Mother's Dead

Lunch had been delightful and was something that Qing Chen did not know that he missed. His grandmother was also there. She looked so much better than the last time that he had seen her.

When they were done eating, Qing Chen looked at Feng Xuan and she nodded knowingly. He needed the privacy with his family and she excused that she was making dessert in the kitchen.

Qing Chen knew that his father felt that something was wrong. They were already in the living room and the silence settled in the room. For a few seconds it was just the sound of waves that they could here.

"Chen," said Wuming. "You're not going to do this."

"I am," he answered his brother.

Qing Lok stayed quiet. He didn't want to get in between his two brothers on this. 

Their father spoke. "Well, what are you two talking about?"