Die Than Answer

Feng Xuan was getting tired of waiting as well. It was like they were all holding their breath until all the action starts. She was even being tempted to join Wuming's idea of hunting down La Hiena instead of waiting here. But then again, with them leaving their sacred ground, meant they would be leaving Chengshi vulnerable.

She was not liking this idleness. She did not want to be thinking over her head again. It was why she was liking this wars in the first place because it was giving her a reason not to face her own problems.

She had been trying to get in touch with her father for a few days now. Feng Xuan was still mad at him for trying to escape her. He had been eluding her. She knew it, and it was not a nice feeling to be settling in her chest. Here she was again, pacing in their bedroom, biting her lips as the line kept on ringing.

She gasped when the line was answered. 


"Father!" she exclaimed. "I haven't been able to reach you!"