Termination Notice

Qing Chen went out the party and met the investigator that he hired to trace down everything from the Dai family.

He was handed a thick folder.

"This took longer than usual," he commented.

"It was really hard to trace, Mr. Qing. There were a lot of middle men in these operations."

Qing Chen nodded and said his thanks before walking back to the party. He was casually reading the files, flipping through the papers.

In the end, with Da Xia's car exploding, it had made Qing Chen's job easier. They were finally able to track down the person who had Mr. Dai killed. They knew it was no accident and they knew it was Mrs. Dai who did it. But they lacked the proof and now he had it.

He was just about to head to his seat when a hand grabbed his arm. He smiled. Just the person he wanted to see. "Dai Fang," he greeted. "You're late."

The other guy did not look like he was as pleased as Qing Chen. "I heard what happened to my sister."