Paint The Town Red

As soon as the other woman's name slipped off her lips, something glinted in the dark. Her heart pounded in anticipation and Feng Xuan raised her hand and caught it at the hilt. "Seriously? A butter knife?"

"I wasn't really planning to kill you."

Feng Xuan could only vaguely remember the girl whom she trained with back at Master's grounds. The one with the short hair and completely wiped the floor with her on her first few days. "Are you wearing a wig?"

"It's fabulous, isn't it?" Ma Min replied to her, running a hand to the length of the straight black hair. "It's really heavy though."

"It looks pretty," she said, she nodded towards Ma Min's dress. "How did you even get here?" then she pulled her question back. "Never mind. I shouldn't even asked."

For the first time Ma Min had smiled at Feng Xuan. "Well, if you want to know, I came from the roof of the roof—to hell with this building—then rappelled down here."

"In heels and a gown?"