Robin’s feelings

New world. Whitebeard's territory.

Moby dick ship. On the deck.

Once Ian finished talking about each one's role, he motioned to Bert to come closer to him.

Once he did so he whispered to him so that others would not hear his words.

"I trust you Bert. As such I give you the responsibility to protect our family in my absence." Ian said in a quiet voice he was sure the mink person would be able to pick but not the rest. He also knew how Bert was usually, as such he didn't say anything more to convey his words. In truth he really did trust him, and after Elene, he was the strongest member of their family so he deserved that.

Along the days they spent together, Ian stopped considering them his friends, and started calling them his family. As each of them felt a kinship with each other.

Bert on his part was honored that Ian trusted him enough to leave things in his hands. As such he gave a heavy nod of acknowledgment to the heavy responsibility being given to him, before he turned back to training, this time with even more vigor in his eyes.

Ian started walking back to their shared room inside the ship of whitebeard, when Elene who had been standing to the side, started walking up and joined him while grabbing his hand in hers.

Once again Robin had a displeased look on her face, which unfortunately for her was noticed by her little sister Stella who gave her a grin, a one that practically said she was in for a hellish teasing from now on. But Robin didn't notice any of that yet.

'Damn it. That vixen!! She is getting ahead of me once again' Robin thought bitterly to herself. Although she said vixen it was just her jealousy speaking. She knew that Elene was not even aware of her feelings, so it was unreasonable for her to blame her for this. But she was growing tired of seeing them getting closer each time while she remained far behind…

In truth, since a while ago, since he saved her precisely, Ian was all her mind could think about. She was perplexed as to why she couldn't stop thinking about him for a while, but due to her high intelligence she soon understood the reason. There was only one reason why it could happen, and it was that she had started liking him.

Ever since he had saved her up, he had already planted the seeds for her to start liking him. Adding to it that he had her join his crew, gave her the 'family' she lacked, with brothers and sisters, not to mention, the one thing she needed considering her relation to the government. He gave her protection. Absolute protection at that.

Then came the factors that sealed the deal. His looks, strength, and personality. He was quite the charming person with his looks. She found herself blushing every time she looked at his well sculpted body in the times he was wearing only shorts to go for a swim or just change.

Such was Ian, he would be just sitting around, when suddenly he takes off his shirt and jumps at the sea for a swim. Sometimes he even dives deeper and comeback with a huge fish that would be stored for later cooking.

His strength put him equal to someone as strong as whitebeard or perhaps so there was nothing more to talk about in that. And there was also the fact that she felt he was getting even stronger with time, as such Ian's strength was not one to be questioned.

As for his personality. She found it admirable. If he found someone in need of help he would lend it. But he was not a saint, so he would not go out of his ways to search for people in need of help. Which was another thing she liked about him. Also she had already understood he wouldn't hesitate to kill those he found cruel or evil from how she saw him operate. She had been part of the underground world for a while so she knew the real way the world works, and she didn't want his hesitation in killing to be his downfall.

Everything about him seemed to her the perfect person to be with.

But unfortunately for her. Someone named Elene was standing in her way. It took her a while to accept that she liked him, but once she did, she found out he was already taken. So she couldn't help but frown in displeasure and a bit of jealousy each time the both of them got close just like happened today when Elene grabbed his hands.

She shook her head for now, and returned to reading the book she had put aside when Ian had come earlier. She would think more about this later before she goes to sleep, where her mind would be more focused. That said though, even if she wanted to lay the subject to the side for now…

Her little sister disagreed.

"Big sis Robin, I couldn't help but notice how you looked earlier when you saw Ian and Elene. Are you perhaps sick? Is that the reason you looked displeased?" Stella said with an 'innocent' smile on her beautiful delicate face.

"Or do you perhaps like big broth-". She continued saying with an evil grin. But two arm sprouted from her shoulders and closed her mouth in an instant. But it was futile she knew that Bert who was nearby would have heard it already what with him being a mink and all.

Robin had a look of displeasure on her face. She knew she was in for a hell of a teasing as she gave a tired sigh. She knew that Bert would not mind what he heard much. But if Elene by chance heard Stella she wouldn't be quick enough to hide in a hole from embarrassment as they were in the sea.