
New world.

Whitebeard's territory. Moby dick.

Back to Ian.

When he along with Elene reached their shared room.

He looked at Elene for a bit, and had a helpless smile on his face.

"Do you really enjoy it that much?" He couldn't help but say bitterly as he precisely knew what she was doing earlier.

"Hehe, you should at least let me have this much fun. Besides I think that Robin needs to come to turn with her feelings for you on her own, and once she has the courage to face you, then and only then would I stop teasing her and playing dumb as if I don't know she likes you." Elene said, with a simple smile adorning her lovely face.

Ian gave a nod as he leaned closer to her and held her in a hug with his hands on her waist. He had already explained to her that he like robin,and since he thought she was dead he had been avoiding those feelings...

"I understand. And then?" He asked her as he looked into her eyes.

"I know what you really want to know from that question." She said with a small glare. "But relax, I am not cruel to have you choose between us." She added when she saw him tense up, and his arms tighten.

Only then did he release the breath he didn't know he was holding since she started talking.

"Of course I won't, as I already know you would choose me." She added with a mischievous smile.

"Y-yes of course I would." Ian strained to smile back at her. In truth, if he was met with that option of choosing, he really would choose Elene. That decision was final, and already set in stone.

"I'm just joking, idiot. Haha. Of course, I won't put you in that situation. To be honest, I do not mind sharing with her. As I already know how much you liked her back then when this whole thing was just an anime. And since I made it my purpose to enjoy life this time around to the fullest I will not rob you of this. Your real problem will be if 'she' will be willing to share. Also, this whole world was in fact just a fantasy made for the enjoyment of its readers, as such I see no reason for us not to enjoy ourselves now that we are living in it" She finally spoke seriously after a small laugh.

Ian gave a short nod of agreement.

"Well, I will leave that problem until the day it comes." He said. Now however he had a war to prepare for, a war he was sure will go much more differently than in cannon with how much had changed things up.

"By the way, why did you tell them to leave first? Did you forget that I could use my shadows to teleport us if we need to?" She curiously asked.

There was a few seconds of silence. Before a dry laugh left Ian's mouth.

"Haha, I did" He admitted readily. This was to be his wife, he saw no reason to be embarrassed over something like this.

"Well this changes plans a bit. We can make sure the rest are in a safe place, before we both can join the old man. As for the timing, we'll have them call us at the right time. Right this will work." Ian mused to himself.

"You could also finally integrate the DNA of the Mink tribe no?" Elene added from the side.

It was no surprise that she will know about that. After all there was no one more appropriate to tell than her.

Ian gave a nod. It certainly will come in handy. Only two days were left. And they would be enough for them to reach a safe place.






The two days had already passed, and the war time was closing in. anytime now Ian was anticipating the call.

Knowing full well that the moment he teleports he would be in the presence of armies of men, marines and pirates alike.

He had already integrated the Mink's DNA he got from Bert. And though the effect it had was not noticeable at first, with him and Elene taking measures to find out its effect, he eventually reached a conclusion as to it effect.

It was as she had hid herself completely from him, in a way that no matter what he does he wouldn't find her, she had shot her sniper rifle, with the weakest of her shots of course.

But what happened ended up shocking them both.

He dodged it easily by sidestepping.

Even his observation Haki at its current state, did not allow him to do that. Of course if Ian used his observation Haki along with telekinesis he would be able to find Elene easily.

And after a couple of tests similar to that, he concluded that it was a sort of a danger sense on an instinctual level.

When they tried the same thing with Bert, they finally confirmed their earlier thoughts.

Bert had not been able to dodge, but it was apparent from his fur standing on end, that he knew he was being attacked. It was only Ian's strong reflexes and body that allowed him to dodge.

Currently Ian was sitting in a house on an island that he deemed safe for his crew and ship to stay at. By his side there was Elene too. They had already said goodbye to Robin and co who were inside the house.

He took deep breaths to calm his beating heart.

Then took a look once more in his ring to make sure he had everything he needed.

He had bought a few weapons he would need for his talent to shine it's brightest.

He had also finally got to buy the weapon he was the most proficient in, along with a few that would work with his telekinesis.

He was just done with checking, when the den den mushi by his side started ringing.

"Hey Brat, It's time." When he grabbed it the old man's voice was heard.

Ian shared a look with Elene before they both grinned and vanished from there in a swirl of shadows.