Everyone was relieved to see that it was only Wuming trying to break into the Qing's Mansion.
Qing Lok dropped the dagger on the kitchen island. "I swear to God, Wuming. One of these days, I'm going to put something in your food and drive you down in a hospital for the criminally insane."
Wuming tried to find a clear space for his hands so he could get up, but Qing Chen already grabbed the collar of his shirt and hauled him to his feet. "Make sure that it's a new poison. I kind of made my body immuned to some of them." Then he winced, clutching his rib. "Geezus, Chen, are you made of steel? I think I'm getting a bruise."
Qing Chen took the magazine out of the pistol. "Grandmother's going to kill you."
"I'll fix it all up tomorrow," he groaned when he saw the mess. His grandmother was REALLY going to kill him. His eyes lighted up when he saw the reprimanding look on Addison's face. "Hey, honey!"