Feng Xuan was not able to sleep that night. All she could think about was how she could help this family reunite together. She should not be problematizing about this as more than half of the said family blatantly expressed their lack of desire to reconcile.
"Aren't you excited to be going home?" Qing Chen asked when he stepped out of the shower.
Feng Xuan was done and was already dressed. She was busy untangling her hair with a round brush. "A bit," she said.
Qing Chen, on the other hand, although it was not that obvious, looked very much excited to be going back to their house. It was not like he was smiling too much or jumping up and down in joy, but it was evident as he had already packed up his items and cleaned everything. He even made the bed while Feng Xuan was in the bathroom.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Feng Xuan tried. "You know, at least until your mom is better."