Forest Havens

Feng Xuan left early the following morning. Forest Havens was an hour drive away from the city. She did not think that Qing Chen was really going to let her go alone, but with enough convincing and pleading, he had been able to say yes to her.

But of course, her car was filled with weapons and emergency buttons. She was not supposed to be out alone in this crucial time. But she had to get her answers now. It could no longer wait.

Feng Xuan could almost hear her heartbeat. Why was she feeling so nervous about this? She should be happy as this prospect could lead her to the biggest question of her life. She was mostly certain now that her mother was alive.

If Aunt Chunhua was going to be able to lead her to the right direction, she could already see the clear picture in her head. She was going to be with her mother and they were going to be enjoying a nice drink and they would be catching up for all the years that they were apart.