as for you guys you would go to a safe place and wait for us to come after the war is finished. You will be taking the odyssey with you." Ian said.

And thankfully for him, the rest knew when to back off. A war this large was not one meant for them. And they knew Elene and Ian's strengths so they didn't complain about that.

And Bert, who planned to say something too, just swallowed his words back. Even if he wanted to come too, he knew his own strength in front of Elene and Ian wasn't much, so he understood he will only be a hindrance.

Ian who was looking at them, noticed Bert, and knew what was on his mind, but he couldn't risk their lives in something like this, if it wasn't that he knew Elene's powers he wouldn't bring her at all.

Elene had powers that would enable her to be hidden from all the people in the war, as such she could just hide using her shadows, and snipe the opposition off. Nonetheless in the off chance she would be found, her abilities at retreating are the best. Even better than Ian.

But what Ian didn't notice as he was occupied with Bert, was how Robin had a frown on her face for a fleeting second before she too nodded her head in agreement.

"Bert you would be in control while Elene and I are not with you. Considering how you are the only one with better navigation skills, I think it is only fitting. Though Robin can help you too." Ian said to which they once again nodded their heads yes.

"But most importantly, is for you guys to exercise and train more. So that you don't get rusty. I also want you to know that I'm not looking down on you at all. I just want you to stay safe. I wouldn't even want Elene to come, but… but you know how she is" Ian said while releasing a sight at the end, that managed to irritate Elene.

She glared at him, to which he coughed while turning his head to the side, avoiding eye contact.

And they all understood what he was saying to them, but they still laughed at his expense, until the glare was redirected to them so they quieted out instantly.

"Hmph" Elene then snorted a small laugh herself.