We'll Create Evilness

"My, my, Qing Chen," Feng Xuan said with a slight grin. "I thought you hated the mafia in its entirety."

Qing Chen shifted and leaned against the railing with his behind. "I don't hate the mafia. I just hate what it does. That's why I'm going to change it so I would not despise it so much."

"So I take it the casino is that only thing you like about this?"

"And the horse tracks," he nodded. "It was an easy fix."

Feng Xuan stood in front of him, in all her sexiness in that black pantsuit. "We're going to get rid of the drugs and the human dog fights, we're going to make the situations better for the girls who want to dance, then we're going to keep the casinos and the horse tracks. Okay, what else?"

Qing Chen pushed himself and put an arm on Feng Xuan's lower back. He steered her to the exit. "There's one thing I am partial about."

"And what is that?"

"The last door."

"What's in the last door?"
