La Hiena's Foot

La Hiena was frustrated. Who would not be frustrated at a time like this? He pounded a fist against his desk. He saw that his immediate second winced at the sound. Compared to La Hiena's hulking form, his second had been someone who was thin and hairy. Like a wet rat. 

"I think we should just kill them," said his second, eyeing the gleaming gun under the harsh light of a lamp. "It would make our jobs easier."

"No," said La Hiena. "You know what we should be doing? Convincing the Qings to sign another contract with us." In his frustration, he put another tobacco on the corner of his mouth and lighted it.

His second was a no-brainer. He was not sure what that term really meant but in his opinion, it was someone who had a brain but did not know how to use it. "Why should we do that?"