The couple took a few minutes to wind down and feel like their stomach could have space for air again. They slumped together on the booth. She was hugging his arm and his hand was on her inner thigh.
"When we get old, you're going to grow fat too, like your Father," she said.
Qing Chen smiled. Before, he would've said that the was highly unlikely. But now… "Yeah, I guess I will be just like him."
His father and him have a lot more things in difference than in common and maybe that was why he wanted to add more on the latter list.
He tugged on her thigh. "Are you ready to go?"
Feng Xuan's feet were killing her. It was as if they were not yet done punishing her even though she rested them for a few hours.
"Do you want a pair of slippers?" Qing Chen asked when he noticed that she was leaning heavily on him and her steps were wobbly. It was not that he minded, but he would want her in comfort.