I'm Scared

Wuming's eyebrows furrowed. "What? Are you going to do a manhunt just based on grandmother shifting in her freaking seat?!"

Feng Xuan felt Qing Chen's body tensed. It reminder her of an animal just about ready to spring for its prey. She put her hand on his thigh and squeezed, willing him back to calmness.

Qing Chen gritted his teeth.

"Don't be a fool, Qing Chen," said Wuming.

There was another moment of silence between the four of them. It was Qing Lok who broke it after half a minute.

"Can't we try?" he asked. "It would be a quick search. Let's do everything we can to find out if something else happened that night."

"I don't want to waste my time on that."

"A month," pressed Qing Lok. "Give us a month. Lend us your help. Trust me. It would help you sleep more peacefully at night. If nothing comes out of it, then at least we know, right? Then we could set all our energies in trying to find sister-in-law's mother."