Vs ‘shark sea-king’ minions (1/2)

While Ian was busy with his fight against the shark sea king, His crew were also busy fending off the attacks of a group of rather strong sea kings.

The moment Urgo'v had charged ahead, from the water a bunch of see kings varying in size and form charged at them furiously. They were previously gathered in one place near Ian, but the sea-kings had emerged from between them so everyone was separated now.


Akemi was being attacked by a sea king that had the head of a cow and has a very long neck, and its body had a tail and two fins that it used as arms. And even though its head was of a cow, it wasn't the least bit funny, rather the tusks emerging from its mouth made it look frightening.

Right now she didn't care nor dare to hold back as if she did it she would be the only one here that will end up regretting it.

"It seems that from now on there is no use in holding back." She muttered with a grin. Before brandishing her hand aside and throwing a pill into her mouth. That was the lunar pill.

This was a significant gesture that she wasn't going to hold back, not when she can see how strong their opponents this time were.

Rarely did the crew members need to go all out, but it appears that on the journey to Laughtale, it would be needed for all of them to take their fights seriously.


A low growl escaped Akemi's mouth as she started to transform amidst the crackling electricity sounds. Her height started to increase, and though her power grew monstrously from before, her form remained the same and as alluring as before. In fact, it had turned somewhat even more alluring and captivating if such a thing was even possible.

Her fluffy tail also increased in length and her claws grew longer and sharper.

The most impressive change however was her slitted eyes.

They had turned to a deep feral and glowing red color. The Gentle look that used to be present on her face vanished, instead it was replaced with coldness and a glint of ferociousness. But apart from looking like that, Akemi also somehow gave off the vibe of playfulness.

Akemi crouched on the ground and jumped suddenly, and while in the air, she watched how the sea king's jaw closed shut in the previous space she was in.

"You want to eat me? Heh, dream on." She snorted and with nimble movements, she raced through the sky (Geppo+Soru), and swiftly flew to reach its head and she dropped her right leg for an axe kick full of electricity at such a casual showing that it appeared she didn't use any strength. But the fact that the beast was thrown violently down in an explosion of electricity, said otherwise.

"It's apparent that the captain knows these fellows, that means, no killing then… But it won't hurt to play around, right?" Akemi softly muttered with an excited look deep in her eyes.

Her excitement increased even more when she saw what happened next.

The sea king shook off the rubble and dirt from itself as it got out of the pit it was in. Its appearance was still fine even after such a heavy attack.

"Let's playyy" Akemi was happy.


By her side, Bert was also dealing with a similar sea king that attacked him as soon as they were divided.

This one however had an eel head and didn't have any legs or big fins to use as arms, still, it appeared it was able to breathe outside the water just fine.

Bert had to dodge water bullets thrown at him at such a speed it wouldn't be possible to dodge if It wasn't for the fact that he was in his Sulong form.

He was in this state for a while now just dodging around. He had transformed immediately while still in the sky.

But something weird can be observed from this fight the more it continued on. One, was that Bert was salivating a bit as his eyes gazing at the beast was a bit heated…

Second, was that the beast somehow gave off the vibe of being angry, even though it had no facial features.

Why was it angry though?

"What will this eel taste like if I cooked it?" Bert was muttering to himself as he was dodging around.

Maybe that was the reason why it was pissed off at him. Bert was thinking of cooking this Eel, and what taste it would have. If Ian was here he would have wondered about that too…

The beast as if it could hear him had gotten even more angrier. It got completely out of the water and bent itself like a snake does when it wants to intimidate someone/something, before it launched itself at him furiously.

Bert's heart was thumping loudly, although it had appeared he was casually taking this fight, he was as alert as he can be, in fact, he had been taunting it on purpose all this while since this Eel sea king was quite hard to deal with.

He didn't want to just keep dodging away, but this beast had vicious attacks, and when he retaliated by Electro, it somehow didn't damage it at all, and it even appeared to him that it was mocking him somehow.

And when he tried to use his sword, it didn't let him get near, and the one time he did manage to do so, it had submerged underwater, and attacked him from under.

That was dangerous to him, since he couldn't pick its presence from the start, not to mention when he couldn't even see it.

Thus began the game of taunting it to resurface.

And now he finally gave a grin as he brandished his sword.

"Finally, an opportunity!"

He sheathed his sword, before he bent his leg and jumped forward with as much strength as he could, but didn't draw his sword just yet.

No, he didn't even move his hand from his sword's hilt, until the sea king was merely one meter away from him before he finally started his attack.

His whole sword while still sheathed started to glow in electricity, as the glow kept intensifying until it completely appeared as if it was made from lightning itself.


*swish* *rumble*


"-Blade" Bert finished his words as he sheathed his sword and appeared a bit away from the beast.

And on its whole body, a spiral-shaped wound from its head to its tail appeared as it roared in pain.