Saving the day

New world.

An old man reading a newspaper could be seen. He had a rice cracker on one hand, while on the other the paper.

He was minding his business while beside him stood another old man.

This one was meditating, while a goat laid down beside him eating lettuce.

All of a sudden the surrounding air changed, as both Garp and Sengoku got alerted.

Raising their heads, they both looked in the same direction.

Directly in their line of vision, something huge was in the sky.

"What the hell is happening…?" Garp muttered in shock.

Sengoku stayed silent but shared the same thought. Even someone like Fujitora wouldn't be able to do something like this.

'Is it that Im…?' He thought to himself.

A flaming meteor was descending down from the sky furiously as if to bring with it the end of the world.

And Garp and Sengoku both knew that it was indeed true.

If that landed down, they were sure the tsunamis resulting from it were capable of erasing the new world completely…

Garp hurried on and grabbed his den-den mushi and was about to call Ian, but a hand stopped him.

"You fool, can't you use your brain for once… Who do you think is on the receiving end of that meteor?" Sengoku berated Garp.

Garp considered for a bit and nodded his head.

It was true. Only Ian was a huge threat for Im at this time. And they knew she would do anything to kill him… this must be one of her doings once again.

If so they chose to put their trust in Ian and leave this to him.


On another part of the new world…

The red hair pirates were partying on an island when their captain all of a sudden had gotten serious.

Ben, his first mate also noticed what his captain was looking at.

"If that lands… The islands on the new world are don for…" he spoke up after a while…

Shanks turned to give him a look.

He had a grin on his face.

"It won't." He said happily.

Ben didn't know why his captain was so confident but he questioned.

"How are you so sure?" he asked.

Shanks's grin widened even more.

"Well, that's because… Ian is there!" He said cheerfully.

Before he raised his cup and yelled loudly.

"You guys… Prepare for a wild party… Soon we'll have some unforgettable fireworks coming up in the sky!!"


New world, Kurma.

Deep into the forest, reaching the end of the island, Geo was sitting atop Kurma's head.

He was sitting cross-legged and enjoyed the fresh breeze hitting on his face.

"It has begun to make a move…" Geo muttered to no one…

Silence greeted him back for a while until suddenly an ancient voice spoke up.

"All is within the plan… Young Ian can handle it this time, you do not have to worry, Guardian…"

"But your words ring true… The harbinger of chaos has awoken…"

Geo calmly listened.

In truth, he was not worried.

Although it has awoken, it can't do much for now… even this part must have taken a huge deal of power. And he was sure Ian could deal with it.

He had raised and trained him. And he knew Ian was tough. This much was nothing to him.


"AHHHHHHHHH" Ian yelled with his all.

He wasted no time. He gathered every ounce of his power, Haki, devil fruit, golden flames, his everything.

He was already in his Raijin form, thus ding all this took him just one second.

The meteor coming down on his form already started to affect him even before landing. It brought with it a huge pressure, which almost had Ian buckle down and kneel from the weight.

This was the reason he yelled. He was straining his body to fight against this and deal the strongest attack he was capable of now, in the hopes of stopping this massive object bearing down on them.

But Ian stood his ground and spread his legs for a better footing.

He then started to raise his right arm to the sky, where a combination of fire and electricity taking on a purple-gold color was condensing.

He took a deep breath, bent his arm a bit before he pushed with his everything releasing the attack he was condensing.


A huge explosion sound resulted from this action and lead to a shockwave spreading around Ian as the CenterPoint. It was a huge aftereffect and it spread around making the already turbulent sea more violent…

Dust raised and everyone and everything was pushed away… the ground started to break and the trees were uprooted…

From Ian's hand a purple and golden dragon-shaped attack was released with such a speed it reached the meteor instantly. It was still connected to Ian as he kept pumping more energy into it…

Upon touching the meteor, a few seconds of struggle between the two happened, but then Ian yelled and increased the power even more, and the meteor all of a sudden stopped in place due to the force.


Ian was using his all. After this, he was sure he would be completely spent…

Then suddenly the meteor started to break from the point of impact and started to get divided into various parts that acted as small meteorites themselves.

But Ian was not about to let that happen. Although it wasn't as dangerous as before, it would still ruin many islands and destroy them…

With another yell, Ian changed his form of attack.

The dragon that had somehow gotten a bit smaller than before, divided into thousands of smaller dragons, with each one following after a meteor and destroying it leaving only dust.

However, no matter how much Ian tried… he couldn't deal with them all on his own.

Some landed on the sea and resulted in tsunamis that drowned some islands.

Others landed on some countries in the new world and dealt them huge damage no matter how much they tried to stop it.

Others managed to stop them and leave with minimal damage…

Once he was sure he dealt with everything he could reach, Ian suddenly felt he had hit the limit of his reserves…

He was for the first time in his life, out of Haki… His devil fruit powers… They won't activate…

He laid down splattered on the ground heaving and panting from the exhaustion.

Right now, if someone strong like Aokiji tried to take advantage of him in this state he could easily do so.

Elene as if sensing this, hurried along to his form and watched over him vigilantly. The crew members also came nearby and stayed vigilant.

Ian wasn't worried though, he had a smile on his face. He trusted them.

And they would never betray him.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep soon after.