Feng Xuan found it mind-boggling that she was in the office the first Monday that they encountered. After all that they had gone through, here she was again, back at her desk and chair, facing piles of folders and a calendar full of meetings.
"You seem to be doing better than I am," she told Qing Chen over lunch. They were having it in his office.
"What do you mean?" he asked, spearing a vegetable stalk with his fork.
"With work." She eyed the small pile on his table.
"Are you having trouble? Do you want me to help you?"
She shook her head. "I think I'm doing fine. It's just… somehow I can't wrap my mind on it today."
Qing Chen smiled. "You'll get the hang of it again."
She slurped some of the warm broth. "What if I don't get the hang of it again?"