Vs Shark sea-king

"Watch out!!"

Ian only had enough time to shout that out to his crewmates, before he entered his strongest form, His Rajin form while simultaneously in spiritual resonance.

This was something that until now he hadn't done before, even when facing Shanks.

There was a good reason for that. And that was because he wasn't able to at the time.

Plus at that time they were still training so it wasn't the time for the more advanced application of it.

But now Ian didn't have the luxury to play around first. Why?

This opponent of his, whose name was earlier revealed to be Urgo'v, was someone Ian couldn't afford to play against. The moment it had appeared, it had managed to avoid Ian's senses and Haki. Although his future sight did trigger at that time, it wasn't doing so now, so he assumed this sea king was also a master of the spiritual resonance skill, or maybe it came naturally to it.

At any rate, Ian didn't have time to play against someone who was in the fourth stage, so he went all out from the start.

He blitzed away and dodged the incoming attack easily. His form appearing tens of meters away.

Then he turned to look at his opponent from a distance away.

"Impressive speed, young Ian! I see you have managed to enter that state… Hmm, but it doesn't matter… Hahaha," Urgo'v laughed in a dark creepy voice before it started to gather energy at its mouth.

The energy appeared to be water based and spun around like a cyclone near its mouth full of sharp teeth.

'So this sea king also knows about spiritual resonance… Plus it and the rest under it don't want to answer my orders as Poseidon…' Ian had a fleeting thought.

Ian didn't just sit and wait for it to attack though, instead he gathered a huge amount of lightning and fire with each in one hand, before he shot them towards its mouth in an attempt to explode everything and deal massive damage to it.

The two serpentine attacks twirled around each other but didn't touch at all. Their speed was impressive, and Ian had packed in them enough strength that he was sure it could offset that attack and deal some damage.

The moment it made a contact though, dust was raised from the surroundings as a huge explosion rang out and everything became obscured.

Ian frowned and stayed alert for anything that might have happened or might happen.

Soon from the dust cloud, a beam of chilling icy water was shot at Ian at an unimaginable speed that even though Ian was already alert for, it still managed to reach closer to him than he'd want.

He hastily tried to dodge, but it was just too fast and he knew it was going to hit him at the speed it was going, as such, he resolved to tank it instead.

'This damn overgrown shark lizard is annoying…'

He concentrated and spread his Haki all over his body, and even though it wasn't apparent, this was the highest defensive state he had.

Next, he layered multiple barriers over each other in a spherical shape surrounding his form, but they weren't just regular barriers, no they were made from the golden fire that he had gotten from Ariel.

He figured since this beast uses freezing water jets, he might as well use the fire of another beast similar to him to counter the effects.

It turned out he was correct, as the moment the freezing water made contact with the barriers, it started to freeze the flaming barriers, but it wasn't able to penetrate over it, until the frozen parts started to melt next, and the barriers were back at full 100%.

Ian breathed a soft sigh. If this didn't work then he would have taken the attack with his own body, and he wasn't sure how that could have gone, after all, he could feel how cold that beam was even while hiding behind his flaming barriers. He might have been injured quite badly.

'Such an attack was just casually made … Sea kings aren't as weak as I thought.' Ian thought to himself.

His form that was in the line of sight of Urgo'v vanished all of a sudden.

And then a hundred meters above him in the sky, Ian appeared already cocking back his spear while fully coated in his lightning-flame combination, and he sent it at such a speed it reached the beast instantly.

But even so, it still managed to cover the place the spear was going to shoot at with a deep blue water like energy before the spear finally made contact.

The sheer force behind the attack had the legs of the beast sinking into the ground from the pressure alone, and its shield was destroyed like a knife cutting through butter before the spear touched its scales.

Then an explosion followed after courtesy of Ian.

The spear soon showed up in Ian's hands as he grinned and waited to see the damage he had dealt.

"That damn stupid human loving cat… Curse you for giving him this annoying fire!!" A deep growling voice announced ragefully.

Soon Ian was able to see that a wound had opened up on the back of the beast. He was able to relax just then.

Since this attack of his had contained nearly 70% of his full power.

And if this didn't manage to even wound it, then he would have been doomed. As even his full on attack might not damage it…

'Hmm, I should focus on using the flames more against it.'

But now… Now he knew they could really play.

And from what it was saying, Ian knew he should focus more on using his golden flames. They appeared to be extra helpful against it. As was shown due to its wound still being lit up in a fire which it hurriedly was trying to extinguish.

A quick look at his crewmates and Ian was left assured that they were fine.

"Let's go for round two shall we?" Ian asked with a smirk.

This fella wasn't so scary anymore for him.

This was a rare showing of smugness from Ian. Still, nobody can blame him for it.

"So arrogant already… hmm, let's see if you can stay that way for long!" Urgo'v apparently didn't like how Ian was acting.

That was understandable too since it was being looked down on.

Thus, round two continued on.