It took Feng Xuan a second before she could reply. "Qing Chen needs me in the office."
Wang Yimin snorted. "We both know your husband is more than capable of handling The Kingly Empire. He probably just offered you the job so you could feel useful."
Feng Xuan's eyes would've flashed at her cousin but the possibility of it being true stopped it all together. There was no doubt about Qing Chen's management abilities. Maybe he was really just being kind to her.
"That was a joke, okay?" Wang Yimin said to her silence.
"No offense taken," she sighed and grabbed another folder with a huge sticker at the front labelled "MAKE-UP PROPOSALS". She started to flip through the clear book and saw beautiful colors on the faces of the models.
"What do you think?"
Feng Xuan shook her head. "Everything looks amazing. I don't think I'm really for this job when I can't even choose something as simple as this."