
Although Ian and were already sailing for the first island they had decided on, it didn't mean they were going to reach it any quicker even if they had started while he was out.

In fact, such an island that Ian had at first believed to be quite close to them, ended up taking them two days to reach. Which was fast for any normal crew, but not them since their situation was special. What with the ship cutting through the wind due the shield surrounding it, thus making travel extremely fast.

Albeit this time, the sea was relatively calm. Only occasionally raining or snowing, nothing too crazy. Considering the storms and tornados they faced before… Indeed, nothing too crazy.

The island they were heading to right now was the closest island from Lodestar island to reach.

Its name as noted on the red stone was: the frozen isles of the Akula.

And as can be guessed from the name and written information, it wasn't an island per se, more like a bunch of isles connected. And frozen at that. Not that it would change anything for the crew… They were past caring about such things as the weather, cold, hot, it was the same for them.

Ian and co settled for this island first. Why?

Of course, that was due to this being just a blind guess for them. In fact, reaching this island, there was a possibility that they might not find anything worth their time. Thus, while they were going for a blind guess this time, it made sense to go for the closest island from the four. As even this 'close' one, had taken them two days… who knows how long it would take them to reach the farthest island. If they found something, then good, if not, then it's still okay, they didn't waste too much time.

'Since these isles have such a name… Then our theory has gained a few points of credibility. After all, I can't see why it would have such a weird name, if it wasn't an island with something special, considering that these aren't regular islands but ones documented right into the only stones containing the location of the last island.' Ian who was leisurely watching from atop the ship thought to himself.

The whole crew were behind him, ready to take their first step as they gazed forward at the nearby isles.

The ship remained a bit away from them since it appeared that the water near the isles was quite cold and might be damaging to the ship. Well not really, but it wasn't worth it to try and see.

These isles consisted of one big island surrounded by a few small ones, well it might be said they were small, but in reality, each one was as big as a regular island on the new world.

But even before landing, Ian had known they were in trouble or rather will be…

Why? His observation Haki had picked up a very strong presence on this island heading toward them.

He looked at his crewmates and noticed the same vigilant look present in their eyes.

"Relax, we got this." He reassured them, to which they nodded their heads.

You can't blame them, after all, they were just recently attacked.

Ian who was on top of the deck, had his eyes glow all of a sudden, and this time he directly teleported the whole ship with him. Libell wouldn't have been able to react.

All of a sudden, the same instant Ian and co had disappeared, from the sea the ship was on, a massively huge jaw clamped shut on the previous space they were in. This simple action of the jaws closing in, lead to huge tsunamis forming that started to spread around.

But Ian and co had disappeared from there already so they didn't care.

Ian had moved quite fast, and in the same breath, he stored the ship, and he and the rest landed on the island vigilantly.

Ian had been keeping tabs on this presence when all of a sudden it disappeared from his perception, and if not for his Future sight, it would have been too late for them…

Ian had his back drenched in cold sweat.

"What the heck is that?" Stella was the first one to voice out.

Hearing her all of them subconsciously nodded their heads in wonder.

The massive jaw that was still closed, belonged to a huge beast, that appeared to be a mix of some shark species and some other unknown being.

It had icy scales all over its body, and they appeared to be so sharp that they can shred apart anything easily. Its mouth had a few rows of extremely sharp teeth ready to tear a ship apart at any second.

And the most important thing was its massive size, only paling next to Ariel, who himself was huge.

Its eyes contained a glint of intelligence as it eyed them.

Slowly the huge mixed beast started to walk towards them.

Yes, walk. It had four limbs, with the front two having sharp icy claws that contained webbing between each digit, meanwhile, the last two were similar to regular shark fins.

While the rest of them readied for an attack, Ian however had something else in mind.

He stepped forth and spoke up.

"Hello there, my name is Ian D. Louis. I have a question for you, do you belong to Ariel's side?" Ian questioned.

He was feeling something similar to what Ariel exuded, so he had this guess. He knew that although his guess might be wrong, he was confident it wouldn't be so far from the point.

"Hmm… Your name is known to this one beforehand… And while this one is on the same side of the Empyrean kings, we do not belong to the same faction. I serve under one of the supreme ones, the ruler of the vast seas…" The Shark beast, didn't move it's mouth but its voice was heard all over.

Ian and co were surprised as their eyebrows raised. Their theory about their being a sea ruler was proven right now.

"Then if we belong to the same side, why are you attacking us?" Ian asked perplexed.

Was this sea king, against them? Did it betray its ruler?

"For you, reaching the last island will not be so easy… This is your test, Human child… If you win then you may pass to the next stage, if not, then you would have failed the supreme ones… You may have gotten the gift of Poseidon, but neither I nor my kind will serve under you, unless you are proven worthy… And the same goes for our flying brethren."

"I, Urgo'v, challenge you Ian D. Louis… Fight me and prove your worthiness!!"


Immediately after it finished talking it didn't leave any time for Ian to dwell on what it said, it roared as loud as it could, and charged at Ian.

From all over the island, various sea kings, started to appear from the water and charged at Ian's crew.

Ian only had enough time to warn his crew before he was engaged into a fight with the now named sea king, Urgo'v.